It may save your life and make you happier no matter what specialty you have chosen. Secondly some credit should be given to employee benefits like 401k match and health insurance. Debt is a problem. I hope to one day cut way back on ER and start my own clinic but I’m waiting until my loans are paid off to do that. By the way, you aren’t allowed to complain — you’re a rich doctor remember! I have spent a lot of time learning my EMR (Epic) and how to make my day as efficient as possible. I used the following book when I was in residency and early in my career- it was published in 1997 (I know it is old but the concepts are still true): The medically complex kid with a med list that rivals an adult nursing home patient who sees 3 subspecialists is a 30 min visit. Total could be $400-420k! Practice Management. Medical direction at each facility varies from $1000-$2000/ month – depending on co vs full medical director positions. My template is 15 minutes for follow ups and 30 minutes for new patients and annual physicals/medicare wellness visits. We bring patients back for rechecks frequently (I don’t think excessively or inappropriately though). #1. As you can see, it is entirely possible to go into a primary care specialty AND make a lot of money. Here’s why. Our biggest expense is staff. Private universities costing 60k per year and medical school 80k per year, for many there is a lot to pay back. —private practice He sees 50% Medicaid, 45% HMO/Private Insurance and 5% self-pay, but feels no control over that mix as they are the largest practice in the county. He came out of residency in 2013 with $65K in student loans (actually paid them off the day before responding to my email). Hard work, strategy, efficiency, and business ownership. I make over $100k annually doing an extra 4-6 shifts per month. The ability to increase pay, and increase it substantially, solves a ton of financial problems that real doctors run into and email me about all the time. About NP supervision. Just backup and support for NP’s He is on an RVU compensation model but thinks the payor mix is 60% private and 40% Medicare/Medicaid. Physicians can earn money consulting in an unlimited number of areas, for example, consulting for industry, writing, wellness, coding, you name it. 2 common things I see in these physicians which allow them to make money equivalent to their worth. Also Mike is averaging about 15 mins a patient. Easier to be a financially richer doctor if you choose higher-paying fields. 1. I think it’s more likely that you can ADD 5%/yr or so in appreciation of the basis in their practice ownership. Would be interested to see buy-in numbers and practice loan numbers considering how many on this list are partners. He is an employee of a 501(c)3 hospital and made $343K in 2018 and expects to make $415K in 2019 working 42 hours per week over 4 days and refuses to sign into his EMR on his weekday off. Physician Consulting. Would also love to learn more about the last doc’s model. 70 people total work in the practice, many part-time. We have a contract with the 2 hospitals that pay us (as independent contractors) in addition to our office reimbursement. Doctors who went to Harvard get paid the same to see a patient as everyone else. This can be one of those places. Our second volunteer wishes to remain anonymous, but is also a primary care pediatrician who makes $450,000 working 32 hours per week over 4 days and 47 weeks a year. He also takes call 4-5 times a month. But yes, I probably should have linked to it! YOU NEED TO INVEST THE TIME to learn your EMR- it will save you time in the long run. You will also have strong reactions to the many hoops physicians now must jump through with the EMR, quality metrics and regulations that impede productivity without benefit to patient or physician.