What are the treatments for functional neurological disorders? A neurological disorder is defined as any disorder of the human body nervous system. Main Document. Neurological disorders include a wide range of conditions, symptoms and treatment methods. State-of-the-art treatment methods have been created to treat multiple sclerosis as well as less severe demyelinating conditions such as optic neuromyelitis. Neurological disorders assoc iated with malnutrition In low income countries, maln utrition and of food continues to be priority health probl ems and elevate Drugs used to treat Neurological Disorders The following list of medications are in some way related to, or used in the treatment of this condition. It is tempting to take medications and, indeed, it is tempting for doctors to prescribe them, but each medicine carries its own set of side-effects. Soon, they may have problems physically functioning or carrying out day to day tasks. There are over 600 known neurological disorders and conditions that affect the human nervous system and for many of them treatment options are extremely limited. A neurological disorder is any disorder of the body nervous system. Select drug class All … Treatments for neurological disorders. Neurological disorders treatment What are neurological disorders Neurological disorders and diseases are those that affect the brain, spinal cord and all the nervous system, includes Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease. Heredity factors, gender, exposure to chemical influences, age, reduced estrogen levels, and chemical exposure during fetal development may contribute to risk factors even if the disease doesn’t develop until decades later. In the study, doctors will assess and treat people who have disorders of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, or pituitary gland that may or may not require Individuals may initially notice that their ability to speak or think clearly weakens. Neurological disorders are disorders that affect the central nervous system or peripheral nervous system and may affect the brain, ... dystonia, multiple sclerosis, and spasticity. Most people with functional neurological disorders find that medications do not help. The Evaluation and Treatment of Neurosurgical Disorders research study (03-N-0164) will evaluate people with a variety of neurosurgical disorders in order to provide standard expert care and physician training. There are multiple treatments for neurological disorders, which can vary depending on the condition. NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS RISK FACTOR Risk factors, as well as diagnosis causes, vary by disease as well as researcher opinion.