When you receive your offer, you must login to your account at Ontariocolleges.ca and confirm before the Deadline to Confirm noted in your offer letter. The program's field placement partners help it to ensure CCAPP standards and pharmacy competencies are met by providing opportunities through which you'll attain a minimum of 160 hours in each hospital/institutional and community pharmacy setting. Registration with the Ontario College of Pharmacists is a legal requirement to practice and is subject to the regulations and restrictions established by this governing body. It is the student's responsibility to ensure he or she is eligible to participate in clinical placements. You must confirm your offer by the Deadline to Confirm noted in your Offer of Admission letter or your seat may be given to another applicant. As some jurisdictions require longer lead-time for processing, please check with the program coordinator to ensure you allow for sufficient turn-around time. The Pharmacy Technician Program of Georgian College has been awarded Accreditation Status by the Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs for a five - year term January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2024. A non-refundable application fee of $95 must accompany applications. The English proficiency requirement can be met through: For further information, refer to Georgian’s English Language Proficiency policy 2.5 at: http://georgiancollege.ca/admissions/policies-procedures, Mature students, non-secondary school applicants (19 years or older), and home school applicants may also be considered for admission. Click on the links to access timelines and fees for registration and exams. All other applicants must apply online at Ontariocolleges.ca. Among them are Elizabeth D’Addetta, professor, RPhT; Sayada Ahmed, professor RPhT; Christa Asselstine, professor, BBA (hons) RPhT; Michelle Lee, professor, BSc RPhT; Nicole Thomson, professor, BSc RPhT; Rosamaria Torchia, professor, RPhT; Brian Lam, professor RPhT; Kristoffer Ilagan, professor, RPhT; and Lolita Makund, professor, RPhT. Please visit our website at www.centennialcollege.ca/admissions/applying/education-pathways/outbound-pathways for more information on articulation agreements. It is the student's responsibility to provide the completed document prior to placement start. The College assumes no responsibility for these matters and students should be aware that tuition will not be refunded in the event that access to a placement is denied. You'll enjoy a mix of classroom and hands-on practical laboratory experiences at Centennial's Morningside Campus, which features three state-of-the-art labs that include community dispensing, institution/long-term care and sterile preparations. Centennial College's Pharmacy Technician program offers a dynamic curriculum based on the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) competencies. If you are applying through the Second Career Strategy, please apply at the Employment Training Centre for Second Career (Progress Campus). Hands-on experience. Language proficiency test results that meet the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) Language Proficiency Requirements for Licensure as a Pharmacy Technician in Canada, further information can be found on their website at: Graduation from high school in Canada with three consecutive, first language English courses or credits; or, An undergraduate degree from a university in Canada, whose instruction was provided in English. Pharmacy technicians are considered valued and essential members of Ontario's interprofessional health care team. Students prepare to work collaboratively with pharmacy teams and other health care professionals to achieve patients’ health goals, and ensure continuity of care. Our nationally accredited Pharmacy Technician program thoroughly prepares graduates for this fast-paced and highly respected occupation. This guide reviews the best online pharmacy technician training programs, providing information on common admission requirements, coursework, and program types. COMP 1063 - Community Pharmacy Computer Systems, PHRM 1002 - Community Pharmacy Dispensing Introductory Theory, PHRM 1007 - Community Pharmacy Dispensing Introductory Lab, BIOL 1012 - Drug Therapy and Pathophysiology 1, PHRM 1009 - Community Pharmacy Inventory Control, PHRM 1010 - Non-Sterile Compounding Practice Lab, PHRM 1017 - Community Pharmacy Dispensing Advanced Theory/Lab, PHRM 2004 - Legal Foundations and Professional Practice, BIOL 2010 - Drug Therapy and Pathophysiology 2, MATH 2009 - Pharmaceutical Calculations Advanced, PHRM 2016 - Hospital Dispensing Introductory Theory/Lab, BIOL 2011 - Drug Therapy and Pathophysiology 3, PHRM 2006 - Natural Health Products and Complementary Care, PHRM 2013 - Hospital Dispensing Advanced Theory/Lab, PHRM 2014 - Pharmacy Practice and the Interprofessional Team. The Pharmacy Technician Program of Georgian College has been awarded Accreditation Status by the Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs for a five - year term January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2024. Listed below are the degrees from partnering institutions that are available for this program. Tuition is based on two semesters, beginning Fall 2020. Build your timetable (web-register for courses) at my.centennialcollege.ca. Applicants are advised that the physical requirements of the program and future employment require good vision (with or without corrective lenses), manual dexterity with repetitive motion and working on your feet for multiple hours. As a regulated pharmacy technician, you will be involved with dispensing prescriptions, preparing compounded medications and sterile products, repackaging pharmaceuticals, managing inventory, teaching patients to use medical devices, and providing patient … By clicking Submit, you have read and agree to our Privacy Policy. Current Ontario high school students and graduates from Ontario high schools: Notify your guidance counsellor that you have applied to college and your school will forward transcripts to Centennial College via Ontariocolleges.ca. Criminal Reference/Vulnerable Sector Check, Engineering and Environmental Technologies, Contact the International Admissions team, Youth in Extended Society Care Tuition Waiver, Centre for Changemaking and Social Innovation, Career and Employment Community Services overview, Course registration – monthly intake options, Occupational-Specific Language Training (OSLT), Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs, http://napra.ca/sites/default/files/2017-08/Language_Proficiency_Requirements_for_Licensure_PharmTech_Nov2009_Final.pdf, http://georgiancollege.ca/admissions/policies-procedures, www.georgiancollege.ca/admissions/policies-procedures/, www.georgiancollege.ca/admissions/credit-transfer/. 'HCP' certification, prior to the commencement of preclinical courses.

pharmacy tech programs

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