In relationships, couples have their ups and downs. Hurting a person you love may temporarily give you some relief, but it will leave you empty. For your safety, it's time to get out." This is a very common phrase for someone to say in a variety of situations, and it is obvious that it can easily offend. 112. Hope these comforting words and quotes on “hurt” will help you overcome the hurt and pain from relationships. When I was younger and fought with my then-boyfriend, I’d say some really hurtful things. Either way, don’t do that. they might take your words more seriously than you think. Did you say unwanted things? Getting hurt by someone you love can be very painful. 9 Sincere Ways To Apologize To Someone You Hurt. The most hurtful insults are ones that cut right to the core. And I fully admit, I was an immature jerk. When you left me, you did not just take your things. 113. Well, I either wanted a reaction or to make him feel the pain he caused me. She could harden up, and never again expose her vulnerability to you. To those who are a bit more sensitive. 110. Saying hurtful things in a relationship or otherwise can leave behind an emotional scar on the person’s mind. You may never know how much you’ve hurt the person until you take responsibility for your actions. It is not easy to repair this mistake. Sometimes, your loved one ends up so badly hurt that it affects them to the core. Don't stay in a relationship with someone who would say such a thing. It really hurts to see someone you love be in love with somebody else instead. How to respond when someone intentionally hurts you . It is never nice to say that you don’t care about something or someone, even in a joking manner. Why? Now you are gone and I have been left alone to pick up all of the pieces off the floor. Saying this to your partner will hurt them terribly especially when they are so committed and dedicated in the relationship. We have rounded some of the best sad hurt quotes for you which includes, Being Hurtful in Life; Hurt Quotes and Sayings You took my heart and broke it. You took my heart with you as well. Even if you're told it's a joke, trust your gut. If you want to make your partner, friend, or family member feel pain, grow up. ... At this point you may feel that you deserve someone more attractive and may even think that you don’t love your partner anymore. For your safety, it's time to get out." 111. Related: Emotional Love Quotes for Her. If you have hurt someone you loved, you have committed a grave folly. Understand how hurtful this is for someone who does a lot for you.

saying hurtful things to someone you love

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