Oddly, this is yet another example of est nihil novum sub soli. Fortunately, lest one despair of objective reality, others have taken different methods of philosophically describing the world post-quantum physics. The double slit experiment shows that a single photon can act as both a wave and a particle. Before we get into understanding the observer effect, let’s first take a look at the fundamentals of quantum physics. But the birth of quantum physics in the early 1900s made it clear ... Again, it’s an observer-independent theory. The observer, observed In 1961, the Hungarian-American theoretical physicist Eugene Wigner devised a thought experiment to show what’s so tricky about the idea of measurement. The observer creates reality simply by observing. In quantum physics, we know that the observer effect collapses wave functions into particles. And this field contains a reality wherein you already have everything you currently desire. It’s lots of fun to make your spouse cease to have objective existence outside of your observer-created reality. The laws of quantum mechanics work very differently than the physics of the regular-sized world. I created it so that I can connect with everyone who knows about Mind Reality. This video will outline those experiments to make the observer effect easier to understand. Observing The Observer. The field of quantum mechanics was primarily founded on three pillars. Quantum Physics. In quantum physics, this is called the principle of nonlocality where something exist in two places at one time. And recent research published in Nature Physics says for even macroscopic observers, quantum physics may call our reality into question. . ] The Elegant Experiment That Captures the Enigma of Our Quantum Reality. According to quantum physics, there are an infinite number of possibilities in the quantum field. This seems to suggest that there are two values present in an observation, the observer and the reality created. A single electron fired at a double slit appears to interfere with itself and act like a wave. So my question is what special properties does the observer possess that allows an observation to be made. . The Fundamentals.