8072374, respectively) both at 8th Floor WeWork Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6NH, UK, Get 15% off your first order, exclusive deals and free patterns. Take your darning needle and thread it beneath the two bars, pulling it through from front to back. Cut your yarn. It's a perfect technique for sewing sweater seams, blanket squares, and any other seams that you want to disappear in the finished project. Beginning with the left side of the knitting, take your darning needle and insert it into the bottom right hand corner of the first stitch. Pull the yarn straight in the direction of the seam you are knitting for best results. Now, it’s time to seam – I use mattress stitch because just like with the shoulder seam, I think it makes for the cleanest, least-bulky, strong joining. Insert your needle upwards from back to front. Seaming is made easier if you have blocked the pieces. If you pull your knitting slightly apart you will see two horizontal bars. Continue this until you've reached the problem spot in your seam. As we want this stitch to be invisible, use the same yarn you’ve knitted with (though we've used contrasting yarn to show you how to do it). Measure out a length of yarn that is at least three times the length of the desired seam. If you do happen to pull it too tight, gently separate the knit stitches, beginning at the top and working your way down until the seam loosens up. S t a c i Start by laying two pieces of knitting side-by-side, with right sides facing up. Do not pull too tight on the working yarn. A mattress stitch is a vertical invisible seam that joins two knit pieces together side by side. It's disappointing to discover a mistake after you've finished the entire seam or, worse yet, after the entire sweater is assembled. Weave in the end to make sure your seam stays secure. The mattress stitch can be worked either a half stitch or a whole stitch in from the edge of the knitting. So you’ve decided to knit a snuggly jumper, and you’ve done an amazing job so far. Go back into the same hole as you originally inserted your needle through from back to front, and pull the yarn through. I use this method most often; and it is the best method for seaming side and sleeve seams of garments. A mattress stitch is a vertical invisible seam that joins two knit pieces together side by side. Repeat on the right side. Thread back through your first hole. The Spruce Crafts uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Thread the tail of yarn or a fresh piece on a tapestry needle. Match the rows from each side as you zig zag from edge to edge for about 2 inches. Get DIY project ideas and easy-to-follow crafts to help you spruce up your space. I work about an inch of mattress stitch at a time, loosely, and then pull everything snug. The mattress stitch … SHARE Pinterest Facebook Twitter. The Mattress Stitch is a strong, nearly invisible method of joining two pieces of knitted fabric. Thread your yarn through the first stitch. Find the first bar on the second piece of knitting in the same manner as you found it on the first. Never veer to the right or left of the seaming line—the stitch adjacent to the seam should be fully visible from base to top along the whole seam. It's a perfect technique for sewing sweater seams, blanket squares, and any other seams that you want to disappear in the finished project. Place the two pieces to be joined side-by-side, with the right side facing you. Except your jumper is still in several pieces, and now you need to sew it up! You can work with the tail left over from casting on or binding off if you like. Share your craft and knowledge or pick up some tips. Published on 28 March 2019 2 min read. Pull the yarn gently as you go, but don't worry about making the pieces completely flush. Amanda Keep from Berroco demonstrates how to sew a vertical mattress stitch seam, using Berroco Comfort. When the seam is pulled closed, one complete knit stitch will be formed and the seam will be nearly invisible. This video is great, I have managed to set in my sleeve using mattress stitch, and have now started to sew my sleeve seems, but hitting problems when I reach my increase shaping!