The Montadale sheep are a dual-purpose animal. The Montadale Sheep a dual-purpose breed noted for producing both high-quality carcasses as well as excellent wool. Sitemap Contact Us, Rya Sheep: Characteristics, Origin, Uses & Breed Information, Vendeen Sheep: Characteristics, Origin, Uses & Breed Information, Devon Closewool Sheep: Characteristics, Uses & Breed Information, Laticauda Sheep: Characteristics, Origin, Uses & Breed Information, Katahdin Sheep: Characteristics, Origin, Uses & Breed Information, Ryeland Sheep: Characteristics, Origin, Uses & Breed Information, Wensleydale Sheep: Characteristics, Origin, Uses & Breed Information, Cauliflower Farming: Commercial Business Guide For Making Profits, Tomato Farming: Commercial Tomato Cultivation For Beginners, Peach Farming: Peach Fruit Cultivation For Beginners, Watermelon Farming: Business Plan & Guide For Beginners, Eucalyptus Farming: Eucalyptus Tree Cultivation For Beginners, Cactus Farming: Prickly Pear Cultivation For Beginners, Dates Farming: Date Palm Cultivation For Beginners, Turkey Breeds: Best Breeds For Turkey Farming Business, Goat Farming Business Plan For Beginners (Complete Guide), Poultry Farming For Beginners: Guide For Starting A Poultry Farm, How to Stop A Rooster From Crowing: Guide For Beginners, Poultry Farming: Complete Business Guide For Beginners, Rabbit Farming: How to Raise Rabbits (Guide for Beginners), Pigeon Farming: Step-by-Step Guide For Pigeon Rearing Business, Very hardy and strong animals, dual-purpose animals, good for both meat and wool production, the ewes are excellent mothers and have strong maternal instinct, the ewes produce plenty of milk for raising multiple lambs, the lambs are strong and they grow rapidly, Mature ewe’s live body weight vary from 68 to 90 kg. Advertise They are good for both meat and wool production. E.H. Mattingly, a well-known commercial lamb buyer is given credit for developing the breed. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Then, the sheep were exhibited in competitions across the country. But he also crossed Columbia ewes with Cheviot rams. E. H. Mattingly was a Midwestern commercial lamb buyer who had a dream of developing the ideal sheep. The first cross of Cheviot ewes and Columbia rams proved to Mattingly that his project was on track. Montadale is the name of a breed of domestic sheep developed in the 1930s by E. H. Mattingly, a Midwestern commercial lamb buyer who had a dream of developing the ideal sheep. Deer They appear with a high-yield carcass. They are able to produce plenty of milk for raising multiple lambs. Montadale Sheep breed information The breed has a good wool clip, growth rate, lambing percentage, and carcass quality. 548 likes. 856 likes. The breed is one of the youngest sheep breeds in existence in the United States. Poultry Today the breed is raised as a dual-purpose animal, and used for both meat and wool production. And that cross was even more successful, and was chosen as the foundation for the new breed ‘Montadale sheep’. His idea was to bring together the qualities of big western-white faced sheep and the popular mutton characteristics of Midwestern sheep. It was developed by E. H. Mattingly in the 1930s. It was developed by E. H. Mattingly in the 1930s. They are good for both meat and wool production. The Montadale Sheep Breeders Association was founded in 1945 with five charter member. Read some more information about the Montadale sheep below. The Montadale is considered a dual-purpose breed, raised for both wool and meat.[1]. Pigeon Job Circular The ewes are excellent mothers, and they have gained a reputation for their strong maternal instinct. Sheep are among the first animals to have been domesticated by humans. Jul 11, 2013 - Montadale sheep - The Montadale was developed in the United States from Cheviot and Columbia crosses. The Montadale sheep is a breed of domestic sheep from United States.