Level up your coding and interview skills Coderbyte is the #1 website for technical interview prep and coding challenges. It requires looping through the string and maintaining the position of every pair of numbers that add up to 10. Each challenge has its own discussion board and user solutions. The 5 hardest “easy” challenges are listed below: Out of these, the challenge where users struggled most to get a perfect score and spent the longest time solving is Question Marks. Hello JavaScript code newbie! Each solution is accompanied by an online link that helps you quickly run it in a code playground at codeguppy.com We looked at the stats for our easy challenges (excluding the medium and hard questions) and found the ones where users struggled with the most to achieve a perfect score. Previously published at https://github.com/CodeGuppyPrograms/CodingChallenges. https://codeguppy.com/code.html?mrgCtLGA90Ozr0Otrs5Z, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?eDLA5XPp3bPxP79H2jKT, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?fpnQzIhnGUUmCUZy1fyQ, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?78aD4mWSCzoNEVxOQ8tI, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?Vy6u9kki2hXM4YjsbpuN, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?IIuJX4gnXOndNu0VrywA, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?DcOffOyoIArmNZHVNM2u, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?oI5mWm6QIMRjY1m9XAmI, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?mhnf8DpPRqqgsBgbJNpz, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?TteeVr0aj33ZyCLR685L, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?7i9sje6FuJsI44cuncLh, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?0eztj1v6g7iQLzst3Id3, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?KefrPtrvJeMpQyrB8V2D, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?qJBQubNA7z10n6pjYmB8, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?THmQGgOMRUj6PSvEV8HD, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?rKOfPxHbVwxNWI2d8orH, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?IneuIg9O0rRV8V76omBk, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?fRYsPEc2vcZTbIU8MKku, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?RHA714FYio8gWgmjWYPz, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?gnMVeOZXN6VhLekyvui8, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?mTi7EdKrviwIn4bfrmM7, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?MRmfvuQdZpHn0k03hITn, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?fHfZqUmkAVUXKtRupmzZ, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?GZddBqBVFlqYrsxi3Vbu, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?pGpyBz0dWlsj7KR3WnFF, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?vcTkLxYTAbIflqdUKivc, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?Y9gRdgrl6PPt4QxVs7vf, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?bUduoyY6FfwV5nQGdXzH, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?OkbtP1ZksGHXwqk7Jh3i, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?NjGtyQdMP49QiaAkmwpU, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?v0O9sBfnHbCi1StE2TxA, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?xKQEeKYF1LxZhDhwOH7V, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?v5A0QBsdHaiAVA2CPN5y, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?yMQXcPgfrYxuaIxqQmZc, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?r4kwkcWiHfzQZkM1qrX4, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?8pdZSfchSXNxBK1f7r7s, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?OJoMXT4GKasSfNeX4hjH, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?QL6H38rpqjGarwCfsbO3, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?IJI0E4OGnkyTZnoszAzf, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?5Hqv93WXQ6OOjAYApLGw, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?XCD9vmSQ34HrascysDBL, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?suDlTrNYYmCpNJhZpPdB, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?QGWEPdBEVk4RFGn6UVhP, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?kextwiVVb9VwhKajJriG, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?6bPnKHLhArSPdUPK2mqm, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?mnAuF3BjhDaFwBtDUnI4, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?cTZiewHGAErNUjYRCE6f, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?b22i9I5CUkFTdHF4Bod8, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?iDykr8pqeuTPgZjVAvWv, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?3gu4jcQRpBQWu2EsJrv0, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?oT5nrxux2yAgIRsuXBSK, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?VvLiW0W3lwnMrbwC9epp, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?4eRqha7h7kjOLnDTyf00, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?6O219iv12e5UaC30fcbG, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?EHvbHKy5uPvSKxsaeqWv, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?GfCrzPkGSPKbvLuf6KyA, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?e8wHQuJmeYCDKml5k07d, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?OD5GDYyCVo4wgTRCXzRU, https://codeguppy.com/code.html?m4AfgJmCABGNEvKlUNtM. Some examples test cases are below: Before reading further, try and think of how you would solve this challenge (you can even write down some steps in pseudocode, or better yet you can write a solution on Coderbyte). The main reason is that they provide a mentor for you. 600+ Java Practice Challenges // Edabit. This fun, martial arts-themed website offers a high variety of coding challenges done in more than 20 programming languages. 