Cognitive ProcessesThis program is an exploration into the higher mental processes - reasoning, planning, and problem solving - and why the “cognitive revolution” is attracting such diverse investigators from philosophers to computer scientists. Applying Psychology in LifePsychology is currently being applied in innovative ways to practical situations in the areas of human factors, law, and conflict negotiation. LearningProminent researchers — Pavlov, Thorndike, Watson, and Skinner — have greatly influenced today’s thinking about how learning takes place. They are very accurate, interesting, and well explained. This program looks at how society reacts to the last stages of life. Sad. Hi, Im currently studying psychology but in dutch and we use 'Psychologie,een inleiding' which is a translation of Philiph Zimbardo's book An introduction to Psychology.You can read most of it on Google Books, i have accidently on purpose opened an old filing cabinet deep and hidden in the labyrinth of my mind and now i wish i hadnt. This is an awesome series. I would advise anyone with any background to watch this series. I thought this video was an excellent way to introduce the world of psychology to individuals and students. Sandy received her B.A. Its a great series for those interested in psychology or looking for an introduction. It helps me understand more about psychology and how many types of psychology are out there. This area has become more important in both psychology and American society with the globalization of our planet, increasing interaction of people from different cultural backgrounds, and emerging issues of diversity. i am mind blown with the memeories which trickled thru at first and amused me for a while until a tsunami of memeories hit me big time, i am amazed at the power of my mind but only wished some of it was not there, on a good note i now remember that i have a 40 year old stocks which is obscene and i feel my mind is worth more, i am strugling not to name names cos i will open a big can of worms, its intresting but shocking and i realise that i am in shock and very sad too, i know now that the brain is a very complex computer and every thing is in there until you discover the passwords to the entry of the time place experience, then it all makes clear sense. I'd love to see something like this but currently made. 17. This program examines the basic principles of classical and operant conditioning elaborated by these renowned figures. With Dr. Hazel Markus of Stanford University and Dr. Teresa Amabile of Harvard University. With Dr. Ellen Langer of Harvard University and Dr. Philip Zimbardo of Stanford University. I've watched almost half of them so far, very enjoyable and kowledgefull! Read PDF Discovering Psychology Documentary Discovering Psychology - Top Documentary Films Highlighting major new developments in the field, this updated edition of Discovering Psychology offers high school and college students, and teachers of psychology at all levels, an overview of historic and current theories of human behavior. Sex and GenderThis program explores the ways in which males and females are similar and different, and how gender roles reflect social values and psychological knowledge. 9. The footage may be old but as a mental health nurse I found the research messages to still be relevant in mental health practice. With Dr. Renee Baillargeon of the University of Illinois and Dr. Judy De Loache of the University of Illinois. Discovering Psychology: The Power of the Situation. Cognitive neuroscience allies psychologists, biologists, brain researchers, and others in what is perhaps the most dramatic advance in the last decade of psychological research. Sensation and PerceptionThis program demonstrates how visual information is gathered and processed, and how our culture, previous experiences, and interests influence our perceptions. Paperback. From the author: The inspiration came from many years of personal research into a range of scientific fields including consciousness and psi research, psychology, biology, cosmology, quantum physics and philosophy of mind. 1. Episodes. Testing and IntelligenceThis program peers into the field of psychological assessment — the efforts of psychologists and other professionals to assign values to different abilities, behaviors, and personalities. Combined, there are more than 200k people following us through these channels: You should sign up for our newsletter. I'm psychology major. It is a little dated - early 90s, maybe even late 80s.

discovering psychology documentary

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