The variety on offer is huge and thankfully the modern varieties that are commonly sold are often a little more compact and less "leggy". The first thing to do when learning how to care for begonias indoors is to determine what kind of begonia you have. Some of the popular names you'll find on the plant labels are " Wax Begonia ", " Angel Wing Begonia " and " Rex Begonia ". It is extremely ra… Flowering is possible at any time of the year but during the Autumn and Winter months are the most common. Although you must avoid any prolonged exposure to temperatures which are approaching freezing. Growing begonias as houseplants only requires a little bit of knowledge in order to keep them looking their very best indoors. However the concentration in the underground tubers is usually more significant and so you must keep exposed tubers away from children and pets. The choice in variety is truly huge with close to 1000 species and thousands of cultivars. Elatior begonias are available in flower all year round. This is a fungus that attacks weakened plants kept in cool damp conditions. No Begonia will be happy for very long if exposed to direct harsh sunlight, so this needs to be avoided. Care of begonias indoors starts with proper location. The Tuberous Begonias (right) are popular with outdoors gardeners because of the wonderful flower display they put on over the Summer that last for months and months. Credit for Begonia corallina flowers - Article / Gallery - Cocotaru Do not water at all and once the soil has dried out almost completely move the entire pot to a frost free but cool location for a few months. Sign up for our newsletter. The normal usual home temperatures are fine for all Begonias and they aren't overly fussy about occasional highs or lows in temperature. One of the tips for growing begonia as houseplants is to place them somewhere where they will get bright, indirect light and will get plenty of humidity. Begonias belong to one of three types — tuberous, fibrous and rhizomatous. Most problems that effect Begonias can be traced back to a watering issue. If you've another type of Begonia a standard houseplant feed is perfect. Begonia Rex is a popular and well-known tropical Begonia plant variety. You can grow these houseplants from year to year (see anything else section), but their need for dormancy to recover for next years display means they'll only be a temporary house guest. Lorraine and Elatior begonias are usually discarded after flowering but can be restarted by cutting them back to within 3 inches of the crown. How fast a Begonia grows will depend on the type you have as well as the time of year. Water only a little and keep the soil barely moist to discourage rotting. The flowering types struggle in dark or very poorly lit areas where as the Begonias grown purely for foliage fair a little better. Smallest varieties on the market: Black Knight, Marmaduke, Listada, Sea Urchin, Red Robin & Silver Lace. For even more Houseplant articles you may like our. Credit for Begonia rex 'Escargot - Gallery - Jerzy Opioła Another tip for growing begonia plants indoors is that they are naturally pest resistant. Growing Begonia Rhizomes – What Is A Rhizomatous Begonia, Do I Need To Prune A Begonia – Learn How To Prune Begonias, Classifying Begonias - Using Begonia Leaves To Help Identify The Begonia Class, Mixed Container With Succulents: Succulents For Thriller, Filler, and Spiller Designs, DIY Herb Carton Planters: Growing Herbs In Milk Cartons, Air Plant Holder Ideas: Make An Air Plant Mount, Pesticide Use Indoors: Using Pesticides And Other Chemicals On Your Houseplants, Healthy Houseplants: How To Avoid Health Problems For Houseplants, Tree Ivy Plant Care – How To Grow A Tree Ivy Houseplant, Indoor Kentia Palm Plants: Learn About Kentia Palm Care In The Home, Thanksgiving Tradition: Turning Homegrown Pumpkins Into Pie, Growing Thanksgiving Dinner – Must Have Turkey Side Dishes, Interesting Uses For Pecans: What To Do With Pecans, The Bountiful Garden: Bringing The Garden To Thanksgiving. But, they are still susceptible to fungus issues, like powdery mildew, which is why it is best to keep the leaves dry.

indoor begonia varieties

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