Third, we were unable to assess the risk of bias for individual studies as current standards note difficulties in assessing quality and bias in qualitative research [88]. A shared feature of these strategies is the distillation of complex research findings into accessible pieces of relevant information that can then be delivered via multiple avenues. Policy research. Barriers and bridges to evidence based clinical practice, Isle of Wight NHS Trust: Consultant Physician in Stroke Medicine, The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust : Consultant in Emergency Medicine (Post 2), The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust : Consultant in Emergency Medicine (Post 3), The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust : Consultant in Emergency Medicine (Post 1), Women’s, children’s & adolescents’ health. After piloting four different styles of policy briefs (on the same research topic) with state-level policymakers, Brownson et al. Fam Foster Care Century. 2005;10:163–80. However, these results are limited by small sample sizes and limited evidence about effectiveness. Findings from this study suggest that having relevant research information increases policymakers’ co-sponsorship of proposals by 60% and highlights the importance of research access in the policy process [44]. 2014;11:377–87. Otten AL. The most frequently disseminated research topics were health-related, and legislators and executive branch administrators were the most common target audience. Many of the studies included in this review are either case studies or descriptive, making it difficult to determine what, if any, impact the given research had on policy. Privacy Three studies highlighted the reliance of effective message delivery on the message’s ability to capture audience interest (e.g., what the research means to the policymaker, specifically and if possible, personally) [27, 34, 41]. D’Este P, Guy F, Iammarino S. Shaping the formation of university–industry research collaborations: what type of proximity does really matter? Friese B, Bogenschneider K. The voice of experience: how social scientists communicate family research to policymakers. Weaver W, Shannon CE. Ashcraft LE, Asato M, Houtrow AJ, Kavalieratos D, Miller E, Ray KN. Of those articles, 4922 were excluded due to not meeting inclusion criteria. 2019;12:199–212. Problems in implementing evidence based medicine and possible solutions, The aim of evidence based health care is to provide the means by which current best evidence from research can be judiciously and conscientiously applied in the prevention, detection, and care of health disorders.1 This aim is decidedly ambitious given how slowly important new treatments are disseminated into practice2–%4and how resistant practitioners are to withdrawing established treatments from practice even once their utility has been disproved.5, The aim of evidence based practice is to integrate current best evidence from research with clinical policy and practice, Practitioners have difficulty finding, assessing, interpreting, and applying current best evidence, New evidence based services (such as electronic databases, systematic reviews, and journals that summarise evidence) make accessing current best evidence feasible and easy in clinical settings, Progress is slow in creating evidence based clinical policy and in ensuring that evidence and policy are applied at the right time. They include many factors beyond the control of the practitioner and patient (such as being in the wrong place when illness occurs) as well as factors that might be modified to advantage (such as doing the wrong thing at the right time). Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Implement Sci. Evidence from a field experiment in a state legislature. This finding is surprising in our current digital age, as print materials are necessarily time-bound and rapidly evolving technology has created more channels (e.g., social media, videos) which may be preferred by policymakers. Patient Patient Centered Outcomes Res. Polit Policy. For example, one of the biggest considerations involves how practitioners learn about the latest evidence. 2015;12:286–303. Our findings also highlight several unique elements of the US policy landscape, wherein significant power is reserved from the federal-level and afforded to state-level government. Purtle J, Lê-Scherban F, Shattuck P, Proctor EK, Brownson RC. Stern MJ. Implement Sci. Pacheco J, Maltby E. The role of public opinion—does it influence the diffusion of ACA decisions? First, we attempted to cast a wide net when searching for studies which examined the influence of research on social policy by including a broad search of the peer-reviewed literature, think tanks, and content experts. Involving policymakers when designing projects and framing initial research questions increases the likelihood that key policy stakeholders will remain invested in the work by allowing their individual research interests to shine [34, 41]. Available from: 8th ed. Kapp JM, Hensel B, Schnoring KT. Lane JP, Rogers JD. Langer L, Tripney J, Gough DA. Aust N Z Health Policy CSIRO. 2009;19:519–30. LEA is supported by a pre-doctoral Clinical and Translational Science Fellowship (NIH TL1 TR001858 (PI: Kraemer)). A review of policy dissemination and implementation research funded by the National Institutes of Health, 2007-2014. Policy Analysis for What? Again, there are barriers at the local and individual levels. Abstracted data was qualitatively analyzed using thematic analysis (LEA and DAQ) and guided by the Model for Dissemination of Research. 2011;6. 2018;43:595–618. Austin SB, Yu K, Tran A, Mayer B. Research-to-policy translation for prevention of disordered weight and shape control behaviors: a case example targeting dietary supplements sold for weight loss and muscle building.