The SSL XLogic G-Series Stereo Compressor puts the iconic sound of the legendary SL 4000 G-Series console bus compressor right in your studio rack. It utilises the classic SSL G Series centre compressor design elements within a SuperAnalogue design topology. The G Series Compressor is the 19" version of the SSL sum compressor, which is esteemed by countless engineers as the last authority on a mix due to its very special sound character. It is in rackable form, and will take up a single rack space unit. Classic SSL G Series centre compressor with a super analog design; Format: 19" / 1 HU; Dimensions (W x D x H): 480 x 350 x 44.5 mm; Weight: 3.3 kg It then has buttons for compression in or out and for an external side chain. Quite a while back, Waves introduced a set of plug-ins emulating the SSL 4000, including complete E and G-series channel strips, a separate G-series EQ, and the G-Master Buss compressor. The SSL XLogic G Series Stereo Compressor combines the classic SSL G Series center compressor design with next-generation SuperAnalogue technology for unparalleled audio performance. In the latest edition to our How To Listen series, award-winning engineer Fab Dupont explains one of the most famous compressors of all time, the SSL Bus Compressor. I believe it has XLR connections and also 1/4 inch, but I'm not sure as the one I use has been pre mounted. Stereo Compressor. G Series Compressor. You can make sources louder without smearing and fuzziness. The SSL X-Logic G Series Stereo Buss Compressor is the iU rack mounting version of the SSL G Sereies console master bus compressor. Control is the name of the game, and the G comp can reign in your dynamics with clean, transparent compression. Known for it's predestined use on the 2 bus of SSL consoles, it was quickly revered by many engineers as the secret glue for mixes. The SSL XLogic G Series Stereo Compressor is an analog compressor that emulates the compressors on the SSL G series consoles. Since then, many others have also set out to duplicate the analog magic of the 4000, but these Waves plug-ins remain one of the most respected, and most popular, bundles, for lovers of the classic SSL … SSL’s most popular mixing console featured this compressor strapped across the center section where the G Comp earned it’s place as a legend. The configuration of the SSL XLogic G Series Stereo Compressor is really easy to follow and to use. The BUSS COMPRESSOR therefore has a much more pleasant, natural and open sound (especially when pushed), just like the legendary British Console compressor we’ve aimed to recreate; this is where some other units tend to fall short, shrink the stereo image and underperform as compared to the original. This brings the dual benefits of spectacular audio performance with a universally acclaimed compressor characteristic. Starting from the left, you've got a meter, and then knobs for threshold, attack, ratio, release, and make up.