To help us work with strings, we have a helper function, substring, which extracts a portion of a string, beginning from the first character up though a specified end index. With this knowledge in mind, we have a better understanding of how we as software experts who need to solve problems all the time should work together. progressively smaller and larger sub-strings of the word as so. Students will be using Java, a high-level, object-oriented computer programming language, to learn the fundamentals of computer programming including how to write, compile and execute programs. Learn more », © 2001–2018 They are iterative processes and they encourage open-mindedness. So how, do we "teach" the computer to eat a bowl of any size greater than one bite? If not, divide it up into a bowl containing one bite and a bowl containing. Though eating a bowl of cereal is a fairly simple task that most of us can complete automatically, we need to think carefully about how to program a computer to do the same. And because the largest ring is in the desired, final position and does not impede the movements of any of the remaining smaller rings, we can treat the pillar as being empty. I was thinking about this Strategy and through some lucky circumstances, I found a technique called ABC-List, created by Vera v. Birkenbihl. Refactoring). In the famous Towers of Hanoi problem, the goal is to transfer a stack of rings from, pillar A to pillar C. We can only move a single ring at a time, and can use pillar B as "extra". There are 5 different attitude styles that you could have which affect the process, as described by Ken Watanabe in his book Problem Solving 101. Here we can simply move the ring from A to C. Okay, now let's try to transfer a stack of two rings. For example, if you wanted to know how many times the number 8 goes into the number 100, you could do the following: Of course this is a silly way for a computer (or a human) to solve this problem. Hi, my name is Niaja Farve. Think of at least three sets of sample data you can use. For this question, you also have three minutes and you must write down what comes into your mind. substrings, but this time increasing the end index back up to the original length. The ABC-List is a simple technique and it works like this: This time pressure forces to use your subconscious mind and write down the first things that come into your head since you don’t have a long time to think. It's always a good idea to check your code with a test case. We would like to write a function, downup, that takes an input string and prints out progressively smaller and larger sub-strings of the word as so. Let's try to transfer a stack of three rings. Sometimes this compass will help us decide which kind of architecture is the best or which kind of interfaces we should create. Ring. Then, break the problem into simpler and simpler pieces until we reach the version we've already told the computer how to solve. Then, break the problem up into progressively simpler pieces: Transfer n-1 rings from the source to the extra pillar, transfer ring n from the source to the destination, and transfer n-1 rings from the extra pillar to the destination. In the second loop, we move in the opposite direction. Freely browse and use OCW materials at your own pace. So, we can move our largest ring number 4 from A to C. Now we need a whole other set of recursive function calls to transfer the 3 ring stack from B to C! Imagine, for example, you’re like me: you want to lose some weight and you have many different strategies that you could try in order to achieve this goal to solve this problem. If you exercise your brain, you gain new knowledge. Does the bowl contain 1 bite of cereal? Otherwise, print the string, solve. Now lets solve a third problem with an even more complex pattern. the remainder. In this video, Niaja Farve, doctoral student of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, explains repetitive programming techniques, a very fundamental and essential programming skill. Because the solution to the most complex problem depends on solutions to the simpler pieces, recursion creates a queue of jobs waiting to be completed. We transferred n-1 rings to the extra pillar, moved the largest ring to the final position, then transferred the n-1 rings to the final position. Recall the general iterative code framework: Tell the computer the procedure for the simplest problem. Solving problems is the core of computer science. Now the magic happens: Vera v. Birkenbihl realized that geniuses and really highly skilled experts use these so-called associative thinking techniques a lot and this brings different perspectives on the topic. This can also be applied to programming. The desired output is achieved by simply printing, Moving one step up, we see that the desired output of a two-letter string can be accomplished, by printing the string, printing the string shortened by one letter, and printing the, Though there are many different patterns, here is one you may have come up with: With, every string, we are sandwiching the _solution_ to a string one character shorter between, two printings of the full string.
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problem solving techniques in computer programming 2020