Bend the right knee slightly and slowly until a stretch is felt in the back of the left upper calf (gastroc). Working too quickly, bouncing or applying too much pressure can trigger the “stretch reflex,” which can cause the working muscle to tighten, rather than loosen. 3. Here the tension switches from the gastrocnemius muscle to the Achilles tendon and soleus of the left leg. How To Stretch the Gastrocnemius & Soleus Muscles. Straight Knee: Straight knee primarily stretches the gastroc. Another simple and often-performed movement is the stair stretch. Practical Applications. Calf stretches also are incorporated into a rehabilitation program after an injury. Alternatively, stretch your calves after a vigorous workout when they're already warm. Repeat the stretch on the other leg. Fisk holds a Bachelor of Arts in public and international affairs from Princeton University. Loop a resistance band, rolled-up towel, scarf or necktie around the ball of your right foot. Hold this stretch for about 30 seconds and change sides. Lean toward the wall gently until you begin to feel your calf stretch in the injured leg. All rights reserved. The leg in back is the one you will stretch. Bent Knee: Bent Knee stretches target more of the soleus since the gastroc muscle is contracted. Flex the right foot, directing your toes to the ceiling. Extend your arms and hands and firmly plant your palms on the wall in front of you. Your heel should remain on the floor during the stretch and should not be elevated. Straight leg exercises target both the soleus and gastroc muscles. Sit on an exercise mat with your right leg extended in front of you. Stand facing a wall and place your hands flat on the wall at about chest height. The soleus and gastrocnemius are two of the muscles in your calves and are heavily involved in many of the exercises you perform each day. This video reviews the gastrocnemius and soleus stretch, which is are large lower leg / calf muscles. An adequate fitness program will incorporate stretching because it increases flexibility, improves circulation and range of motion, and reduces muscle stress. Do not hold your breath when you stretch. The exercises to stretch the soleus and gastrocnemius are quite similar, and because both muscles are in the calf, they often will be stretched in tandem with one another. With toes even with knee, and heel 1 inch off the floor you have to gently lean forwards and lower your heel towards floor until a stretch is felt in back of the lower leg. To stretch the soleus, assume the same position but allow the back knee to bend slightly. Therefore, bending the knee relaxes that muscle and makes it impossible to stretch it at all. Straighten, but don't lock, the knee. If you are doing the stretch as part of your rehab from an injury, place your injured leg in the back for the stretches. Grasp the ends in both hands. Continue to sink down slowly with your hips to deepen the stretch. During this, the heel of your back foot should be firmly planted and your toes should be pointed toward the wall. If you’re an athlete, tight calves also leave you more susceptible to sports-related calf strain. To stretch the gastroc, stand with your hands pressed into a wall and one leg bent with the other leg directly behind. I have a constant issue with my R hip with running as well, but I’ve signed up for the 30 day challenge and just reviewed the information on the glutes so I’m going to add in more hip hikes with my challenge. Place one leg slightly behind the other, with both your knees bent slightly. Keep your weight evenly distributed on both feet and slowly bend your knees and sink down toward the ground. As with all static stretches, hold a minimum of 30 seconds. During this, the heel of your back foot should be firmly planted and your toes should be pointed toward the wall. © 2019 www.azcentral.com. Copyright © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. The soleus video was very timely as I’ve just ‘tugged’ my soleus on my last run. You can use the same basic seated exercise -- with a minor change in form -- to stretch both muscles effectively. Lean forward at the ankle while bending the right knee and keeping your heel on the ground. Cold muscles are more likely to be injured from stretching, so it's best to do five or 10 minutes of low-intensity exercise before you stretch. If you're recovering from a calf injury, speak to your physical therapist about the advisability of specific calf stretches. Hold the gastrocnemius stretch for up to 30 seconds, and then release. She has written educational and fundraising material for several non-profit organizations and her work has appeared in numerous major online publications. Seated calf raises only target the soleus muscle. Sit