Hibbs. Young seedlings will grow in fairly dense shade. As a result, it has never been a primary species that we saw at Zena. Mechanical Properties Because Oregon ash is moderately hard and heavy, it is rated intermediate in bending strength and stiffness. Seedlings commonly establish in the understory of existing riparian forests after floods that deposit silt. We process it into lumber for flooring, furniture and cabinetry. Regeneration from Planting The performance of Oregon ash has been poor to fair in limited outplanting trials. This tree flourishes when its habitat become opened due to floods, blowdowns, or other disturbances. Weight Oregon ash weighs about 48 lb/ft3 when green and 38 lb/ft3 at 12 percent moisture content (MC). The unique color of Oregon Ash is a great complement to the Oregon Oak and Western Maple that we saw. The average specific gravity is 0.50 (green) or 0.55 (ovendry). Genetics Some of the stand-to-stand variation in the form of Oregon ash may have a genetic basis. The earlywood vessels may require filling to minimize surface texture. Oregon ash. Oregon ash wood is ring porous; the earlywood vessels are large, forming a band that is 2 to 4 pores in width and distinctly visible to the naked eye. It forms an attractive shape, tolerates saturated soils, and shades waterways. 1995. Site Preparation and Vegetative Management Little site preparation is necessary for establishing stands of sprout origin. Oregon ash seedlings will also colonize wet areas in grasslands and abandoned fields. Insects and Diseases Weevils (Thysanocnemis spp.) There are no known examples of operational forest plantations. The decay will initially show up as a discoloration, and only much later will the wood begin to lose its density and strength as the decay progresses. Honkala, coords. Forest Science Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Our family has managed the Zena Forest since 1987 with a focus on maintaining a healthy and diverse forest ecosystem. Oregon ash also grows on upland forest soils adjacent to more typical ash habitat. It is most common in valleys and along rivers. The wood is subject to attack by powder post beetle (Ptilinus basalis) and is moderately susceptible to sapstain, mold, and iron stain. This little bug bores under the bark, and feeds on the inner bark layers, thereby disrupting the tree’s ability to transport water and nutrients. Stumps should be cut low to the ground in order to produce well-formed sprouts of good quality. As I continue to develop more relationships with landowners and the pool of forested acres that we work with continues to grow, I have started getting a more reliable supply of Ash logs. Because of its light color, the glue line can be visible on sapwood if darker resins are used. Adhesives Oregon ash bonds satisfactorily and there are no unusual problems when conditions are well controlled. It planes and shapes favorably; ash is comparable to bigleaf maple in shaping qualities, and slightly below the oaks in planing qualities. HIBBS, D.E., and G.R. Ecological Role Oregon ash is a long-term dominant in riparian areas along slow streams and in other poorly drained areas subject to seasonal flooding. OWSTON, P.W. Oregon ash is intolerant of shade, and may eventually be replaced by more competitive trees such as bigleaf maples or conifers that block the light with their leaves or sheer size. The foliage is food for butterfly larvae and may be consumed by passing browsers. Oregon ash are often mixed with cottonwood and bigleaf maple in bottomland forests, where flood waters maintain a variable disturbance regime. This information was originally published in Hardwoods of the Pacific Northwest, S.S. Niemiec, G.R. It has no characteristic odor or taste. The best results in planing are obtained with tooling that has a 25° hook angle. Good growth potential is indicated by the following: Climate Oregon ash thrives in a mild, humid climate characterized by relatively cool, humid summers and wet, mild winters. Early growth of stump sprouts is quite rapid (3 to 4 ft per year). Propagation of the herb: Oregon Ash is a deciduous Hardwood tree that grows in all types of environments through out Washington State and Oregon although it’s predominate in the southwestern portion of the Pacific northwest , which is how it became know as Oregon Ash. Wood - hard, brittle, light, coarse grained. Harvesting of Oregon ash may often be subject to restrictions for protection of riparian zones or wetlands. Characteristics The wood of Oregon ash is moderately hard and heavy, with distinct growth rings. The greenish-white flowers (male and female) are borne in dense panicles, which appear at the base of new foliage in April or May. It also makes good firewood. Like Western Maple, Oregon Ash does not live forever and will start to rot from the inside out as it matures. Drying and Shrinkage Under moderately controlled conditions, Oregon ash dries rapidly and with minimal degrade. With properties similar to the Eastern Ashes, it is very suitable for a wide range of applications. http://owic.oregonstate.edu/oregon-ash-fraxinus-latifolia, http://www.emeraldashborer.info/documents/MultiState_EABpos.pdf. Throughout the eastern U.S., the Emerald Ash Borer is devastating Ash forests. P. 339-343 in Silvics of North America. Interactions with Wildlife Ribbonlike forests of Oregon ash along streams and sloughs provide an important forest habitat in valleys that are otherwise cultivated farm or pasture. This results in a beautiful marbling that appears in the heartwood lumber as the center slowly decays.

oregon ash uses

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