SEE By Age of consent laws were, historically, difficult to follow and enforce: legal norms based on age were not, in general, common until the 19th century, because clear proof of exact age and precise date of birth were often unavailable. Thus, in my mind, polygamy couldn't possibly be supported by God. Kicking the Partridge sisters out? can the Pennsylvania state legislature annul their election results and select Trump as the winner? Kicking Eliza R. Snow out? The age of consent for a Mormon is the same for everyone else (no special rules for Mormons). Christ would have been VERY guilty of abuse of power. Did Kamala Harris earn her spot as VP or did she get it because of affirmative action? If the electoral college has the final vote, could all the state votes be overturned ? Yet, the average age for marriage among Mormons is much younger. The age of consent under English common law was ten. Mormon age of consent? Legal marriages were no longer seen as particularly binding at that time because God had nothing to do with them. Polygamy is a Red Herring. Please tell why you posted the news article about 14 year olds being able to marry? Just so we're all clear, this special provision of "if your wife doesn't give you permission to take another wife you can do it without telling her" only applies to the man "who holds the keys of this power" (v.64), which in this case is Joseph Smith. Poisoning Joseph? Age of Consent will vary by location (state or country), not by religion or cult membership. The more you fight against the truth, the more the truth prospers. Joseph Smith's youngest wife was probably 14. The bigger problem is we don't actually know when that rejection occurred as most records referencing a rejection are considered unlikely by historians. It is 18, just like for everyone else. Truly the gospel is simply wonderful and wonderfully simple. 2. was legally married to another womanLegal marriages were no longer seen as particularly binding at that time because God had nothing to do with them. Threatening to burn it? A please refer back to my other post explaining why differnt women mature at differnt rates. Any guesswork is not history. The age of consent = 8 years old? Actually in Mormonism God doesn't determine what is moral or not. None but God & his angels could see my mother’s bleeding heart—when Joseph asked her if she was willing, she replied “If Helen is willing I have nothing more to say.” She had witnessed the sufferings of others, who were older & who better understood the step they were taking, & to see her child, who had scarcely seen her fifteenth summer, following in the same thorny path, in her mind she saw the misery which was as sure to come as the sun was to rise and set; but it was all hidden from me. Silly knaves.". 4. Well, that is a topic that could fill a whole book. Do Trump supporters think his “paper towel” toss in Puerto Rico was considerate and done in good taste? Kyle Ivan Blake: Mar 22, 2003 7:09 AM: Posted in group: A child molestor is having sex with a girl to young to breed. 5. Yes, the scriptures are silent on adults having relationships with underage kids, although the Spirit speaks plainly that this is sinful. And Helen didn't fall in love with Joseph, he wasn't her beau like the scenario of two people getting married young because they're in love. And God has said nothing on the matter that I've ever read. It strikes me as odd that anyone would consider an 8 year old to be mature enough to make life-altering decisions on their own, such as choosing to become officially baptized into a religion as a presumably life-long choice. A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue. But, the individual states set the limit on ages below that, not any church. Trump slams FBI, DOJ while denying election loss, Report: Sean Connery's cause of death revealed, A boxing farce: Ex-NBA dunk champ quickly KO'd, Mysterious metal monolith in Utah desert vanishes, Jolie becomes trending topic after dad's pro-Trump rant, How Biden's plans could affect retirement finances, Amazon’s bestselling desk chair is the lowest price ever, Broncos wanted a coach to play QB, but NFL sacked idea, Reynolds, Lively donate $500K to charity supporting homeless, Surgeon general: What to do if you had an unsafe holiday, Travel restrictions likely to run through Christmas: Fauci. The average age for women getting married who are members of THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints in the United States is 23, while the average age of Non-Mormon women in the United States getting married is 26. After falling in love with a Mormon boy at age 15, Katie became socially/emotionally converted to the LDS Church in spite of… High ambitions for herself (Katie was a 4.0 student, got a 33 on her ACT, was in AP classes, got a full ride scholarship to the University of Wyoming, and wanted to become a doctor) and If its legal, its legal. This is because Mormon young men are expected to serve as a full-time missionary starting at age 18 or 19, while young women in the church are not expected to do so (but may if they choose). And God has said nothing on the matter that I've ever read. Society doesn't get to determine morality. While not common it was perfectly legal for a much older man to marry a young woman. In Australia, 18th century thought was that children were inherently sinful and vulnerable to sexual temptations. But when she says she sacrificed to get a great reward, I'm less inclined to feel nobility. There's something along the lines of the ends justify the means issue here. Just HOW is disgussing polygamy, in regards to your original post, distracting from that post. Just sounds strange when its worded that way. 2. was legally married to another womanLegal marriages were no longer seen as particularly binding at that time because God had nothing to do with them. - Salt Lake Tribune LDS Church President Russell Nelson prescribes 'healing power of gratitude' amid pandemic - Salt Lake Tribune In general the scriptures aren't great at condemning sexual violence and abuse, although the Book of Mormon at least takes a stab at it (while not addressing what we would call statutory rape). A please refer back to my other post explaining why differnt women mature at differnt rates. Society doesn't get to determine morality. I'd hope God sees it the same. If HMK had married Billy Dunfy, a 16 year old farmer's son and they had tilled the land and started a family together, no one would bat an eye. that is what they say they will do? is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. And for the sake of this thread, a 14 year old marrying a 38 year old has only been considered immoral in society for about 150 years. It's independent of God. Anyone younger requires not only both parents written consents, but an order from a judge. American law did not raise the age of consent until the late nineteenth century, and in Joseph Smith's day only a few states had raised it to twelve.

mormon age of consent

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