tall with your head over your spine, your back straight and your shoulders down and back. Stop leaning at the point at which you begin to feel the stretch, then hold the position for 30 seconds. Pull back on the ends of the band again, maintaining a bent knee while drawing your toes toward you. A certified fitness instructor with decades of dance training, she has taught older adults, teens and kids. How to stretch your soleus and gastroc muscle? The back of your lower leg, or calf, consists of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. In the illustration above, the gastrocnemius muscle of the left leg is being stretched. Because the knee is flexed, tension is taken off the gastrocnemius and placed on the soleus. Return to a standing position, then repeat the stretch three more times. Exercise Prescription for Gastrocnemius/Soleus Stretching: Sessions per day =_____ Gastrocnemius Stretch Figure 1. Rest briefly, repeat both stretches on the right leg two to three more times, and then switch to the left leg. Repeat for 8 to 10 times. After 30 seconds, bend the back knee as completely as possible. Hold the soleus stretch for up to 30 seconds, and then release. How to Stretch the Gastrocnemius & Soleus Muscles - YouTube The reason these stretches need to be done with the knee straight is that the gastroc muscle (the one that is usually tight) goes up past the knee to connect to the thigh bone. Bend your right knee slightly to shift the stretch to the soleus. Hold this for 30 to 60 seconds. She received a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Eastern Illinois University and is now studying for a Master of Science in medicine degree to become a physician's assistant. Keep the toes of this leg pointed forward, and maintain a straight knee. The gastrocnemius assists with knee flexion, and both muscles help with plantar flexion, the downward pointing of the toes … Hold the position for six seconds, then relax for five seconds. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, about 2 feet to 3 feet from a wall. Keep your heels on the ground. Anna Aronson began working as a journalist in 2000 and spent six years at suburban Chicago newspapers before pursuing freelance work. Perform a set of dynamic stretches, such as 12 to 15 lunge walks. Bend your left leg and open the knee to the side, resting the sole of your left foot alongside your right knee. Stand facing a wall and place your hands flat on the wall at about chest height. Standing calf stretch (soleus) Stand away from a wall and put your fight foot behind you and be sure your toes are facing forward. Your right leg should remain fully extended, and you should feel light to moderate tension along the back of your lower leg. By bending your knee, this stretch targets the soleus and Achilles tendon rather than the gastrocnemius muscle. You will feel a stretch in the back leg, just above the heel. How to Do the Standing Soleus Stretch . The gastrocnemius assists with knee flexion, and both muscles help with plantar flexion, the downward pointing of the toes away from the shin. Instead, breathe freely and deeply. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds. When the knee is bent, the soleus muscle is the only thing under tension and able to get any kind of stretch. Lean toward the wall gently until you begin to feel your calf stretch in the injured leg. Warm up before stretching. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, about 2 feet to 3 feet from a wall. Pull back on the ends of the band, eliminating slack and drawing your toes toward your torso. Do not let the heel touch the floor. Soleus stretch kneeling. This stretch targets the soleus muscle on the side and lower part of the calf as well as the Achilles tendon in the lower leg. When standing, your hands should be able to reach the wall in front of you. She enjoys writing about health care topics, in particular obstetrics, pediatrics and nutrition. To effectively stretch the gastroc- nemius muscle the following technique must be followed. Breathe at regular intervals to relax the working muscles and deepen the stretch. Soleus Stretch. Judy Fisk has been writing professionally since 2011, specializing in fitness, recreation, culture and the arts. The modification should help you get a better stretch! Jog in place, jump rope or take a brisk walk for five to 10 minutes to raise your core body temperature and warm up your calves. The exercise should be performed two times on each leg, alternating between legs. The exercises to stretch the soleus and gastrocnemius are quite similar, and because both muscles are in the calf, they often will be stretched in tandem with one another.
gastroc and soleus stretch
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