Widmer figures this practice started at the Dublin Pub where the owner originally served the Widmers’ Weizenbier with a slice of lemon, a habit he continued with the Hefeweizen. I took this to a blind tasting of the Midnight Homebrewers league in August 2013, and they liked it, but pointed out that it would be better if I address some water issues. Beer Style: Weizen/Weissbier Resources for craft brewers and home brewers, including The Beer Recipe Calculator for beer recipe formulation, The Hop Vine home brewing discussion forum, and other beer making resources for the creative home brewer. By the time it was finished secondary the citrus had mellowed nicely. To do this, we display ads from only trusted advertising sources. Flat it was 'ok' but nothing to rave about. Loved the flavor of the lemon here. 1.00 cup - Lemon Juice (Boil 10 min) (Misc) 1.00 oz - Lemon Zest (Boil 10 min) (Misc) 1 pkgs - Hefeweizen IV Ale (White Labs #WLP380) (Yeast) Additional Instructions Boil: 60 Minutes Beer Profile. This is a nice light beer with great mouth feel and a refreshing citrus finish. Also I will add 0.5 oz of Hallertauer hops at 60 and 10 minutes. I brewed this 3 months ago. This time i did not add lemon juice as it was too lemony even after 3 months. Instead of charging you, we charge our advertisers. While you might consider adding some other malts to develop bready flavors or body, I learned it is much better to focus on your process. I also really liked how the Hefeweizen IV Ale yeast turned out in this batch. Without ads, we will not survive. Original Gravity: 1.049 (12.2° P) Final Gravity: 1.010 SG (2.5° P) Alcohol by Vol: 5.2% Color SRM: 7.4 Color Sample Bitterness IBU: 13.1 Recipe Type: all-grain Yield: 6.50 US Gallons, 5 lbs - Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) (Grain), 2 lbs 8.0 oz - Wheat Malt, Bel (2.0 SRM) (Grain), 2 lbs 8.0 oz - White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) (Grain), 8.0 oz - Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L (40.0 SRM) (Grain), 1.0 oz - Hallertauer [4.8%] - Boil 60 min (Hops), 1.30 g - Gale, Sweet (Boil 10 min) (Misc), 1.0 oz - Tettnang [4.5%] - Steep 60 min (Hops), BJCP 2015 Style (15A) Also switching the yeast to WYEAST 3068 WEIHENSTEPHAN WHEAT as I now brew in a temperature controlled mini fridge - setting the temp to 68-70. Beerrecipes.org has been supporting homebrewers since 2002 with quality beer recipes, style guides and other content. One major change - I added American Wheat because the temperature of my cellar was 60-62 in Early April. WOW!!! This may be a clue to the origin of the lemon slice that accompanies most pints of Hefeweizen served in the States—an origin as hazy as a pint of Hefeweizen itself. Instead of charging you, we charge our advertisers. We provide beer recipes and other content to you for free. The hefeweizen tastes great but I am making a few changes to my next batch. Without ads, we will not survive. Yield: 6.5 US gallons. Learn more... We deliver the best in beer recipes at no cost to you. Also switching the yeast to WYEAST 3068 WEIHENSTEPHAN WHEAT as I now brew in a temperature controlled mini fridge - … Learn More... For the best experience, Login or Register for more features. Ad Blockers also interfere with proper functionality of this site. Tastes of Banana and Lemon esters. and other homebrewing information. Please help us continue that by switching off your ad blocker. Please We provide beer recipes and other content to you for free. That is all you need to brew a great hefeweizen. Favorites, write reviews, get notifications of new recipes, and more. Early tastings as the wort fermented had me very concerned I had ruined it with the citrus additions. Brewer: Chris Wittneben Batch Size: 6.00 gal Style: American Wheat or Rye Beer ( 6D) Boil Size: 8.02 gal Style Guide: BJCP 2008 Color: 3.7 SRM Equipment: My First Brew Rig Bitterness: 16.3 IBUs Boil Time: 60 min Est OG: 1.051 (12.5° P) Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Light Body, No Mash Out Est FG: 1.009 SG (2.4° P) Fermentation: Ale, Single Stage ABV: 5.4% Taste Rating: 30.0