Caution must still be taken when using it, especially against enemies that move quickly. The weapon's speed also allows you to swing as your foe comes out of a roll. Hey I'm a total dark souls noob and I'm doing my first run through the game ever and I really love using Zweihander. Dark Souls 3 has multiple items that will help you boost your performance. How good is the Zweihander and how do you git gud at using it? Attribute bonus Attack power 0 D Zweihander build. 0 Dark Souls 3 has multiple items that will help you boost your performance. The Zweihander is an ultra greatsword in Dark Souls III. Mastering this is extremely powerful, allowing you to constantly get free hits in and bully your opponent into an easy win. You'll want to play to the strengths of both weapons. This is a player-created Build for Dark Souls. ... Zweihander Ultragreatsword. If you want help making your own build, you can consult this useful page on how to make a build by Blaine. Still, a lightning Zweihander is strong enough for all of New Game and can handle over 90% of New game+ enemies without a problem. It requires a 19Str/11Dex. 80 10(-/15) Skill if the opponent is actively using a parry weapon in the left hand, switch to your Zweihander until he focuses on two handing his weapon, or has no parry weapon in the left hand. You'll get more bang out of your weapon buff, due to the speed at which you swing. 8(-/12) For Dark Souls on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Zweihander Quality build SL 135 , am i doing it right ? Weighing in at 10 units, the Zweihander is one of the lightest ultra greatswords in the game, being beaten only by the Astora Greatsword's 8 units. However, this also gives the Zweihander the same slow swings of said weapon type. PvP is more interesting. Standard/Thrust Build so far looks promosing :) I should note that you don't need one weapon of every element, nor is having it useful. 40.0 This build can also be tweaked slightly for a slightly different setup, by … Right Hand: Heavy Dark Sword +10 and Heavy Zweihander +10 The key point to this build is to punish people who like to parry. Lh: Grass Crest Shield+14 Ivory talisman Mirrored version of one-handed weak attacks. One-handed thrust, followed by overhead smash. D 19 Horizontal slash from right to left, then in reverse direction. Murky Hand Scythe. - Vigor + Endurance will help you with stamina and health for your life. If you are going for a pve build you really can't go wrong, no matter how you build the zweihander just does ridiculous damage. Two-handed horizontal counter-clockwise slash, followed by clockwise slash. Attribute requirement In any case, you generally want to 2 hand with the grass crest shield. 22 votes, 46 comments. Also due to the reputation of the weapon, people love to spam parry at it. Despite the Dark Sword being the focus of this build, the Zweihander isn't only a tool to counter people who love to parry. I have no idea where to go with my build. Buy this weapon from Greitat ‘the thief’ after his first pillage run. It's the faster weapon, use it to chase down targets, go for quick two hit combos and bash down an enemies shield. -. ". 0 1 Availability 2 Characteristics 3 Moveset 4 Trivia 5 Upgrades 6 Videos Sold by Greirat for 6,000 souls once he returns from his pillaging travel in the Undead Settlement. 150 You probably want dark wood grain (ninja flip) ring because that roll -> poke has even more insane range with it. DPS Pyromancer Build in Dark Soul 3. 40 40.0 The two handed attacks of the Zweihander are unparryable. The point of this build is to be able to readily have options available to deal with multiple play styles and builds. - Would another greatsword/ultra greatsword be better? Zweihander is one of those few weapons that are suited for elemental upgrades. Haven't used it that much in 2 or 3… Pyromancer Build, Hyper Mode Heavy Hitter (1040 AR Potential), Lothric Knight Greatsword and Sacred Oath, Versatile Dark Sword/ Zwei Strength Build. 100 Totalling around 700 damage (About 300 - 400 damage from each R1). DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die Edition . I like to one hand and have the security of a shield. My current build is: sl46 Vitality:12 Attunement:8 Endurance:34 Strength:35 Dexterity:10 Resistance:11 Intelligence:8 Faith:10 Any guidance would be much appreciated. Dark Souls Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Build Name: Zwei hander build; Build Level: 120-135; Build Focus: PvP; Build Main Stats: Faith; Link to Dark Souls Calculator: Add link here. While still utilizing the power of the Dark Sword. 11 0 ". 10.0 Build Name: Versatile Dark Sword/ Zwei Strength Build; Build Level: 87; Build Starting Class: Warrior; Build Focus: PvP, but still PvE viable; Build Main Stat: Strength; Build Stat Screenshot: Build Stats; Build Equipment. Another thing to note is that, because it has a C scaling in Dexterity, characters that have a Dexterity-oriented build can also use this weapon effectively as the Zweihander's scaling stays at C/C for STR/DEX throughout upgrade levels +1 to +9. Archived. Strength Build for Zweihander This is my first time playing Dark Souls and I just beat Quelaag. What should I do for stat investment for this weapon? Feel free to play around and tweak the build to your play style, for example maybe you want more Vigor or Vitality. The first hit of a Zweihander will stagger your enemy long enough for you to get a second swing off. Once the threat of a parry is gone you may feel free to swap back to the Dark Sword. For a great Pyro experience, you should target a 40/40 Intelligence/Faith and pick at least 30-end weapons. A Mass VIT build can easily be tailored for any weapon; Zweihander is good because it allows you to have extremely high Vitality and still have one of the best unbuffed weapons in the game. Close. ... On my poise build, I carry mine with crows quills and witches locks for quickstep and rolling spammers, respectively. When upgraded, its scaling quickly rises to C/C in Strength/Dexterity, and once it is at +10, it has a B/C scaling. While it does not have any special abilities or innate elemental damage, dealing only average damage and having seemingly average scaling at first, this weapon is very light for its class and features one of the longest reaches of all ultra greatswords. This is a player-created Build for Dark souls 3. Sold by Greirat for 6,000 souls once he returns from his pillaging travel in the Undead Settlement. Build Equipment. - With this AP combined with the quick slash attacks of a Straight Sword we are able to easily bully our enemy, or spam down a group of foes. In this build the Dark Sword boasts a decently high AP of 400, while just being a Straight Sword. *Note, when it comes to armor feel free to use whatever you want while staying under 70% equip burden. ". Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Miscellaneous 2. Guard absorption For the Dark Souls II variant, see Zweihander (Dark Souls II). Zweihander has a good DPS and lightweight. Adding all these traits together makes the Zweihander a universally useful weapon, allowing it to be wielded effectively by a wide variety of builds and be used in different situations. Build Name: Versatile Dark Sword/ Zwei Strength Build; Build Level: 87; Build Starting Class: Warrior; Build Focus: PvP, but still PvE viable ; Build Main Stat: Strength; Build Stat Screenshot: Build Stats; Build Equipment. If compared to the Greatsword, for example, it deals lower damage but has less than half its weight and near-equal reach. As of version 1.06, the zweihander appears to no longer be unparryable. Using the Zweihander not only lets us throw off our foes predictions with weapon swaps, but also allows us to punish parry spammers with unparryable Zweihander R1s.