When you are ready to plant, you must apply each pit with 25 kg of farm yard manure such as cow dung and 1.5 kg of Neem cake powder. Freezing winters, prolonged cold climatic conditions with heavy frost are not suitable for dragon fruit cultivation. As a result, KCDF Farm also grows other fruit-bearing trees such as coconuts, walnuts, calamansi, santol, avocado, durian, lanzones, rambutan, guava, and jackfruit among many others. Temperature – Dragon fruit does not thrive in cold weather, so make sure the temperature is higher than 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Yield in Dragon Fruit Farming:- Yield of fruit crop depends on many factors such as soil type, climate, variety and orchard management practices. Before you get the saplings, be ready with land preparation, poles and pits. Now let us get into the procedure of dragon fruit planting method. Profit from Dragon Fruits Since its establishment 5 years ago, many interested farmers who wanted to grow dragon fruit and even buyers in Davao City now frequently visited the techno-demo farm in Manambulan, Davao City. Dragon Fruit Farming – Profitable Farming ड्रैगन फ्रूट की खेती कैसे करें? A step by step guide to Dragon Fruit Farming Profit Dragon fruit demand in India is very high and many people are showing interest in dragon fruit cultivation in Karnataka, dragon fruit farming in Gujarat, Assam, Haryana, Punjab, and Maharashtra. The land should be cleared off from any weeds, stones or previous crop residues. The pits should be dug with a measurement of 2 feet wide 2 feet long and 1 foot deep. "Pitaya" usually refers to fruit of the genus Stenocereus, while "pitahaya" or "dragon fruit" always refers to fruit of the genus Hylocereus. You better get these saplings from certified fruit nurseries or procure from any horticulture department. One plant typically produces 1 kg of fruit and every pole will have 4 plants so 4 kg/pole. Mulching in the dragon fruit orchard helps to prevent moisture loss, controls weeds and minimizes pests. To avoid any fungal disease, make sure to treat these stems with fungicide. Fertilizer – Give it fertilizer per month during the active growing season to ensure that the dragon fruit grows well. Stay updated on the go with The Daily Star Android & iOS News App . Hello friends, welcome back to Gardening Tips!, today we will be discussing commercial dragon fruit growing in India. … When you ever pull the fruit so fast, it definitely would not be harvested. In dragon fruit farming, on an average one can obtain. Soil requirement for growing dragon fruit plants, Climatic conditions for growing dragon fruit plants, Irrigation requirement in commercial dragon fruit cultivation, Fertilizers and manures requirement in dragon fruit growing, The cost and profit in 1-acre dragon fruit growing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Since dragon fruit trees can bear fruit four to six times a year, Ballener still had to think about the off seasons and how the farm can earn a profit. Posted on January 18, 2017 July 13, 2020 by admin Dragon Fruit Farming Now let us see how we can market Dragon fruit: Well, as we all know most of the fruits are perishable; we have to make sure to establish a marketing channel well-before we get the harvest. However, for better plant growth and fruiting, irrigation should be giving at the time transplantation, flowering and fruiting stage. you can observe the dragon fruit farming In some places of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh as well. When it comes to climate, dragon plants thrive well in dry and sunny areas. When it comes to Fertilizer and Manures Requirement: It requires adding micronutrients and farm yard manure like cow dung yearly 2 times preferably in June and January.