In times of emergency women and children are more likely to be helped first! As a society, we have decided "all human beings are equal and the same", but we decided that based on nothing. Women feed their children with the milk from their breast. They are different but equal. Parental leave. It is coded in them to fight off other males and be attracted to every fertile women to a greater extent than women are attracted to males. Would you have men and women compete against each other in sports like boxing and football? Studies have shown that men's brains are wired front to back tending to more linear disciplined tasks where the female brain is wired side to side tending to multitasking social and language skills women tend to be more emotional than men.We are Yin and Yang opposing forces in dynamic tension Ergo not equal. With rare exception, the people who go out and accomplish things are men. Instead of implying that both the genders are equal, we should realise that both are unequal and we shall celebrate this diversity. Considered how ridiculously vague this question is, I don't think you could really get anywhere on the debate until it is told what we mean by "equal". True human dignity does not shout; it is a strong, steady voice that speaks from within. Women aren't really being held back anymore their basically equal to men now, Through out centuries they've slowly gotten their rights and now they just want more and more? Yes it is definitely true women are equal to men because they are as active as men they work to earn for family as well and men's say woman should look after the family but women are the one who make the family they are the one who take trouble to born and men will say we will adopt but even those innocent faces come from a women's womb. The neck commands which direction the head points! All men and women must be themselves, realizing that G-d has given each of us unique abilities with which to pursue our goals, and that our primary responsibility is to take full advantage of those abilities. The origins of humanity are clear, and women weren't fighter or builders, but rather mothers and gatherers. We started off with men and women not being equal women had to earn their rights where as men didn't. I think that all men and women are equal, as we all have the same rights. Now I am really beginning to have a problem with our society's intense focus on the sexual objectification of women everywhere I look. It's nothing more than a pleasant thought. It is nature and who people are. Yes, women are equal to men. No person deserves to have a lesser status because of their gender, which is not a choice, but an uncontrollable characteristic. Many people believe that those living in western societies are living in complete gender equality – that men and women are treated the same for work opportunities to societal roles. On the internet, in magazines, on television. Nature and biology are not fair, no matter how much we want them to be.Every man has somewhere inside him an urge to pick up a heavy stick and beat up other men. Yes, women are equal to men. If that type of material continues to be as abundant as it is, that fight is simply futile for women. This makes life for women unnecessarily difficult and painful. Women also take an average of 1. Men and women are equal. Of course, there are exceptions: There are some men who don't have that urge, some women who do. This is why we need an Eh/other/neither yes nor no column. While on a global scale it may be true, there are still a number of issues which make women less valued than their male counterparts. Men and women are equal Men and women are equal Men and women are equal Men and women are equal Men and women are equal Men and women are equa lMen and women are equal Men and women are equal Men and women are equal Men and women are equal Men and women are equal Men and women are equal. Women would be much more confident in themselves if society stopped feeding man's lust. Today generation is very fast and like men, women are also coming in the front to compete with men and they are really doing well. More men are CEO's because they have earned it, Whereas women just demand it Male sports are better, Male art is better, Male music is better and men have invented, Designed, Created and built everything you use. We may have different features but that is to tell a women apart from men. Sure women say they’re equal, but don’t want the negative things that come as a consequence of being a man! Or become authors or playwrights? Until we are treated the same in society's eyes, the argument that we are equal is ridiculous. It has shown in military training were women are not able to do the physically demanding things that men can. Most available jobs required muscles more than anything else. We humans have gone too far. Even though men get paid more than women for some companies does not mean that they are not equal because that's not all companies. Men and women will never be equal. Men and women cannot be "equal" because they are not like terms.You can write a law so it doesn't distinguish between male and female in its wording, but that's not the same thing. They are emotionally weaker, And respond to depression and/or stress with aggression. 7 days sick to every 1 sick day taken by men. They are different but equal. Women are not equal to men because men they get paid more money so they could help provide for their family. Being a women myself, it is so sick when some stupid guy says I am less then a men. None of that Mars and Venus stuff.We're two complementary halves. They also develop physical features, such as breasts, which men do not. We cannot deny this, Our bodies are the proof, And our psychology is the proof too. For example in different countries only boys are allowed to go to school leaving the girls to stay at home and work. Stats can prove all of this but if you tell a man to lift a certain amount of weight vs a women he will probably succeed, but give a man and woman a child, who will respond better. For a human being to lead a total life, he or she must have both forms of energy: the power of strength and the power of subtlety; the power of giving and the power of receiving. So lets take a pledge to respect women and say no to discrimination, Men and women should be equal in the twenty first century because this is the century where the strength of intelligence is greater than the physical strength.Along time ago, the majority of people believed that men should work harder than women because they are responsible financially to feed and support their families. Men and women are equal in a natural sense, meaning that they both contribute to the continuation of the species and deserve the same rights and liberties. It is still a man's world. Men are more valuable for the simple fact that the world is a cruel place! Men are also dropping out of school more than women do. Both have the same rights. Men are already different from women in many different ways-physique, personality, etc. Women are equal to men as far as how they should be treated, they should have the same rights and liberties as men. So no women and men aren't equal. Thank you. However, we live in a world where practicality is important. Id say leave it as it is. As stated earlier, human beings are equal regardless of gender or race. The physical differences are so overt that you could not mistake a woman for a man, and the mental differences are well documented. Men are more suited for physically and mentally demanding tasks, Building and hunting and things like that. By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. It does not means that males have it easier. Does an apple equal a banana? So why say women are not equal? Men are superior to women in every single category - science, Engineering, Medicine, Space exploration and so on. In contrast, a woman usually embodies the ideal of inner dignity. Even though we started equal, opinions and unequality formed throughout early history, as one sex of the same species was 'chosen' to forever represent the softer, weaker and more gentle side to our race. The clock is worthless without either. We all have a great time together, regardless of gender. Does a cat equal a dog?Those things cannot be equal because, 1, they are different, and 2, they are CATEGORICAL DATA. For instance, in a time of war men are separated from women and children for the simple fact that men are more dangerous and can be utilized more effectively to fight an enemy, hence the word manpower! Men and women have the same rights and a lot of the commotion is due to the possibly lack of equal representation. In some animals like Hyenas, Females dominate; and in some animals like humans and gorillas, Males dominate. My finally reason is that in the bible when Adam and Eve eat the apple God made Adam do all the heavy lifting. Why does this world cater so much to a man's desires? Men and Women Have Equal Rights (In the eyes of the law) We live in an imperfect society where women are often looked at differently than men. A clock needs a minute hand and an hour hand. Education is a paramount aspect of our livelihood. For man and woman to be complete, they must each possess both energies.The answer is not for men and women to try to be alike. Men are allowed to occupy more jobs than women and they are getting paid more than women even if it is the same job occupied by both races.

man and woman are equal debate

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