The first tab I posted was messed up but I think I got this one right. Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server.The original song is hosted at works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. Any questions, just email me at Great song, off of Dylan's new album Tempest written as a tribute to John Lennon. Like a Rolling Stone Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Released On "Highway 61 Revisited" _____ Chords: Dm7 C G F[barre chord] 000211 032010 320033 133211 [C]Once upon a time you[Dm7] dressed so fine You[C] threw the bums a dime[F] in your prime,[G] didn't you? Bob Dylan Shelter From the Storm This one was pretty easy to figure out. Oh, and “Baby Let me Follow You Down” was not written by Dylan. Bob Dylan - Sad-Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands 1645 D A G Em7 A7 With your mercury mouth in the missionary times, D A G Em A7 And your eyes like smoke and your prayers like rhymes, G F#m Em7 A7 D And your silver cross, and your voice like chimes, Em7 A I Want You Chords by Bob Dylan. Learn to play guitar by chord / tabs using chord diagrams, transpose the key, watch video lessons and much more. I’ll agree with: 1) Tangled Up in Blue 2) Girl From the North Country 3) Visions of Johanna 4) Buckets of Rain 5) Hurricane 6) If Not For You 7) Shelter From the Storm 8) When the Ship Comes In 9) I Shall Be Released. Chordie does not index songs against artists'/composers' will. No abusive ads Bob Dylan Tabs with free online tab player. Tabcrawler - many tabs/crds Guitar Tab Universe - many tabs and chords alltabs - tabs and chords for classic songs, guitar, banjo, etc OnLine Guitar Archive This nifty archive is mirrored on various places, its the best place to find tabs and chords, loads of files! The main chord progression is E A E B7 A E Strum an E chord for the intro for 4 … Huge selection of 500,000 tabs. One accurate tab per song. Key: Ab Chords: I: Ab(maj7) ii: Bbm (in7) iii: Cm (in7) IV: Db(maj7) V: Eb (7) vi: Fm (in7) vii: Gdim (7b5) For easy playing you can play it with a capo on the 4th fret (just take it down 4 half steps). Bob Dylan - All Along The Watchtower (2 варианта) 6008 Capo 4th fret Chords: G6 320000 Am 002210 F[barre chord] 133211 [Am]"There must be some[G6] way[F] out of here," [G6] [Am] Said the joker[G6] to the[F] thief, [G6] [Am]"There's too much[G6] con[F]fus