In C++11, for example, the unordered_map class provides hash tables for keys and values of arbitrary type. Java programs use HashMap, and this functionality can be translated to C#. Hashing is an efficient method to store and retrieve elements. This tutorial explains how to insert, delete and searching an element from the hash table. Try something like this: int index = asciiSum % modulo; int val; hashMap.TryGetValue(index, out val); // TryGetValue returns a bool indicating whether the index was found, but we don't care: // * If the index is in the dictionary, val will be the current value. The Java programming language (including the variant which is used on Android) includes the HashSet, HashMap, LinkedHashSet, and LinkedHashMap generic collections. Maps are associative containers that store elements formed by a combination of a key value and a mapped value, following a specific order. A simple string hashmap in C. Contribute to petewarden/c_hashmap development by creating an account on GitHub. Instead we use a Dictionary. For C# programs, we do not use a HashMap as a collection of key-value pairs. Get code examples like "hashmap in c++" instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension. I've been asked to answer, so I will, but you haven't said why you want to implement them. HashMap.