Li - ritual and propriety. If a person is dressed up as non-human, and is killed by someone who sincerely believes the victim was not human, who is responsible? On your to-do list, pursuing a higher state of consciousness doesn't really rank. -Taoists do not look for trouble. Are there sources in daoistic philosophy regarding the concept of the specifically human? Eastern Ethics. For example, the Buddha ... What I am looking for are sources (wether historical or, even better, contemporary), that stand in the tradition of daoistic philosophy and focus on the concept of humanity. For instance, when you arrive coffee is served. -In the early 1900s, Europeans began to dilute the Indian culture and religions. I'm curious to know if the concepts of reincarnation and a karmic carry-over ... Indian philosophy has a logical category of non-difference (related somewhat to abheda) in which something is different from something else but identical to it as well. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. 1. Is extra-sensory perception considered a valid source of knowledge in any Western branch of philosophy? Removing an experience because of company's fraud. (15), -In fiction, they have many specific gods (these supposed gods declared the punishments; they didn't let anyone off the hook/no compassion) but in reality they don't adhere to a system of gods. Undoubtedly, there is a big difference between the two. Jen - humaneness to others. China's Phil.-Confucianism (2) -The teachings of Confucius. Does the dueling notion of good and evil exist in non-Abrahamic (Eastern) philosophies as it does in the Western tradition? Remarks on the Caste System What do we learn about the sun when applying the yin and yang viewpoint? Or because they are afraid of losing ground to a superior thinking? What went wrong in the practise of Hinduism? How do Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. The question of whether what is known as ‘Eastern Philosophy’ qualifies as real philosophical venture engenders lingering divergent positions among scholars. The fundamental purpose of philosophy is to find meaning in one's life and purpose to one's path, and there is no major difference between eastern and western philosophy according to that understanding. -Taoism is the way of ultimate reality - that which is observable in nature. To learn and understand a new philosophy you must experience it. Why are most helipads in São Paulo blue coated and identified by a "P"? Why was the name of Discovery's most recent episode "Unification III"? More so than China or Taiwan. Or because they think it's not philosophy, but mysticism? “When you're in the clutches of a drinking problem you don't really sit around thinking, I should really knock this shit off and go get my Eastern philosophy on. Eastern philosophy helps to calmly and serenely ease our anxieties to help us get through these things through soothing imagery, poetic words and encouraging us to simply let ourselves run our course with nature. The first and central ‘noble truth’ of the Buddha is that life is unavoidably about … The goal is basically ... One of the arguments against the existence of god is the problem of evil and specifically, the death of innocent children. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Hence the axioms of logic we choose are themselves ... Is it because western tradition ignores them? Sort of matched up with the time of Confucius. I have read that some Eastern philosophies, such as Buddhist philosophy, have considered extra-sensory perception (as attained through meditation), a valid source of knowledge. After what time interval do the closest approaches of Mercury to the Earth repeat? -Four basic periods of Indian philosophy: -Philosophy is closely bound to religion. There are different sciences and different definitions to 'science'. Friends, Are We Not Philosophers: Is This Place a Bazaar or a Cathedral? Difference between information and knowledge? The post Began as oral literature. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. But there must be some commonness when we use the term--'SCIENTIFIC'. There is a sub-field of philosophy called 'comparative philosophy' - it deals with philosophical themes by comparing how those themes were accounted for throughout history by Western and non-Western (... What I am looking for are sources (wether historical or, even better, contemporary), that stand in the tradition of hinduistic philosophy and focus on the concept of humanity. -K'ung Fu Tzu are the teachings of Confucius. China's Phil.-Confucianism (2)-The teachings of Confucius-K'ung Fu Tzu are the teachings of Confucius-About 551 BC -Confucius was a member of the Chou dynasty. Chinese Philosophy: the yin aspects of the sun discusses what the yin and yang properties of the sun are according to Daoism. Can a category of non-difference exist in Western logic? There's a right way to do everything. Philosophy has roots in both the eastern and the western world. The distinction between Western and Eastern is of course somewhat arbitrary and artificial, and in some respects even misleading.For example, Indian and Chinese philosophies are at least as distinct from each other as they are from Western Philosophy. Edmund Husserl, for instance, view the entire corpus as some forms of religion embodying specific systems of belief and mystical practices bereft of Greco-European model of philosophy. -Buddhism was in the classical period and was a very turbulent time in India. The caste system was first mentioned in Manu Smriti (and not Vedas). … Do we consider all parameters when we deal the term, 'SCIENTIFIC'? Are there any recognized modern eastern or Asian philosophers out there? Time is cyclical not linear. rev 2020.11.24.38066. [closed], “Question closed” notifications experiment results and graduation, MAINTENANCE WARNING: Possible downtime early morning Dec 2/4/9 UTC (8:30PM…. Eastern Philosophy General (1)-Classical eastern philosophy is more closely related to religion than western philosophy-In west it is distinctly different, but in the east there is a big overlap. Eastern Philosophy General (1) -Classical eastern philosophy is more closely related to religion than western philosophy. It is very pacific. Does history use hypothesis testing using statistical methods? The rules must be followed and certain rituals must be obeyed. Which of the following statements are true about finite cyclic groups?
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