Did a Chaos Blade build even though some people claimed it wasn't viable in PVE. Skill: Hold -Chaos Blade can't be buffed or infused, but gets an S in Dex at +5 On paper, it seems like there's no reason to use either Bloodlust or Darkdrift over any of the other katana. 16 Dex 80 it has 480 vs. Stats below. So it uses the Titanite Scale Reinforcement. Weapon Setup 1 (For Two-Handing the Chaos Blade) RH1 - Chaos Blade +5 RH2 - Ascended Pyro Flame +5 LH1 - Grass Crest Shield (for stamina regen) or Avelyn (+15 or Lightning +5) LH2 - Pyro Flame (NOT UPGRADED for use of power within) Weapon Setup 2 (For using a Shield) RH1 - Chaos Blade +5 RH2 - Ascended Pyro Flame +5 LH1 - Silver Knight Shield +5 The swordsman was a master of a rare technique, traces of which can be observed in this weapon's strong attack. (CB has 447 at that point). This shiny black blade is thick, but shorter than the typical katana. Chaos Fire Orb technique is the most well-known and easy to do, basically you’ll have to guess the foe’s rolls, if they are rolling to you, then shot your ball near your feet, if they are rolling to the right, then shot the ball to the right, it can be applied to Chaos Vestiges and Dark Orb, but those spells don’t create the lava pool. The Chaos Blade is one of the many Weapons you will come across in Dark Souls 3. Original location at Untended Graves This weapon is categorized as a Boss Weapon. Chaos Blade's 460. 1 Lore 2 Skill 3 Availability 4 Moveset 5 Notes 6 Upgrades h Hold (1) - Assume a holding stance to rapidly execute a lunging slash with normal attack, or a deflecting parry with strong attack. Return to Weapons At Str. This weapon is even great in PvE thanks to the Black Knight series having a hidden 20% damage bonus versus demons, making this weapon adept at slaying most of DS3's bosses. Frayed Blade has split damage with like 80 dark, but that's actually quite helpful most of the time I feel. Description "A cursed sword of unknown origin bearing uncanny streaks on its blade. It wasnt an optimal build but it was efficient. A short katana wielded by the swordsman and distinguished guest of High Lord Wolnir. I wanted to use it because of the rad bleed visual on the blade when hitting an enemy, its length, and its potential to bleed out. The Chaos Blade is at the end of it, on top of the stairs. Black Blade is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. I use it with a Str. I like the Frayed Blade a bit better than the Chaos Blade. Like on purpose, the Chaos Blade is in the same place outside Dark Firelink Shrine, as the Uchigatana was outside the regular one. Never had a problem losing health. 26 Dex 60 Setup (can use some quality weapons) and the AR stays the same. If you are a big fan of the katana-style weapons, you might already have the very first katana you can find in the game – the Uchigatana. For a Dex build, Chaos Blade will probably have the highest damage output.