Lianne is a veterinarian, epidemiologist, and freelance writer who's written nearly 400 articles for The Spruce Pets. If you have a giant African land snail, please do not dispose of it yourself and whatever you do, do not release it into the wild. In some countries, pet stores and breeders sell large or attractive snail species to new owners. New arrival Quick View. Lava Snails. Many people are very opposed to keeping giant African land snails as pets since they are "destructive, invasive, dangerous and illegal." Pieces of wood, cork bark or clay flower pots provide an interesting landscape and hiding spots for the snails. Regular Price $9.95 Sale Price $4.98. When several schools discovered the status of these snails, they turned over their snails that were classroom pets and/or projects. All of the snails found so far have been in captivity; none have been discovered in the wild. Assuming, or even hoping, that all owners will be responsible is not enough. Snails also are susceptible to infestations of mites and flies. Their diet includes mostly vegetables and fruits. When this happens in captivity, the snail forms a membrane over the opening of its shell and seals itself inside, hiding the cute, curious face that makes it a good pet, and requiring you to mist and monitor the heat closely to bring it back out. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Online (April 29, 2004) reported that APHIS began an investigation after a pet store inquired about the legal status of the giant snails as pets, and as a result, APHIS eventually confiscated more than 100 snails from pet stores, private owners, and exotic pet swap meets. Giant African land snails are hermaphrodites, meaning they possess both the female and male reproductive organs. Woman inseparable from giant pet snail that she loves cuddling on sofa. Have a … Be prepared to clean the bowl frequently. Like other snails, giant African land snails are prone to aestivation, which happens when it's in an enclosure or environment that is too dry. Ghana Tiger snails, which have unique high-contrast stripes on their shells. In late 2003 and early 2004, several giant African land snails (along with many eggs) were seized in Wisconsin by the United States Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Most exotic pet veterinarians in the U.S. will not treat giant African land snails because they are illegal. Moistening your hands before holding them is recommended by some owners. Despite their voracious appetites, many people in the U.K. and Asia keep these snails as pets, describing the snails as having cute faces and expressive eyes. Theoretically, because the snail hibernates in cold weather, it could survive and reproduce in most areas of the United States. The African giant snail is generally considered to be the world's largest land snail; it can reach a length of 20 centimeters, or about 8 inches. How these snails arrived in Wisconsin in the first place has not been determined. If you're caught trying to bring one into the country you could be fined by the United States Department of Agriculture. Two snails are still needed for breeding, but they are very prolific breeders. While most such pests are little more than a nuisance and can be eliminated by careful washing, some mites can burrow into the snail's body and make it lethargic and uncomfortable. Unicorn SVG, PNG Bundle Pack 70 pcs - Unicorns Digital Images Instant Download. Learn how to create a happy, healthy home for your pet. While ignorance of the law is generally not a good defense, in this case, officials have not charged anyone and are more concerned about making sure the snails are contained rather than punishing people who kept them. The tank temperature would need to be between 70 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit, so you would have to use heat strips, which will require you to pay closer attention to the humidity. However, if you discover one and bring it to the attention of the USDA, the agency is likely to be grateful for the assistance and you won't be penalized. These huge snails are relentless omnivores, and have been known to chew through plaster walls (theoretically because they contain trace amounts of calcium, which snails need for shell health). However, in some other countries they are legal as pets (although in some of these places it is illegal to release them or their eggs into the wild). The USDA and APHIS consider these snails dangerous pests and takes its search for giant African land snails very seriously. They are, however, extremely resilient, which is why efforts to eradicate them has been difficult. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Online (April 29, 2004) reported that APHIS began an investigation after a pet store inquired about the legal status of the giant snails as pets, and as a result, APHIS eventually confiscated more than 100 snails from pet stores, private owners, and exotic pet swap meets. It is illegal to bring giant African land snails into the United States, and doing so can incur hefty fines. A good-sized, well-ventilated plastic or glass tank with a secure lid is required for this species. Similar Pets to the Giant African Land Snail, Axolotl (Mexican Walking Fish): Species Profile, Mexican Redleg Tarantula: Species Profile, Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Species Profile. The shell is most fragile at the base where it is next to the body, so try to avoid picking them up by this part of the shell, and be careful to provide solid support to the body and shell. These snails do not seem to mind being handled, but you must be gentle with them and avoid damaging the shell. Is It Legal to Own a Pet Giant African Land Snail? Giant African land snails need a source of calcium to keep their shells healthy. Learn how to create a happy, healthy home for your pet. New arrival Quick View. While a snail can self-repair minor cracks in its shell, some cracks may leave its body exposed, which may lead to dehydration. For example: Giant African snails – mighty molluscs up to 12 inches long! The substrate will need to be cleaned out weekly. Education about the risks of these snails and controlling the snail population are the most important issues to the USDA right now, and officials have been quoted as saying that anyone who obtained one of these snails while unaware of the laws will not be punished if they notify officials. If all owners would research and respect the laws about exotic pets such as giant African land snails, and never release pets into the wild, then maybe animals like this could be more readily considered good pets. Snails need constant moisture in order to prevent dehydration and shell problems. Always wash your hands thoroughly after handling a snail. What to Do If You Have a Giant African Land Snail, The Caring and Keeping of Giant African Land Snails, Find Out if an Exotic Pet is Legal Where You Live, Axolotl (Mexican Walking Fish): Species Profile. Within seven years there were an estimated 18,000 of the creatures in the wild and it took 10 years and more than a million dollars to eradicate them all. Snails need calcium to keep their shells strong and barring a source of readily available calcium, they have been known to gnaw through plaster walls, which provides trace amounts of the mineral. If you’re interested in a pet like the land snail that's more available, check out these options: Otherwise, check out other exotic animals that can be your new pet. Infestations of giant African land snails can be a significant threat to indigenous plant life just about anywhere the animals live. Giant African land snails eat nearly constantly in the wild. Price $2.95. Common Name (s): Giant African Land Snail, East African Land Snail, West African Land Snail, Tiger Snail, Scientific Name(s): Achatina fulica, Achatina marginata, Achatina achatina, Adult Size: Achatina fulica grow to 3 or 4 inches long (shell length), and Achatina achatina can have a shell up to 11 inches long (the body inside would stretch to about 15 inches long), Life Expectancy: Average about 5 to 6 years, but can live up to 10 years, Difficulty of Care: Advanced, because from acquisition to making sure they don't breed and infest, you have to be on top of these snails. Lava snails (they are also called black devil snails) are a very interesting snail species.

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