5. If you do find two numbers that add up to 10, then you will need to determine if exactly 3 specific characters exist somewhere between these two indices. Below is a very concise and elegant solution written in Python by the #3 ranked user on Coderbyte, Qlogin. Arguably, Exercism is one of the best coding challenges websites for beginners. Vowel Square: Requires finding a 2x2 square of vowels in a larger matrix. We ended up narrowing down all the easy challenges to find the 5 hardest ones listed in the “easy” section — where by easy we mean challenges that should be solvable somewhere between 15–25 minutes by a beginner coder. If you like them, and you want more coding challenges for beginners please leave a comment or send a tweet to @codeguppy. This is an introduction to how challenges on Edabit work. 4. The 5 hardest “easy” challenges are listed below: 1. Closest Enemy II: Requires checking the distance between certain point… Scale Balancing: Requires looping through an array of weights to determine if a scale can be perfectly balanced. Each solution is accompanied by an online link that helps you quickly run it in a code playground at codeguppy.com. These coding challenges are intended for beginners, therefore the proposed solutions are implemented using only simple and classical programming elements. Correct Path: Requires traversing through a partially finished path in an NxN matrix and finishing the path. If you have a github account you can fork the entire repository with these challenges from https://github.com/CodeGuppyPrograms/CodingChallengesI hope you had fun browsing through these coding challenges. Take an input string parameter and determine if exactly 3 question marks exist between every pair of numbers that add up to 10. In the Code tab above you'll see a starter function that looks like this: ... Return the Sum of Two Numbers. In the Code tab above you'll see a starter function that looks like this: function hello() { } All you have to do is type return "hello edabit.com" between the curly braces { } and then click the Check button. There is also a clever regex solution that a user on Coderbyte implemented in Java to solve the challenge: Try out the challenges for yourself on Coderbyte and comment below on what you think about the sample solutions! Edabit // Learn to Code with 10,000+ Interactive Challenges 3. Forward-thinking resources, guides, and initiatives at the intersection of tech and talent Take a look, A Guide to Becoming a Full-Stack Developer in 2017, How to build a side project that will impress future employers, What To Expect For Your Android Interview, The average number of lines for a solution is. Improve your coding skills with our library of 300+ challenges and prepare for coding interviews with content from leading technology companies. Are the Numbers Equal? This challenge requires several layers of logic to get right, which is why it can be difficult to come up with a solution at first. On Coderbyte we offer over 70 “easy” difficulty code challenges that are perfect for beginners who are learning to code and need some way to practice. rotate in the other direction), // Function will implement Caesar Cipher to, // encrypt / decrypt the msg by shifting the letters, // Encrypt only letters in 'A' ... 'Z' interval, circle1X, circle1Y, circle1R, circle2X, circle2Y, circle2R, // Calculate the distance between the two specified points, // Use recursion to find the maximum numeric value in an array of arrays, // Cycle through all the elements of the array, // If an element is of type array then invoke the same function, // to find out the maximum element of that subarray, // Use a stack to find the maximum numeric value in an array of arrays, // This is the stack on which will put the first array and then, // all the other sub-arrays that we find as we traverse an array, // Loop as long as are arrays added to the stack for processing, // If an element is of type array, we'll add it to stack, "Create a function to return the longest word(s) in a sentance. If you did this correctly, the button will turn red and … If so, return true, otherwise return false. In this article I'm proposing you a series of coding challenges that will help you practice the basic language constructs and algorithms. How Edabit Works. These coding challenges are intended for beginners, therefore the proposed solutions are implemented using only simple and classical programming elements. ", // Get only the elements from specified positions from the array, // Returns an array with the words from specified text, // Shuffle array implemented using Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm, // Get a random int between min and max (both included), "Find the frequency of characters inside a string", // Calculate factorial(n) ... using big number calculations, // Calculate partial results according to multiplication algorithm, // Sum partial results to obtain the product, // Multiplies number sNumber (as string) with a single digit number, PG Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning , Statistics for Data Science and Business Analysis, https://github.com/CodeGuppyPrograms/CodingChallenges, The elegant import button, built for your web app, Use Type-in Programs to Teach Kids to Code.