They are raised for both meat and wool production. Deer The resulting crossbred sheep were interbred over several generations. Their fleeces weigh an average of 8-12 pounds, but a ram's fleece may be more. Required fields are marked *. Luster- The fleece should exhibit a bright, lustrous, healthy appearance. His purpose was to improve lambing percentages. Both white and natural colored Coopworths are accepted for registration. The Coopworth is used for both meat and wool. Udder or Scrotum- Ewes should have well-formed, soft, even udders with two good teats. These sheep are used for wool and meat, weighing up to 55kg as adults 1. And the mature ram’s live body weight vary from 80 to 125 kg. Pasterns should be strong and upright. The Coopworth sheep are generally easy-caring animals. California Variegated Mutant (CVM)/American Romeldale, Gulf Coast Native (Florida Native, Louisiana Native), Karakul (Astrakhan, Bukhara, Persian Lamb), Leicester Longwool (English Leicester, Leicester, Bakewell Leicester, Dishley Leicester, Improved Leicester and New Leicester). And at the Whatawhata Hill Country Research Station, further extensive investigations were carried out. It is one of the most dominant breeds in New Zealand. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Your email address will not be published. Emphasis should be placed on selecting for these breed characteristics. Coopworth yarn is a Longwool breed created by crossing Romney and Border Leicester sheep. Our current stock of Coopworth roving is a warm, variegated gray with shades of brown and lighter gray creating subtle streaks throughout. General- Because selection has historically been based on measured performance, rather than phenotype, several wool styles are acceptable within the breed. The Coopworth breed of sheep was developed by a team of scientists at Lincoln College (now Lincoln University) in Canterbury, New Zealand, to increase lambing percentages of Romney ewes when mated with Border Leicester rams. It is also bred in Australia, parts of Europe, and the United States. Length- Annual fleece length should be 6-8 inches. Subscribe ROY'S FARM newsletter for news, updates and receiving notifications of new posts by email. White Coopworth fleeces should be free of black or brown fiber. They have generally clean and long face with small topknot or bare head and a slightly Roman nose. It is a highly productive sheep, intensively selected for easy care lambing, prolificacy, and good mothering ability. An average fleece weighs 5 kg, with a fibre diameter of about 30 to 35 micronsbeing in the coarser range o… My sheep wear coats/covers most of the year, so the raw fleece is very clean and free of vegetation matter compared to the fleece of sheep that do not wear coats/covers. The breed makes up the second largest flock in New Zealand. Grade- Fiber diameter should be 35-39 microns. The staple length is about six inches and perfect for hand-spinning. It was shortly after WWII, in New Zealand, when Professor Ian Coop began to selectively crossbreed Border Leicester rams on Romney ewes. Ostrich We facilitate the exchange of information between members to help them better raise their flocks and promote their products. Four of the original Coopworths were CSSNZ registered Pine Park and Alford Park New Zealand Coopworth Sheep, imported by Jonathan May of Timberville, Virginia, in 1979. Your email address will not be published. Wild n Woolly Farm: Coopworth Sheep and Scottish Highland Cattle, raw & dyed wool, spinning, knitting, and felting supplies! Fish Multiple births are most common and the ewes will provide an abundance of milk for their lambs. The resulting crossbred sheep were interbred over several generations. The purpose behind these experiments was the realisation by research workers and some farmers at that time that the New Zealand lambing percentages were not high enough. Coopworth sheep wool can do it all. The Coopworth spun long draw (photo above) is lovely and light. By 1968, it was determined that the successive generations of the interbred sheep had produced a medium sized, highly prolific, dual purpose, adaptable sheep and it was … It was shortly after WWII, in New Zealand, when Professor Ian Coop began to selectively crossbreed Border Leicester rams on Romney ewes. It was developed by a team of scientists at Lincoln Collage in Canterbury, New Zealand. The Coopworth sheep are dual-purpose animals. General- Coopworth sheep are sturdy animals with a strong bone structure and well-balanced, capacious bodies. Difficult births rarely occur and ewes have very strong mothering instincts, seldom leaving their lambs after birth. Job Circular And this selection program has produced an efficient, dual-purpose sheep which are ideally suited to most environment of it’s native area. Rams should have two large, even, well-developed testicles. An otherwise good sheep should not be disqualified if the hooves exhibit some light color, although black is most desirable. Body- The forequarter should be light and the shoulders level with the back. Their meat and wool are of a good quality and they are ideal for pasture-based systems. Several wool styles are acceptable within the breed. Read some more information about this sheep breed below. Coopworth wool is relativ1ely coarse and long and is popular with hand spinners. The lambs grow well on grass making this breed ideal for low-input, pasture-based systems. Both white and natural colored fleeces are acceptable. Today it is also breed and found in some other countries such as Australia, United States and some parts of Europe. Advertise The body is long with a good loin and hindquarter, light forequarter and a wide pelvis. Locks are broad and free of crossed fibers, kemp and hair. Coopworth Sheep & Wool Products from a Family Owned Wisconsin Farm. The Coopworth sheep are hardy animals, and they are well suited to almost all climates. Any imported sheep must be recorded under the … Breed categories: long wool, dual-purpose, Distribution: New Zealand, Australia, North America, Europe. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Their body is long with a good loin and hindquarter, light forequarter and a wide pelvis. Hidden Valley Farm & Woolen Mill has been providing custom fiber processing since 1997. The Coopworth Sheep is a hardy, durable and highly productive sheep breed from New Zealand. The Coopworth is a medium sized, dual-purpose, white faced sheep with an alert but quiet disposition. This should be attributed to the density and length of the fleece rather than excessive lanolin content. Privacy Policy Several large importations of Coopworths into the United States and Canada occurred in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Yes, it’s common in most cases. Chicken Legs- Front legs should be straight and wide-set. The Coopworth sheep are medium sized animals. Their fleece with pointed locks, has a well-defined crimp with bright luster and spinning count of 35-39mm and a staple length of 6-8 inches. Poultry These would be similar to Border Leicester and New Zealand Romney wool types. For this reason, several wool styles are considered acceptable.