If you join, we’ll send you alerts about activity in the group to ensure that you stay up-to-date. Gagging is quite normal as you start baby led weaning. I divided them into four categories – vegetables, fruits, grains and protein. This post is a complete guide on Baby Led Weaning Foods with over 125 starter foods and recipes for baby! All are great for babies 6 months and up. of our fun learning activities delivered straight to your inbox, Baby led weaning is a way of introducing solids to babies by offering age appropriate foods as finger foods for them to feed themselves with. Start when the signs are there, and continue to keep trying. In The Ultimate Guide of Finger Foods post, I go into way more detail about different cooking and chopping methods. We have resent your verification code to the email address you provided. One of the benefits of Baby Led Weaning is that you won’t be spending time pureeing and freezing; nor will you be spending time spooning food into baby’s mouth. Nectarine slices. Healthy recipes for all the family, perfect for your baby led weaning journey (BLW). You can turn these alerts off in your settings at any time. Baby Led Weaning is a method of feeding that allows baby to have control over how they feed themselves solid foods. Whereas, Finger Foods, or sometimes referred to as Table Foods, are typically served to baby after they master Stage 3 baby … Baby will gag on food when they are learning to eat finger foods, which is good, because that is how baby learns how to move food around their mouth and swallow foods. As they get older they can move onto trying to eat with a spoon or fork. In a blender, add in the eggs, milk, oil, applesauce, vanilla extract and spinach. 6) Cameron SL, Taylor RW, & Heath ALM. No refined sugar and little-to no use of any sugar substitutes (honey, mapel syrup). Hopefully they will eventually learn to eat some on their own without the need for spoon feeding. Cut first foods into slices and batons that are big enough for your baby to grasp and hold. Unlike spoon feeding, your baby has the choice to pick up and explore all sorts of foods and – after playing with it – will learn to eat it. I am avoiding conventional grains...because I think I am supposed to?!? Baby-led weaning (BLW) is an alternative method for starting your baby on solids. For that reason, if you see any symptoms of allergies, however mild, always seek medical advice before re-introducing that food again. So you’ve successfully started baby-led weaning at 6 months, and your baby is doing well with simple first foods. There are also foods which pose a high choking risk. Pour waffle mixture onto waffle iron in 1/4 cup increments and bake according to waffle makers instructions. Check our list of top 30 BLW first foods to get started with baby led weaning. I hope it’s a great resource for you. Here are some foods you can introduce along with all the foods they are already enjoying: At this age you can start to try to give your baby more acidic fruits and heavier foods. It’s usually just their way of pushing forward foods that need a bit more chewing. These include: Traditionally it was advised to avoid introducing baby to allergenic foods, such as egg, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shell fish, until they were much older. Picky eating disorders, when is it more than just ‘fussy eating’? So today I made Quinoa flour blueberry banana muffins. And it's easier for parents and more fun for babies. For this reason it’s now advised to introduce babies to these allergenic foods earlier on. Your baby is now ready to try other meats and grains and can start eating combinations of food and try mini portions of family meals. Bananas. Peach slices – soft ripe peaches. Here are some foods you could start with: Once your baby has got used to their first soft fruit and veg, you can start introducing a wider variety of foods like some lean meats and fish. Grains and dairy (butter) : DD is 6.5 months. Below we break down baby led weaning foods by age. This is so that you are able to monitor them for any adverse reactions. Find out how to prepare and cut foods so that they are the right size and texture for your baby to pick up and chew. Instead of relying on prepared, commercial baby foods or even homemade purees, mothers and fathers simply introduce their babies … You are amazing and this compilation is so awesome! Your email address will not be published. Baby-led weaning is the practice of trusting your baby’s innate sense of hunger, of want, of self-knowledge and of self-limitation. Whichever weaning method you go with it’s always a good idea to have some first aid training so that you know what to do if choking does occur.