Following his and other’s encouragement, in 2009 Kalyani and Peter began running Non-Duality groups in Australia and in Sweden. Coaching Directory Quotes Resources. By practically applying non-dual teachings, you enter a completely new way of thinking and perceiving. Non-dual teacher David Hoffmeister invites you to transcend modern daily life. Click. The coaches and mentors listed in this directory come from around the world. It was in meeting U.G. Use the 'like' buttons. Links - Good list of many teachers with related material. David has a miraculous way of moving you far beyond an intellectual understanding of non-duality, with a deep presence of direct experience with oneness. Question. In spirituality, nondualism, also called non-duality, means "not two" or "one undivided without a second". Explore Contribute… Sarlo's Guru Rating Service - Rich with teacher listings, ratings, opinions, and supported by a very active email forum. These links are provided as resources for those who wish to explore and understand. Although ‘non-duality’ is just a word, what it points to is the possibility that you are not who you think you are. Krishnamurti in 1991 that Kalyani and Peter’s notions of a spiritual search were completely undermined, and then after reconnecting with Bob Adamson in 2006, any remnants of the old thinking habits and sense of separation dissolved.. For we are not talking about non-duality as opposed to something called ... As all the authentic spiritual teachers have been telling us for hundreds and thousands of years, you are what you seek. Ask. Do so. Use Read, listen to, and discuss the teachings of both traditional and contemporary Advaita (or nondual) mystics, teachers and sages such as Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta, Huang Po, Rumi, Krishna Menon, the Buddha, Meister Eckhart, Adyashanti, … Find coaches, therapists, mentors & teachers to help you along your non-dual, spiritual path. Nonduality Meetup Group. Mar 15, 2020 - Explore Salvatore Brizzi's board "Non-duality teachers", followed by 1389 people on Pinterest. The-Melbourne-Advaita-and-Devotional-Nondualism-Meetup-Group/ Meet others interested in Advaita or Devotional Nonduality. Coaching Directory Quotes & Pointers Resources. If you wish to contribute links, teachers, resources, teachings, or anything else, do it. original list of teachers - No longer kept up to date. See more ideas about Advaita vedanta, Teacher, Vedanta. Non-duality Coaches & Mentors Directory. Non duality is bigger than this site, this editor, this community. Use the comments.