Boomstick or Quad-Barrel shotgun? I'm about to fight BoC and i don't know what gun is better. Dig, fight, explore, build! Of course, I think it's hard to compare some of these weapons. Cookies help us deliver our Services. The difference is availability and power in itself: Shotgun is a hardmode weapon, and the Quad-Barrel is PRE-HARDMODE. AKA it has a billion advantages that the Quad Barrel lacks. Molten Fury and Phoenix Blaster are both more consistent and long range compared to others. I tried to buy the quad barrel but then I remembered that I had to kill Skeletron. Close. I currently have Falcon Blade, Starfury, and Quad-Barrel Shotgun as my forms of attack and Plat armor but come up lacking when any enemy is even slightly strong. This is a pretty substantial nerf, but let's see how it does compared to the boomstick, a comparable gun which is now much easier to get. I'm going by the most widely used late prehm range weapons (in my opinion) which are Phoenix Blaster, Molten Fury, Bees Knees, and Hellwing Bow. Worst part about it is, it’s now a quad-barrel shotgun firing six bullets. Hellwing's infinite peircing can make it's DPS much higher than what is shown. I don't see myself forking over 50 gold buying and reforging this. 277 comments. And by the point you hit hardmode, it's better to try to make the Onyx Blaster Mate there is literally a way better shotgun on pre-hardmode called Boomstick that isn't even that hard to get #4 The double barrel shotgun is a post-mechanical boss weapon sold by the Arms Dealer, once all mechanical bosses are defeated. 1. Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. In the Hell stage, Helllwing probably fills it's niche completely. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I did a thing. I've only killed EoC and KS (at the same time on accident) and I'm not sure if I have the kit to beat BoC yet because I'm getting bodied by those flying mushroom bugs. This is a pretty substantial nerf, but let's see how it does compared to the boomstick, a comparable gun which is now much easier to get. This is still a very decent weapon, however, the Bee's knees is dropped from an easier boss at no cost, works at range, has crowd control, can spray and pray, homes in. ... More posts from the Terraria community. I'm about to fight BoC and i don't know what gun is better. The world is your canvas and the ground itself is your paint. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Of course this also applies to every other shotgun in the game, as well as the minigun weapons to a lesser extent. The Tactical Shotgun is a Hardmode, post-Plantera ranged weapon. 4 comments. Meteor bullets got a change that changes how they interact with invulnerability frames, allowing them to hit bigger targets twice. Press J to jump to the feed. Finally, someone recognizes the Quad-barrel. share. Posted by 2 months ago. 20.0k. Boomstick for Mid-range, fast single flying enemies. So i would definitely say Quad-Barrel for brain. Due to the mechanics of piercing damage, piercing bullets (such as Meteor Shot) will only hit enemies one time, even if all bullets connect. Boomstick for Mid-range, fast single flying enemies. share. So the Arms Dealer just moved into a graveyard with 6 (of my) tombstones. Boomstick or Quad-Barrel shotgun? Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. *Damage: 30 x 8 *Knockback: Very strong *Critical chance: 5% *Use time: Fast *Tooltip: "A … Minishark is good at both but worse at close range. We all knew how broken this weapon was, and I must say the nerfs were very harsh, but since I am currently using it in a pre skeletron master mode game I decided to see how it stacks up now. Quad but use jesters arrows for the creepers, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Depends. Quad Barrel Shotgun: Should we mourn it's loss? Nonetheless, I hope that it reviews about it Terraria Quad Barrel Shotgun And Washington State Law Minimum Shotgun Barrel Length will always be useful. The world is your canvas and the ground itself is your paint. (We took the average number of bullets fired for the boomstick, 3.5) the boomstick has a calculated DPS of 73. Posted by 3 days ago. (We took the average number of bullets fired for the boomstick, 3.5) the boomstick has a calculated DPS of 73. In short, it still outclasses the boomstick massively at a close range. save hide report. The weapon features similar damage to the standard pump-action shotgun, however, the Double Barrel shotgun fires more pellets, and is also accompanied with a faster rate of fire. Of course, it is also less reliable than before. (And yes I'm aware I didn't factor ammo in I'm not going back through all this lol) Old QBS VS new QBS. This was one of my favorite prehardmode weapon, and I have decided to compare the old version with the recent Nerf, and with the boomstick Going with base stats alone, the old QBS had a DPS of 127, compared to the new QBS' 111. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. save hide report. New QBS vs Boomstick. Even with the nerf, Quad Barrel still outclassed the boomstick by a large margin, without accuracy in account. It is an upgraded version of the Shotgun, auto-firing six spread shots per bullet consumed (against the Shotgun's average of four), for a possible combined base damage of 174 per bullet spent (not including bullet damage stats which are then added). Quad for Up-Close, Groups, or big bosses. So i would definitely say Quad-Barrel for brain. Quad barrel shotgun is devastating up close, but shit at long range. It’s apples vs oranges comparing them. Quad for Up-Close, Groups, or big bosses. It has a 8.33% / 15.97% (1/12 / 23/144) chance to drop from Tactical Skeletons … If you play your cards right you could easily double or more of the dps qbs does normally on anything you can land most of your pellets on, expecially on bosses such as Queen Bee while she’s dashing or Wall of Flesh’s bottom eye. Bees Knees is very unpredictable, weak against defense, and can be used with the hive pack which does not make a ton of difference, but makes its high DPS on paper even higher. In the breif testing I was doing, I was doing roughly 600 dps with both meteor shot and chlorophyte bullets with the chain gun using the same build, and consitering that is a pre-hardmode teir bullet vs. a post mech teir bullet, thats a pretty substantual buff. It is also important to mention that individual bullets will crit, and since new QBS shoots 6 bullets it has an even higher potential damage compared to the boomstick. Dig, fight, explore, build! Get both. Onyx Blaster is probably better, just because you can get it right at the start of hardmode, and by the time you can get the Tactical Shotgun, you can be using other guns/bows. 18.0k. Molten fury: 84 DPS (not counting fire debuff), Bees Knees: (releasing avg bees, each hitting enemy twice) 260 DPS. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. #8 Ballshamer Check price Shotgun Short Barrel Vs Long Barrel And Terraria Sniper Rifle Vs Tact We all knew how broken this weapon was, and I must say the nerfs were very harsh, but since I am currently using it in a pre skeletron master mode game I decided to see how it stacks up now. So I killed Skeletron, but the arms dealer still doesn't sell the quad barrel shotgun. 20.0k. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Here is one thing to take into account when using a weapon like qbs, even in its nerfed state.

quad barrel shotgun vs shotgun terraria

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