Here is the original viz: What works well: A simple bar chart, sorted in descending order from highest to lowest, listing the top 25 countries. By 2030, the two countries will have traded places: Chinese adults are projected to drink more than 10 litres on average, while American consumption of alcohol will drop slightly to 9.5 litres. Minimal use of color. At 26.5 million hectoliters, France was … Campaigns against alcohol consumption launched by various organizations in many countries is another major challenge that is hindering the market growth. Alcohol consumption is defined as annual sales of pure alcohol in litres per person aged 15 years and older. The United States consumes the largest volume of wine of any country, at 33 million hectoliters in 2019. Alcohol seems to be involved in every major celebration but equally in a typical Friday afternoon and for #MakeoverMonday in this week we’ll look at alcohol consumption. This report provides a snapshot of alcohol consumption, alcohol-related harm and alcohol policy responses in 30 European countries – European Union Member States, Norway and Switzerland (EU+). Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CTADS), 78.2% of Canadians aged 15 and over reported drinking alcohol at least once in the last year.11 This level has remained relatively stable since 2013 (75.9%). Alcohol use is associated with numerous harmful health and social consequences, including an increased risk of a range of cancers, stroke and liver cirrhosis. Provincial prevalence of alcohol use in the past year ranged from 68.4% (85,000) in Prince Edward Island to 84.2% (5.8 million) in Quebec. The report also summarizes changes in alcohol consumption and alcohol … With an average of 15 liters of pure alcohol consumed per adult annually as of 2017, Moldova is the country with the highest levels of consumption while … Prevalence of Drinking: According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 85.6 percent of people ages 18 or older reported that they drank alcohol at some point in their lifetime; 69.5 percent reported that they drank in the past year; 54.9 percent reported that they drank in the past month.