This site uses cookies & 3rd party adverts; to use this site I'll assume you're happy to accept this. The old Java applet version of this page is available here. As a simple example, below is the prime factorization of 820 using trial division: 820 ÷ 2 = 410. Find the prime factorization of a number. 205 cannot be evenly divided by 3. ), (The 5 positive primes smaller than the number 11 are 2, 3, 5,7 and 11). Factorization in a prime factors tree For the first 1000 prime numbers, this calculator indicates the index of the prime number. Just for fun, try entering your birthday, such as 6/3/2008 as 632008 So, $ \color {blue} {60 = 6 \cdot 10} $. Use this prime numbers calculator to find all prime factors of a given integer number up to 1 trillion. This calculator will calculate the prime factors of a positive integer. About Us. Site Index. Step 2: Write 10 as a product of 2 and 5. Site Home. Real World Math Horror Stories from Real encounters, Calculate the prime factorization of the number you type, Create a list of all positive prime numbers smaller than the number of your choice, As an example, if you want the calculator to determine how many primes are before the number 11, just type in the number 11, then select "List of Primes before""" and the it will promptly output '5'. Works for whole numbers between 2 and 9007199254740991 . To use the prime factorization calculator, enter the number in the top area where it says Number. Interactive simulation the most controversial math riddle ever! The algorithm used can, in theory, handle very large numbers but beware that numbers with large prime factors could take a long time to factorise. For example, 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 factorises almost instantly, whereas 12345678901234567 takes a lot longer, because, even though smaller, one of the prime factors is a large number. This calculator presents: 1. Whilst I try to keep the information on this site accurate, I'm only human and I do occasionally make mistakes. Prime Factorization Calculator. Privacy Policy. Calculating the prime factorization of large numbers is not easy, but the calculator can handle pretty darn big ones!) The prime factorization calculator can: Calculate the prime factorization of the number you type (Numbers above 10 million may or may not time out. For example, writing “8” will give an answer of 2*2*2. Example: Find prime factorization of 60. As an example, if you want the prime factorization calculator to determine how many primes are before the number 11, just type in the number 11, then select and the calculator will promptly create a list of the numbers 2, 3, 5 and 7. Press calculate, and it will give you the prime factorization. If you do find any errors, please let me know so that I can correct them. $ 6 = 2 \cdot 3 $. 410 ÷ 2 = 205. When the number to be factorized is in the range 31 to 95 digits, after computing some curves in order to find small factors, the program switches to SIQS (if the checkbox located below the applet enables it), which is an algorithm that is much faster than ECM when the number has two large prime factors. It can however be divided by 5: 205 ÷ 5 = 41. Since 205 is no longer divisible by 2, test the next integers. 4 is not a prime number. $ \color {blue} {10 = 2 \cdot 5} $. Prime decomposition in exponential form 3. The algorithm used can, in theory, handle very large numbers but beware that numbers with large prime factors could take a long time to factorise. This calculator will calculate the prime factors of a positive integer. (Numbers above 10 million may or may not time out. For example, 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 factorises almost instantly, whereas … Prime factors of a number 2. Note that for very very large numbers, it may take a few seconds for the answer to appear. The nth prime number is denoted as Prime[n], so Prime = 2, … easier to copy & paste into other programs or spreadsheets: This page uses Tom Wu's JSBN library. Number: Calculator Index. Please see the JSBN licence here. CSV (comma separated values) list of prime factors 4. Type in whatever number you want and then choose which operation you want the prime factorization calculator to perform. Or in a more machine friendly format, i.e. Step 3: Write 6 as a product of 2 and 3. Thus: Maths Home. I therefore advise you to check any information before using it for anything important. SOCR Prime Factorization Calculator SOCR Prime Number Factorization Calculators These two JavaScript calculators compute the prime factorization for large integers (on the left) and very large integers (on the right). Determine whether or not a number is prime; Create sieve of Erasthones for the number Create a list of all positive prime numbers smaller than the number … Since 41 is a prime number, this concludes the trial division. Step 1: Start with any number that divides 60, in this we will use 10. Calculating the prime factorization of large numbers is not easy, but the calculator can handle pretty darn big ones!