#Dilbert, Bullseye was beaten so badly that even the Hand couldn't fully restore him. '", marketing, leadership, #fight, #finishing projects, He started throwing au gratin potatoes . After Bullseye blew up a housing project killing hundreds, Matt finally had enough and brutally killed him. #early, Diana has truly joined the ranks of the Amazons after falling in battle against Jason, and when given the chance to join her sisters she bartered for Nim and Theo to be brought back as well since it was them she was praying for but they were quickly killed right after her, as one of the Apocalypse Twins' Horsemen of Death, white-clad version of her that incarnated all her good traits. #business. There he met. #flogging, . . #presentation, #ventriloquism, #god, Tags #riding, Dogbert floats through the air thinking, "Uh-oh. sales, Don't blink . . Arms hang like limp weights . Wally: For starters, I have this conversation a lot. management, #social anxiety, And that light . #brain heals, Alice says, "Uh-oh. #managers & supervisors, meeting, ", Tags #few beverages, #ding-dong, #inventions, leader, #no time. The woman thinks, "Dead. #spare time, #Dilbert. #potatoes, http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/BackFromTheDead/ComicBooks. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Don't fidget . dogbert, Tags Dilbert thinks, "Riding elevators is so awkward." Co-worker: You never answer when I call your cell. Don't breathe . I just doubled your odds of success." View 1 - 10 results for returning from the dead comic strips. #ground, The Boss: It's going to be another year of flogging dead horses. #Dilbert, #naturally, Wonder Woman (1987): As per George PĂ©rez 's reimagining of the Amazons every single one of them (including Diana) has been brought back from the dead as their origin; they are created using the souls of women murdered by men who are given new life in bodies formed of clay. #ahead, Kindle Comics & Graphic Novel Deals Browse the latest deals and special offers on digital comics and graphic novels from Marvel, DC Comics, Dark Horse, Image, and many more. So, in the end, Superman was actually resuscitated soon after his "death," spent some time in a coma, and eventually was woken up by androids. . #wilson, #dead boss hand puppet, Dogbert thinks, "I must be dead. #bad. . Dilbert says, I know it's only our first date, but what do you think of me?" . #throwing, . #acting, Dilbert stands next to a woman in an elevator. A little pollution can't hurt me. Interestingly, while the comic uses alien and mystic, Completely subverted (not to say stomped on) by. #bureaucracy, Wally: I don't have time for that. #illness, #dead, Dilbert arrives at home with food stuck to his suit. Dilbert shines a flashlight on Dogbert who is sleeping on the chair. It must be GOD!!" change, wally, Mr. Immortal's power is a parody of this; his only major power is that he will always come back to life a few seconds after dying. ", Tags Dilbert: I heard you flew to Vegas and played pai gow all weekend. 191 Results for Returning From The Dead. #woman, Asok says, "Now it's my turn to use the dead boss hand puppet!" #kitchen, He was left a crippled shadow of his former self, powerless to do anything but stew in his hatred of Matt. Dilbert: That's a difficult game to learn after having a few adult beverages. #dead in a week, #attitude, You can also use "quotes" and & to narrow down results. Dogbert asks, "How was your lunch with the executive vice president?" project management, Nope! That looks like my body on the ground." The Boss: It's just as well; he had a bad attitude. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. #drank sludge, Wally: Go away. #witch, The caption says, "Next: a really big let down." cloud, His attempts to get revenge on Matt for this ultimately cost Bullseye his sight as well. #Dogbert, #money, . Wally: Leave me alone! The woman replies, "You remind me of Elvis." . #body, #sexy, catbert, ", Tags #frustration, Tags ." This brain worm will be dead in a week, tops. #drop dead, #too busy, So nobody was Superman, Back From The Dead! mordac. #developing an app, . Dilbert covers his eyes and says, "When I left, he was face-down in the clam chowder and the kitchen staff was singing 'ding-dong the witch is dead. #hourses, 1993 Adventures of Superman #500 Back from the Dead? Hmm. #beautiful, #elvis, We will take a look as soon as we can. #internal, . #marketing people, birthday, #corn, #flying, #dead, I drank some industrial sludge. #dating, CEO says, "Tell them to do a powerpoint presentation at the next executive retreat to share their methods." #elevators, He's a hyper-advanced clone/golem made from marble, controlled by the Eradicator, and powered by Superman's "corpse.". #charge cell phone, The 2019 reboot of the same story plays things a little different; Zero was already in the system by the time other gang hit, died in an explosion and ended up in Hell, which had taken the form of a digital space called Ghost Works due to people's beliefs. #business, Man says, "The engineering department is finishing all of their projects early and we don't know why." powerpoint, Wally: Drop dead. #mobile (cell) phones, Something went wrong. Woman says, "I bought two for myself so I don't need to make an app. Dilbert thinks, "Sexy." #lottery ticket, data, #Dilbert, #chowder, #Dogbert, . #dead battery, #odds of success, The Hand eventually revived him with a twist. But somehow we'll muddle through our internal bureaucracy, gouge our customers, and keep getting our tiny paychecks. Co-worker: What do you do all day that makes you so busy? It's beautiful . Tags ", Tags #weekend. #Dilbert, boss, #goaway, #customers, #adult bevarages, #straight, Woman says, "Here's a lottery ticket.
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