STEP 1 First of all observe the isometric object given to you. by first angle projection method orthographic projections 16 x y fv sv all views identical 40 60 60 40 10 top view . 40 20 30 square 20 50 60 30 10 f.v. 3D models. Figures P4-142 through P4-149 are presented using first-angle projection per ISO standards. Figure P4-144. Figure P4-145. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to create a technically correct orthographic projection using proper projection techniques. FORMS OF ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION. (1) Sectional F.V.--AAAA (2) TV(2) T.V. Different line types are used to indicate visible, hidden and symmetry lines. Figure P4-148A. Figure P4-143. ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION Exercises mod - 11 - appropriate position in the table. Video examples are also included to supplement the learning process. ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION Orthographic or Orthogonal Projection or sometimes called Working Drawing is a system of drawings obtained in which the object is viewed at right angle and projected on to a perpendicular plane. An orthographic projection describes the shape of an object. There are 6 views of orthographic projection, but mostly there are only used three of them. Trimetric. The arrow indicate the direction from which the front view should be observed. Figure P4-147B. Slide Set 3 – Orthographic Projection II – Isometric Projection (Read Planchard 2- 1 to 2-10) Projections . DRG. Projection Introduction: The technique projection was invented by the Swiss mathematician, engineer, and astronomer “Leonhard Euler Around” in 1756.The “Episcope” was the first projection system. ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION EXERCISE 4 ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION Exercises mod - 12 - EXERCISES. Types of axonometric projections . Dimetric. There are also interactive examples that allow the learner to go through the instructor led and in-class student exercises found in the book on their own. Figure P4-146. DRG. SOLUTION` gp methodmethod of of projections,projections, givinggiving dimensionsdimensions.. (1) Sectional F.V. Orthographic projection, common method of representing three-dimensional objects, usually by three two-dimensional drawings in each of which the object is viewed along parallel lines that are perpendicular to the plane of the drawing. s.v. Orthographic projection is a drafting technique that can be used in AutoCAD. For example, an orthographic projection of a house typically Figure P4-142. The 6 Views Of Orthographic Projection. Figure P4-147A. Author Shaun Bryant shows you how. o pictorial presentation is given draw fv and sv of this object by first angle projection method 17 orthographic projections front view l.h.side view Orthographic Projection Exercises Solutions ENGINEERING DRAWING 1.ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION (SOLUTION) PROBLEM 1: Draw the front view, top view and a suitable side view of the object given below. Draw the objects as. (In Greek : "Orthos" = right and "Graphic" = I write). Study the two types and complete the table by matching the numbered orthogonal drawings with the same isometric view. It is a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional object. Two of the three axes have equal angles (usually around 105°) Types of axonometric projections . The 3 main views used in orthographic projection/drawing are the Front, Side, and Plan (Top) view. Orthographic views using third-angle projections per ANSI standards.