Therefore, this is merely a rough guide to the chronological order of the events during this conflict and no date should be taken as absolutely final should new evidence come to light. Driven outwards by the resurgent armies of the Emperor of Mankind after the Battle of Terra in what was later called the Great Scouring, Following the end of the Horus Heresy, the Imperium of Man launched a retribution crusade, known as the, While traveling into a region of space known as the. When word reaches the Dark Angels of the Istvaan III Atrocity, With Terra warned of the Warmaster Horus' treachery at Istvaan III, eight entire, Following the calamitous events on Istvaan V and the surviving Raven Guard's flight to Terra to bring word of the disaster, the shattered, The Salamanders' Primarch Vulkan managed to survive the nucleonic bombardment of the Urgall Depression on Istvaan V, due to his unknown regenerative abilities as an immortal, Alpha Legion forces allied with the Traitor Dark Mechanicum of Taghmata Satarael and the Titans of the. The Horus Heresy also known as Horus Humbug, Cosmic Scale Daddy Issues, That time Erebus fucked everyone over forever and (in-universe) as The Great Heresy War is one of the single biggest clusterfuck of events in Warhammer 40,000 fluff, alongside the Eldar 's creation of a new Chaos God, and the rampage and fall of the star gods. Still ignorant of the events that occurred on Istvaan V, Lord Chaplain, As the Space Wolves are still licking their wounds following their heavy losses during the, After Jaghatai Khan refuses to aid Leman Russ and his battered Space Wolves fleet, he finally arrives at the ravaged world of Prospero seeking answers for himself. Please consider this before you edit this text! This page was last edited on 19 September 2020, at 07:05. Presented below is the Horus Heresy Chronology, an exhaustive listing of all known campaigns and battles that occurred during the nine-year-long, galaxy-wide conflict known as the Horus Heresy in the early 31st Millennium. A Timeline of the Horus Heresy. Their true target, however, is the fortress moon of Hydra, which orbits, While the surviving Loyalist enclaves have been apparently crippled by the Warmaster Horus' onslaught, those Death Guard elements assigned to the garrison of, In 017.M31, after the end of the Heresy, a Retribution Fleet designated Battlefleet Vengeance, led by the, The Siege of Terra, also called the Battle of Terra, is the final epic and cataclysmic campaign of the Horus Heresy. Unlike the other Traitor Legions, after their defeat in the, In the aftermath of the Horus Heresy, the Thousand Sons attacked the Space Wolves', A Blood Angels Retribution Fleet of the 33, A task force of the Ultramarines Legion, composed of the survivors of the 19, Following the conquest of the vitally-important, After the Heresy, Corvus Corax personally gave the. Vulkan returned to life in a mentally unstable state, and was often violent and incoherent. The arc 's focus is on Warmaster Horus, the principal antagonist, and covers about two years in the overall Heresy timeline; most of this period elapses before the rebellion begins. Its outbreak marked the end of the Emperor of Mankind 's Great Crusade to reunite the scattered colony worlds of humanity under a single government … In the decade or so it's been around it has become a huge collection of stories, with a whole host of plot threads, characters and events to follow. The last major warp jump into Signus (when they were last seen) was 327 005 (late April). The Morox Civil War takes place in almost total isolation from the rest of the galaxy owing to turbulent, Scattered elements of the Blood Angels Legion fight a long and bloody campaign against Word Bearers forces near the galactic core on the borders of, Under the direction of Imperial Fists Primarch, The Alpha Legion carries out multiple diversionary attacks of sabotage and preparation, which plunges the Sol System into complete chaos. The continuing Battle of Calth between trapped forces of those Ultramarines and Word Bearers still locked in a death-struggle descends into the extensive arcologies deep beneath the planet's surface. They departed for Signus in early 005, and at this point the Wolves are en route to Prospero. The Iron Warriors make planetfall and proceed to be held at bay for nearly three solar months, thanks to the courage of its defenders, the geography and the ingenuity of the fortress builders of the Cadmean Citadel. As more information surrounding this dark era of human history is uncovered in newly discovered Imperial records, it will be added to the chronology. Though Horus turned to the service of Chaos several standard years before the start of the conflict, the Heresy only officially began with the Istvaan III Atrocity. The Horus Heresy was originally created back in the late 80’s, by Games Workshop (who also owns Black Library), with the sole intention of being part of the lore for the 40k board game. The main plot is that Chaos is trying to bring down the Emperor, by … The Dark Angels took a significant part in these battles, which later came to be called the, The forces of the Imperium launch a great counteroffensive against the Traitor Legions of the slain Warmaster Horus, following the end of his lamentable civil war during the, After the death of Horus at the end of the Horus Heresy during the Great Scouring, the Alpha Legion and the Ultramarines Legion met in battle on the world of, The Iron Cage is the name given to the greatest battle fought between the Imperial Fists Legion and their hated rivals, the Chaos Space Marines of the Iron Warriors Traitor Legion, on the world of, Following the death of Horus during the Battle of Terra, the Traitor Legions were driven into the Eye of Terror. Presented below is a chronological listing of the events of the Age of Darkness which fell upon the Imperium of Man during the Horus Heresy of the early 31st Millennium. The few surviving Imperial Fists defenders were slaughtered to a man and the surviving refugees were enslaved by the Iron Warriors before they moved on to their next objective. I'm a big fan of the Horus Heresy series of novels, set in (or rather, before) the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Shortly after the disastrous events of the Drop Site Massacre of Istvaan V had played out to their tragic conclusion, the traitorous Iron Warriors Legion saw the opportunity to humble their hated rivals, the Imperial Fists, upon the isolated world of Hydra Cordatus. Following the events of the Battle of Calth, the Word Bearers perform one last act of spite and cause the planet's primary star to become unstable. Included below are events that took place following the immediate end of the Horus Heresy, many of which directly (or indirectly) were affected by the final campaigns of the galaxy-wide civil conflict that ravaged thousands of worlds and cost hundreds of billions of lives. Horus was hell-bent on getting the Interex to join the Imperium peacfully. Possible date for the creation of the Primarch's 840.M30: Magnus the Red is discovered by the Emperor. The following information was compiled by manifold and diverse hands at the order of Malcador the Sigillite and the Acting Council of Terra following the outbreak, as well as during, the major events of the Horus Heresy.

daunt's horus heresy timeline

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