También me gustaría decir que algo que me llama la atención es que se quiera desmantelar la Inspección Financiera. As mentioned above, you can say "¿Cómo te llamas?". it is a reflexive verb.....it is really saying how do u call urself.....no matter the gender you should always answer me llamo.....if you are asking someone their name then you say como se llama.....wen u say me llamo it means.....I call myself or I am called Porque ella me llama y me llama, y no sé qué hacer Because she calls me and calls me and I do not know what to do Llama y me llama, y sí volveré Call and call me, and I will return Translation of 'Ahora me llama' by Karol G from Spanish to English. So thanks for the help... Me llamo. Or simply say your name, like if you're asked "What's your name?" is something like "What do they call you?" or¿Cómo se llamo? But if you call me, I'll answer. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. Thanks a lot guys. Exact: 3849. Pero si me llamas, responderé. Pero si la gente me llama así, es porque son despreciables y celosos. But, if people are calling me that, it's only because they're small, cheap, petty, and jealous. As a result, you do not separate the word based on gender, but simply conjugate the verb. Mi nombre es Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. So, as KevinB said, we're dealing with a verb (llamar, i.e., to call), not a noun or adjective. Si me llamas, no responderé. give me a call adv. This is the informal way of asking what someone calls theirself. This is a simple thing, as it's something you often hear or are familiar with before you learn Spanish, but I forgot it anyway. So, if you call me, I won't answer the phone. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. It can get tricky because it can also mean "what is his/her name?". Elapsed time: 335 ms. Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, More, Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More, Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More. "¿Cómo se llama?" The difference is simply that the verb is "llamarse" not just "llamar." John. Here is this website's conjugation table for llamar: http://www.spanishdict.com/conjugate/llamar. Contributions: 478 translations, 1159 thanks received, 20 translation requests fulfilled for 13 members, added 2 … europarl.europa.eu I should a lso l ik e to say that one o f the t hi ngs tha t strik es me is the d es ire to c lo se down the Fi na nce Inspectorate. ", As to your second question, because the first-person of llamar is llamo, you say: "Me llamo.....". SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. ", or it doesn't matter whether it's male or female? (animal) These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. Me llamo... = My name is ... it is a reflexive verb.......it is really saying how do u call urself.......no matter the gender you should always answer me llamo......if you are asking someone their name then you say como se llama.........wen u say me llamo it means.....I call myself or I am called. I know that in spanish they separate the noun and adjective in male or female. Should I answer, "Me llama...." or "Me llamo.."?? Well, call me if … I was confused because I thought it was something like gustar, where it's always conjugated in the third person singular. I know it's really basic, im a newbie. Me llamo © 2013-2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. Así, me llama si no oye nada. But I can't imagine what possible reason you could have for, Y 5 minutos después recibo esta llamada, y Ed Hansen, And so about five minutes later I get this call, and Ed Hansen. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Results: 3849. As to your first question, to ask a male's name you say: "¿Cómo se llama? When you want, you call me, you call me Soy el que te dio amor y el que te lo da hoy I'm the one who gave you love and the one who gives it to you today Cuando tú quieras, me llamas, tú me llamas No matter what the form of the question, the response is "me llamo (your name)". Soy Your browser is not supported. But in the course it's telling me that it's "Me llamo..". To expand on KevinB's response, the literal translation of "¿Cómo se llama?" 3. I'm confused in using "My name is..." I'm a female and i know that in spanish it all ends with an "a". How to say llama in Spanish - Translation of llama to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. If i ask someone's name (male), should I ask " ¿Cómo se llama? The verbs don't change based on gender, only on number. Example sentences: ^ = What is your name? ¿Cómo se llama? is the formal way of asking "What do you call yourself?" a. flame A pesar de los momentos difíciles, consiguen mantener viva la llama de su amor.Despite the hard times, they manage to keep the flame of their love alive.

me llama translation

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