Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Statistical analysis: All the data collected was subjected to statistical analysis of variance using the PROC GLM of statistically analysis software SAS 9.2 version (SAS Institute Inc., 2008). Hatchability percentage were lower in sand incubation method than that of the natural incubation however, it is operated with kerosene fuel. The mean annual rainfall of the area is 1212 mm (NMSA., 2011). Dolberg et al. The eggs were sat in the setting trays of the incubator with the small end down and the large end up at the optimum conditions of temperature (37-39°C), relative humidity (60%) and frequent ventilation were maintained during the whole period of incubation using the topside opening and sometimes front door opening. The incubators can be easily made using readily available skills and tools. The experiment was conducted to compare and evaluate the hatchability and survival rate of a sand incubator and natural hen incubation technique and to estimate the profitability of the two different incubation techniques. Precinct of study site: The experiment was conducted in Wolaita Sodo University. The total fixed cost per batch for sand incubation was 5255 ETB ($273.7), which is about 72.60% of the gross cost and from which 66.60% of the fixed cost was spent for the production of the incubator. In the first batch of incubation, which was including all fixed costs, the gross return per 100 eggs in sand incubation method was greater return from that of the broody hen incubation. (2004) which indicate that the average chick weight for broody hen incubation and rice husk incubation were 27 g, which is lower than the current study; this could be the difference in chick strain most of the time the higher breed do have high chick weight whereas lower chicken breed do have lower chick weight. But numerically higher hatchability percentage was recorded from broody hen (70.8%) than the sand incubation (61.8%). Hatchery room Ideally, the incubator should be kept in a room set aside for the hatchery. Broody hens are experienced enough to maintain optimum conditions of temperature and humidity. As shown in Table 1 that, the percentage of normal and abnormal day old chicks hatch had a significant difference (p<0.05) among the two incubation techniques. Sand Incubation Technique An insulated box like an almirah is made up of wooden or particle board composed of outlet for gas emission and ventilation to control temperature. Poultry production is an area of animal agriculture, where human food production is relatively fast, initial capital investment is low and use can be made of available household labour. 2). For the means those had a significant different, Least Significant Difference (LSD) procedure was used. Inside the box there are 3 to 5 gunny sac trays supported by the wire net which are used as egg setting and hatching trays as well. However due to the low productivity (poor egg production performance, slow growth rate and late sexual maturity) and broodiness for an extended period limit the advantage obtain from this sector. Hatching eggs: A total of 747 fertile eggs from the breeds of White leghorn were purchased from Hawassa poultry breeding and distribution center. This is due to ununiformed heat distribution through the incubator box which was at arrange of 36.5-39°C from top tray to the bottom, respectively (Fig. The sand tray should be lined with black cloth to retain the sand and filled with a layer of sand, between 1.5-3 cm thick. Min-hatchery incubators have been used to hatch chicken and duck eggs in Egypt and China and Bangladesh. Instructor at Akperan Orshi College of Agriculture,Yandev. Even if the percentage of the dead in shell of broody hen incubation (12%) and sand incubation technique (29%) was not significantly different (p>0.05), the sand incubation technique had numerically higher percentage of dead-in-shell. The eggs were stored in a room at 14-16°C and 70-80% relative humidity for 4 days. Embryonic mortality caused by inadequate ventilation, heat, humidity and vice versa (Dafwang et al., 2005). Data collection: Data was collected for fertility, embryonic mortality, dead-in-shells, abnormal chicks hatched, normal chicks hatched, day-old chick weight, survival of day-old chick, hatchability were considered in both methods of incubation techniques. Therefore, the current study is aimed to evaluate and estimate the suitability, performance and profitability of the sand incubator technique by comparing with the local broody hen hatching technique. On the 1st year run, the net return was estimated and can incurred by sand incubator which make it sustainable in profitability for the smallholder farmers by making high income for the next seven years of production period. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. The University is located in the mid highlands of Southern Ethiopia at 330 km South of Addis Ababa at about 6049’ N latitude and 37045’ E longitudes and the farm is situated altitude of 1710 meter above sea level (m.a.s.l). The results of this study indicated that fertility, hatchability and dead in shell there were no significant difference (p>0.05) among the treatments. 3). Scribd will begin operating the SlideShare business on December 1, 2020 Roy et al. From the study, the cost of production using broody hen was very less than that of sand incubation technique. The much known techniques to hatch improved chicken breed eggs is using modern electric incubator. All clear and early dead embryos were removed after each candling (Fig. While, the net return per 100 eggs in sand incubation was177.83 ETB $9.3, which is higher return from that of the broody hen incubation -441.05 ETB or $-23.0, which were not profitable for the first batch at 70.80% hatchability. All hatched chicks were weighed individually on a treatment basis with by using sensitive balance with 0.5 g accuracy. On the 1st year run the net return was estimated and can incurred by sand incubator which make it sustainable in profitability for the smallholder farmers by making high income for the next seven years of production period.

sand based incubator

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