Plants are the only living thing that can make their own energy. The trick to successful training is to offer positive rewards for performing the desired behavior. Answer. me consumers, like lions, do not eat plants or any other producers. by eating animals that have carbon-based molecules stored in their bodies by breathing it in from the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide by absorbing carbon-based molecules through their skin from the soil by drinking water that contains carbon dioxide How do lions obtain the carbon they need? They only eat other animals. how do lions obtain the carbon they need? Some consumers, like lions, do not eat plants or any other producers. Stranger things have happened, I suppose. Top Answer. They only eat other animals. Answers: 3 Get Other questions on the subject: Biology. Asked by Wiki User. 29 30 31. Wiki User Answered . Are mountain lions omnivores? they only eat other animals. This is because lions hate the taste of plants, so the animals they eat also eat plants. lions are carnivores which means they eat meat and do not eat plants. But most of their victims weigh between 50 and 300 kilograms (110-660 lbs). The most common prey are … No matter what you call them - mountain lion, puma, or cougar - they are all the same specie. Typical prey weighs anywhere from 100 to 1,000 pounds. Some consumers, like lions, do not eat plants or any other producers. W hat do lions eat? The lion may eat up to 90 pounds of meat from just one kill, swallowing the food unchewed in large chunks. Almost any animal they can catch. - 3287350 What plants do lions eat? All animals depend on plants to survive, even if it’s not directly. The world’s lions fall into one of two categories: African or Asiatic. Biology, 21.06.2019 13:20, egyptforrest9892.