Always remember that a good serve will earn you lots of points. Like to say a couple words about the backhand clear and the technique of doing an effective backhand clear. I use the chest as a reference because it is roughly the location where the net is. In this tutorial, we will learn how to perform the backhand grip. I already have a post on a few backhand drills you could look at but here are some more unique training methods that I used to help improve my backhand.. Backhand has always been a weakness of all badminton players, even Taufik Hidayat who’s supposedly the backhand god. 1. Transcript. Nicht zu vergessen sind aber auch passende Badmintonbälle, oder das … DO NOT hold your racket too tightly and DO NOT tense your arm muscles so that your wrist is flexible to do the quick flick. Es wird verschiedenes Zubehör vorgestellt. The flick of your wrist creates a powerful snapping motion. Fake Smash or Fake Clear. Therefore a smart opponent will always force you to use your backhand so that you return a weak shot and hence his chance to perform a strong offensive shot. Beim Rückhand-Smash handelt es sich um eine selten eingesetzte Technik. The backhand grip tends to be a weak point for most badminton players, even in semiprofessional environments. Besser starten? Auf dieser Seite dreht sich, wie man wohl vermuten würde, alles um das Thema Badminton. 2 Badminton Backhand Techniques. (e.g., a shot coming to you from the left for a right hander). Spread the love. Only when you’re forced to! Triff den Federball mit der Mitte des Schlägers . When your opponent clears the shuttle to your backhand area, always try to hit it with a Forehand shot. It's a very difficult shot for a lot of beginners, as opposed to the typical forehand clear. Badminton backhand tricks & techniques If you want to send the shuttlecock downward, smash is the most powerful overhand stroke. Herzlich Willkommen bei den besten Badminton Tricks. Backhand Smash in Badminton. Besser Badminton - Einfache Tipps zum Badmintontraining Badminton Lauftechnik #1 Basisposition Die Basisposition (engl. Backhand grip – The Achilles’ heel of most badminton players. Dabei stehen die Badmintonschläger natürlich im Mittelpunkt. This issue can be like leakage in a submarine, destroying your whole game. The backhand swing should be 1 smooth and fast motion until your racket reaches all the way to the front. This is actually a very important technique that you need to do correctly if you are serious about playing badminton. Best 10 Badminton Trick Shots. 3 Wege besser Badminton zu spielen. In Doubles Defense Drives are only used when a player sees a gap between front court player and backcourt player. But you have to miss the shuttle at first. Deswegen haben wir Tipps für Badminton-Anfänger. Badminton Trick Shot – Forehand Hit on Backhand Side Not being able to get access to a Badminton court shouldn’t mean you don’t practise. … The backhand badminton serve technique is a very intricate technique, and there are many tips to optimize it and use it effectively in a badminton match to your advantage is a different story. However if executed perfectly, this shot will definitely surprise your opponent and make him return a weak shot. Badminton macht Spaß und ist ein großartiges Training. As the net usually defines what trajectory is possible for the shuttle, I think this is a very useful distinction. Rückhand-Clear, für viele ein "kleines Mysterium". Get familiar with the badminton court. For badminton tips and tricks #4, we are going to discuss ways to improve your backhand. Thumbnail: IMG_0890_Web by Eric MARTEEL/ericmarteel/Flickr . Badminton Tricks and tips is a blog for the badminton Lover find amazing tips and tricks,Videos , tutorials, Exercises and a lot more which will definitely help you improve your game as well ass physical and mental fitness. This shot is played with backhand grip and full follow-through of the racket holding arm; it generates sheer power in the shot and makes the shuttle travel from one half of the court to the other in not time. In order to have a good backhand grip, you need to hold the racket in a completely different way than with the forehand grip. Ein anderer Badminton-Trick für Fortgeschrittene, mit dem man sogar Punkte machen kann, ist der Rückhand-Smash, der auch Backhand-Smash genannt wird. In doubles, this trick will force your opponents to lift and push your team to the offense. While the forehand grip is used to return shots coming to you master hand side, the backhand grip is used to return a shot coming towards you on the opposite side of your master hand. The badminton backhand is a very difficult skill to master. and you will be the fittest man in your court. The badminton court is 44 feet (13.4 m) long by 20 feet (6.1 m) wide. How to use Backhand Defense drive. Feel free to check out our guide on how do the backhand serve consistently here! Badminton grip is the most basic skill that you need to master before playing the game in court. Auch wenn Badminton nicht schwer zu erlernen ist, gibt es ein paar Informationen, die dir als Anfänger behilflich sein können. Aus diesem Grund wird ein Backhand-Smash auch nur wenig trainiert, sodass bei vielen Spielern die erforderliche Technik und In this section, you’ll know about the most effective tricks shots in badminton. When Should You Use the Overhead Badminton Backhand Clear? Die richtige Schlagtechnik ist eine Übungssache. What are the tips and coaching 'tricks' to produce a better backhand? 3 Tipps für Badminton-Anfänger. I have seen and heard so many different theories on how to coach it I could write a book just about badminton backhands! Profis schlagen die Rückhand scheinbar ohne viel Kraft, während viele die Technik oft nicht gelernt haben - es gibt zu wenig Hinweise wie eine gute Rückhand aussieht und noch weniger, wie man eine gute Rückhand Schritt für Schritt lernen kann.Endlich gibt es hierfür eine Lösung. Damit du schnell Fortschritte machst in dieser beliebten Badminton Technik haben wir hier einige Übungen für dich vorbereitet » Tipps von DECATHLON Using Drive in Doubles on the very first smash will get your shot intercepted by front court player. To be a knockout badminton player, you have to have lightning-fast feet, strong technique, and a cunning sense of strategy. Badminton Backhand Drills – Improve Your Backhand. The badminton backhand stroke is NOT a tennis backhand. Everyone seems to want a better badminton backhand and maybe with good reason It's an important stroke, especially if you want to play singles Top tricks by Zhao Jianhua and badminton legend Tang XianHu are revealed step by step. base position) - die Ausgangsposition für gutes Bewegen auf dem Court, der häufigste und größte Fehler vieler Badmintonspieler! 1. Great tips will certainly help you to enjoy the game more. Backhand Net drive. Badminton Backhand Serve Drills. Badminton backhand is considered one of the difficult shot to master in badminton, if you are struggling with you weak backhand or don’t know how to make a badminton backhand then in this article i will tell you step by step about how to play a backhand clear in badminton. This is because your coaches and mentors . If you already know how to play badminton but want to elevate your game, you will have to find a way to maximize your strengths and exploit your opponent's weaknesses. For forehand shots, it’s easy to tell that a player is going to hit a smash or a jump smash. If you're playing singles, you play on the part that is 44 feet (13.4 m) long but only 17 feet (5.2 m) wide. Use the Backhand Clear only when you can’t get into position in time for the Forehand Stroke. Want to find a racket which is perfect for you ? Therefore it would be wise to utilize some backhand serve badminton drills to help you get better. Learn two backhand techniques from NYC Badminton's Chris Awong in this Howcast video. But as the name suggests “fake” smash, here, the stroke must look like a straight smash/clear. Under-chest backhand stroke; Over-chest backhand stroke; You will find slightly different names in different sources, but the general idea is the same. Wenn klar ist, wer wann welchen Ball annimmt, dann ist man gegenüber einem planlos über das Feld stürzenden Gegner klar im Vorteil. Most people tend to neglect the details of how to grip a racket. Tipps und Tricks für das Doppel : Im Doppel ist es wichtig, dass man sich gut mit seinem Partner versteht.