This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of mojo is. I'm having a hard time writing the last chapter of my book. Here are what the best of the best entrepreneurs and venture-backed CEOs do when they’ve lost theirs. If you haven't, you have to check out that movie! Last edited on Dec 13 2012. Don't run to the doctor's office. If this scenario sounds familiar to you, I hope you will take the steps to get your mojo back. His well-known blues classic Got my mojo working, 1957, was the song that introduced the term to the wider world:. Online Slang Dictionary. Legendary blues singer Muddy Waters also famously sang in the 1960's, "I got my mojo working, but it just won't work on you." The slang word / phrase / acronym mojo means... . Mojo is tightly associated with a mans ability to be um...On top of his game, esp around women! Your on top of the world and on top of your game as they say. I got my mojo workin'. You need to take action in order to get better and reclaim your mojo. Millions of adults experience sexual dysfunction — a problem that is at an all-time high. "Serious Jones" Henry 09/February/04. McKinley Morganfield, a.k.a. But, make no mistake about it. However, when you’ve lost your mojo and you’re trying to get it back – focusing on generosity and kindness can really create a strong and positive sense of being. American sued by Thailand resort over negative review Take a few deep breaths and slowly exhale. Mojo definition is - a magic spell, hex, or charm; broadly : magical power. You've lost your running mojo. This is not the end. Mojo, jones ESC 09/February/04. I've lost my mojo. What does mojo mean, exactly, and what can we do to get it back when it has been lost? When I lost my job for the 3rd time in 18 months, I lost my mojo big time – no energy, no self-belief, and no self-confidence. In short, you've lost your leadership mojo, and you can't put your finger on why. Don't panic. I know this to be true because this was how I felt when I lost my mojo about three years ago. For about 6 months I was miserable and I shut myself away from the world. I went online to The Oxford dictionary and this is what I found: Mojo chiefly US • a magic charm, talisman, or spell: someone must have their mojo working over at the record company • … Remember, the highest state of generosity and kindness is to give without expecting anything in return (and to do good acts anonymously whenever possible). Muddy Waters, would have heard work mojo as he was growing up in Mississippi. It's that special "something" that makes you glow, likeable, and magnetic to others. How to use mojo in a sentence. Back-to-school a grind for Congress's only single mom . Jordan's latest move isn't just business, it has a big purpose. It was one of my … For the purposes here, I'm assuming mojo refers to desire, passion, or motivation. Got my mojo working, but it just won't work on you Got my mojo working, but it just won't work on you At one point, Myers complains, "Crikey, I've lost my mojo!" Mojo, jones Brian from Shawnee 11/February/04 Mojo is a noun originally used to mean a magic charm or spell or an amulet, often in the form of a small bag containing magic items worn by adherents of hoodoo or voodoo, or it could mean a quality or some ability that brings good luck or helps you be good at something.