If, as has been suggested by Bower, the strobiloid types are relatively primitive, the large-leaved Pteridophyta must be supposed to have arisenearly from such forms. Or if were down one hour , down in yon shady bower. She rolls the curtain up and light comes in her, 29. 3. All Rights Reserved. than by the earlier annalists Fordun (q.v.) It included, besides Hearne's Ductor historicus and the successive volumes of the Universal History, which was then in course of publication, Littlebury's Herodotus, Spelman's Xenophon, Gordon's Tacitus, an anonymous translation of Procopius; "many crude lumps of Speed, Rapin, Mezeray, Davila, Machiavel, Father Paul, Bower, &c., were hastily gulped. Learn about the power of the right bower with expert tips and advice on playing cards and card games in this free euchre vi Bower Sentence Examples | Use Bower in a sentence. bower in a sentence - Use "bower" in a sentence 1. 2. literary. He came all so still to his mother s bower, As dew in April that falleth on the flower. Technically, a bower is a depression in the earth similar to, but smaller than a valley.. 16. For a discussion of this view, which regards the alternation of generations in Pteridophytes as antithetic and the two generations as not homologous with one another, reference may be made to the works of Celakovsky and Bower. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The question cannot be discussed fully here, but enough has been said above to show that in the light of our present knowledge the main phyla of the Vascular Cryptogams cannot be placed in any serial relationship to one another. Tissandier, Voyage au tour du monde (Paris, 1892); Lord Curzon, Persia and the Persian Question (London, 1892); Russia and the Anglo-Russian Question (London, 1889); Problems of the Far East (London, 1894); Captain Hamilton Bower, Diary of a Journey across Tibet (Calcutta, 1893); Szechenyi, Die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse der Reise des Grafen Bela Szechenyi in Ostasien (Wien, 1893); R. 4.; Leipzig, 1898-1902); Bower, The Origin of a Land Flora (London, 1908); Goebel, Organography of Plants (Oxford, 1905); Hooker and Baker, Synopsis Filicum (London, 1874); Baker, Fern Allies (London, 1887); Christ, Die Fankrc uter der Erde (Jena, 1897); Seward, Fossil Botany, vol. It was successful, as also was the Historia literaria (1730-1734) of Archibald Bower.'. bower anchors are too large to be carried by a Class C boat. The completed work, in its original form, consisted of sixteen books, of which the first five and a portion of the sixth (to 1163) are Fordun's - or mainly his, for Bower added to them at places. Lord Lyttelton's letter to Mr Bower is a well-known panegyric on Festiniog. WALTER BOWER (1385-1449), Scottish chronicler, was born about 1385 at Haddington. The name of Bower was derived from a queen's residence attached to the ancient royal hunting-lodge in the vicinity. Beginning with its phylogeny, it appears, so far as present knowledge goes, that the differentiation of the shoot of the sporophyte into stem and leaf first occurred in the Pteridophyta; and, in accordance with the views of Bower (Origin of a Land.. A flowering plant (Saussurea tridactyla) was discovered by Bower at an elevation of 19,000 ft. Laing (Edinburgh, 1872-1879); John of Fordun, Scotichronicon, continued by Walter Bower, edited by T. Bower, The Elevation and Procession of the Ceri at Gubbio (Folk-lore Society, London, 1897). Adam and Eve, according to the fable, wore the. Before working sex crimes and missing persons, Bower was the only woman on the BSO Diving Rescue team. (1864); Bower, " Germination, &c., in Gnetum," Journ. They build a new one each year, presumably the best bower attracts the best female! The application of the important criteria which Bower has thus pointed out to the construction of a strictly phylogenetic classification of the Filicaceae cannot be made until the anatomy, the sexual generation and the palaeobotanical evidence have been further examined from this point of view. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Bower's route on the west side of the Aru t'so. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Rejoining his caravan he turned westward, and passing through the country previously traversed by Bower and Littledale he reached Leh on the 10th of December Igo 1. 2. after a long day of work, they return to their Bower and rest. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. Bonvalot in 1887, Littledale in 1888, Cumberland, Bower and Dauvergne, followed by Younghusband in succeeding years, extending to 1890; Dunmore in 1892 and Sven Hedin in 1894-1895, have all contributed more or less to Pamir geography; but the honours of successful inquiry in those high altitudes still fall to Lord Curzon, whose researches in 1894 led to a singularly clear and comprehensive description of Pamir geography, as well as to the best map compilation that till then had existed. I also reported that Tom Bower, biographer of Robert Maxwell, had a new biography deal. 2. The path wandered a while in the open, and then passed under a trellis like a bower indefinitely prolonged. The additions of Bower form eleven books, and bring down the narrative to the death of King James I. Our knowledge of the flora of northern and central Tibet has been considerably increased by the collections of Prjevalsky, Wellby, Bower, Thorold, Littledale and the Lhasa Mission, and that of eastern Tibet by Rockhill. Bower in a sentence 1. A single mother of three sons, Julie Bower is a detective with BSO. Queen Eleanor's Bower The most well known earthwork is Queen Eleanor's Bower. 1. it was such legends that Bower had in mind when, over a drink one evening in1976, he suggested to his pal chorley: "let's go over there and make it look like a flying saucer has landed." 35 sentence examples: 1. The front of the Palace Theatre was presented as a flower garden with the Royal Box transformed with a, 24. 3. Percentage-wise, that may not sound like much, but, 23. Unbuilt design by S. Dikes Bower 1955 unbuilt design by S. Dikes Bower 1955 Unbuilt design by S. Dikes Bower, architect's impression 1955. Crossing the Sining-Lhasa road a little south of the Dang la range, and about two days' journey north of Nagchuka, Captain Bower crossed the Su chu, and following a course parallel to the Giama-nu chu, he made his way to Riwoche and thence to Chiamdo, from which town he followed the Lhasa-Tachienlu high road to the latter town, which he reached on the 10th of February 1892. Adam and Eve, according to the fable, wore the bower before other clothes. Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and create good sentences. 21. Of the various buildings in a wealthy establishment the chief were the hall (heall), which was both a dining and reception room, and the " lady's bower " (brydbur), which served also as a bedroom for the master and mistress. The bright butterflies lifted in a multicolored cloud from the worn and pitted casing, canted in its green bower. After making a long detour north, often crossing the roads previously travelled by Bonvalot and Bower, and passing by Riwoche, he came to Chiamdo and Tachienlu.