Enjoy when fruit is soft. If you are looking for lots of large fruit perhaps try Nightingale. Persimmons are hardy to USDA zone 7-8. Ripens early October and continues ripening on the tree into winter. Relatively small tree, good choice for backyard persimmon. Self fertile. Persimmon trees grown from seed will be male or female, only female trees produce fruit be sure plant in groups of 6 to 10. Dwarf and early ripening,from Korea. Sometimes difficult to start from bareroot. Exceptions are ‘Izu', which is a dwarf tree, maturing at 12-15' tall, and ‘Tanenashi', which matures at 40'. It sets medium sized fruit on a dwarf tree. Hardy, vigorous tree. Space 10' circle Zones 6-9. Persimmon Trees. 100 hours. Yalca Fruit Trees is a Fruit Tree Nursery located in Yalca Victoria 30 minutes from Shepparton. View detailed information. Very sweet, tasty, medium to large size, round shape. Persimmon tree seeds are genetically unpredictable, so you can end up with a different variety of persimmon tree than the one you wanted. of stock Quick View. Growing conditions, care and pruning. A slow growing deciduous medium sized tree that can reach around 5 – 7 m in height depending on conditions. Though persimmon trees belong to the same genus as ebony trees, persimmon tree wood has a limited use in the manufacture of objects requiring hard wood. Genus and species Diospyros kaki (Asian persimmon, Japanese persimmon) Dwarf variety is Ichikikijiro. Our fruit trees are shipped to Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney and most Australian states and towns. Persimmon trees grow to a mature height of about 25-30' tall & wide in Portland. To propagate from stem cuttings, first. Miss Kim has excellent flavor, red fall leaf color and fruit usually seedless. Out. Jiro Dwarf And Fuyu Dwarf are two of the best dwarf varieties well suited for growing in pots or containers. Purchase Details Size 2′ to 3′ $6.00 each 3′ to 5′ $9.00 each . Seedlings Grown From Full Draw. Most of the Persimmons at Portland Nursery are self-fruitful, so only one tree need be planted to ensure fruit. Persimmon trees can be propagated from stem cuttings, and these will produce exact clones of the parent tree. We are passionate about growing the best trees and love the Heritage Fruit Tree and Dwarf Fruit Tree varieties. When planting seedling you will get a variety of drop times from late summer and in through fall. Any other products, benefits, useful or interesting facts about of tree, WIKIPEDIA. This is the best variety in areas where ripening is a problem. Izu is the earliest ripening non-astringent cultivar. Trees grown from seeds also take longer to reach a good size than those grown from cuttings.