What is the difference? This healthcare mess is the truest form of lobbying. A right can be defended or challenged in a court of law. I don't know how Health Care can be a right. Do we have a right to products and services, or do we have a right to freedom so that we may attain products and services? If healthcare is a right of the people, it should be treated the same as the people’s other unalienable rights. Health Services Administration (HLTH 210) Academic year. A right is a privilege granted by a governing body that is written into law. If it is a responsibility then the drug and insurance companies need to make the prices affordable so that we can make it our responsiblity. 3. Is health care a responsibility of government or is it an individual responsibility? This paper explores what of the three options or a combination is healthcare in the United... View more. If we are provided individual needs through government—would that be an American belief… 2018/2019 University. Is Healthcare a Right or Privilege: Based on the reports by the World Health Organization and the Physicians for a National Health Program, health care costs in the United States are very high since the country spends nearly double per capita unlike other developed countries like Germany, Canada, and Britain that have universal healthcare programs. In the constitution is has stated that the purpose of government is to secure those rights from being taken away. When the healthcare debate rages, one of the dialectics that fuels the debate is the semantic meaning of the word “rights.” While we all have a generalized sense of what this means—something we are entitled to simply because we exist—the debates over healthcare arise from differing ideas regarding how rights are idealized and from these idealizations: how they should be enforced. Boise State University. Both right and responsibility exist in a symbiotic relationship that cannot be severed. Healthcare is a right. It is not in the constitution. Course. 2747 Words 11 Pages With landmark reforms and scrutiny at the highest levels of government over the past few years, one thing is certain. When I was a child there was no health insurance, and believe it or not doctors made health calls. It is a responsibility of the individual (BTW I have no health care coverage). In summary: 1. In healthcare, it should be equal among all citizens, and no citizen should have more health coverage than other citizens. 2. Is Healthcare in The United States A Right, Responsibility or Privilege? Is Health Care a Right or a Moral Responsibility? A responsibility is a duty or obligation that is accepted, or put into action. Healthcare is a right.