"), Expansion: use a wider scope to analyze the results of this definition, Proposed conclusion on the formula (does it work, is it problematic, how can it be changed?). Using the outline as an organizational guide, many writers of long research employ note-cards to assemble quotes, evidence, ideas, and insights from the resources that comprise the evidence for the major points of the paper. In the happy event of owning a text (never in a library book! Slides from "Organization & Outlining," a Hacks for Seminary & Beyond workshop, are available here in PowerPoint format (requires PowerPoint or compatible software) and printable PDF format. Slides from "Using Templates," a Hacks for Seminary & Beyond workshop, are available here in PowerPoint format (requires PowerPoint or compatible software) and printable PDF format. This traditional practice ensures comprehension of the text and allows for a ready reference review of the crucial elements at a later date. For instance, the following sentence, "There are several examples of the issue of integrity in Huck Finn," would be much better this way: "Huck Finn repeatedly addresses the issue of integrity.". Several elements to remember in writing a cover letter or email are the following: Slides from "Writing for Academic Awards," a Hacks for Seminary & Beyond workshop, are available here in PowerPoint format (requires PowerPoint or compatible software) and printable PDF format. Suspend the raging negative voice and the vaunting prideful spirit and read as if you are an open-minded, curious, and demanding reader. This statement should be clear and unequivocal. Synthesis: Establish some nuanced truth in between the two arguments or overcome the initial contradiction by bringing in additional information. Seminary Librarian The simple purpose of an outline is to organize and develop a map for the writing assignment showing the scope and sequence of the content, the focused purpose of the writing, the audience, and the logic. Every academic writing assignment is a demonstration of the full range of reasoning and evidence organized with substantial analysis on the subject topic. For theological purposes, it is always best to trust the peer-evaluated scholarly materials from writers and editors of recognized expertise. These values should be contained and illustrated within all components of the application. A crucial element of note-taking that is important to master is the taking and use of quotations. .�a�����t:a,K$����DFo��9? Read assuming that all explanations and analyses will be apprehended and considered by the reader; no paraphrasing or re-explanations are necessary. Step 2: Allocate the Proper Time to Draft, Revise, and Edit the Essay/Sermon/Response. Third part: Meditation of the facts presented in the first two parts. "Step 3: Draft" by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Revision Strategies to Encourage Strong Student Writing" by Erica Lynn Cirillo-McCarthy, "Tips on Grammar, Punctuation and Style" by Harvard College Writing Center, "Final Checklist for Writing Essays" by Rutgers University, Candler School of Theology: Writing Resources, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary: Online Writing Lab, Westminster Theological Seminary Center for Theological Writing: Writing Resources, Yale University Library: Writing for Divinity Students, Click here for a PDF of the Cornell Note-taking System. A study of Scripture will uncover many terms that need to be properly defined to ensure proper interpretation. %PDF-1.3 This is the initial contact a contestant has with the selection committee; the correspondence should be very professional and concise, The compliments to the institution or individual and salutations should be formal, The primary use for the award or prize should be at least alluded to if not explicitly stated, The letter should be a maximum of one page, The first paragraph should set your identity in the context relevant to the award and succinctly state why you are writing, Paragraphs 2-3 should establish precisely your qualifications and status as an applicant/contestant; if a resume is included, make sure this information supplements rather than repeats, Make sure that the use of the award and consequences of that use are referenced. See more. The writer must be careful to test praise to make sure it is warranted, put negative criticism under the light of logic and accuracy, and weigh any suggestion in light of the text as a whole. %��������� Allow the text to rest at least 24 hours. The quality and reliability of sources is always an issue, especially sources on the Internet. Explanation of the formula (definition, for example: "Explain the use of the word 'it' in Webster's Dictionary and comment on its significance. Therefore students need to have an in-depth understanding of the types and uses of quotations in writing. Read the text aloud from a printed copy. If you have received feedback, whether from a peer or from a trusted source, be mindful that it is just that - the opinion of an individual on first reading of a rough draft. stream Powered by SubjectsPlus, Additional Online Resources for Theological Writing. '�ei2Z���b*�����1h*Sz>c�s�����$�a�נ���Ϻ@�a��Or�;���z$d�H��l�'�"-�Pfy�'��1-PC��9�'sl�z���gp�?1�4~�Z_t�xm��?�(���m� ����H�^C�DS?�F#~1�[�4K��,���1�e+P���1���ɐ��BBD*�y�N�%B���bOBՉ�P��nw�="���6�ƻXnn*��)_��j���?����r�JP�1m'T�Bt��"�����v��K���0_�^���U��h)�P�1Ͼ����|���jb/_��#t�M�j[��O�~�m{�"�ll�0[��Z, Headings must be parallel and coordinated throughout. �kY�N�8"Ê���+g�� �R��$���V"���"��V(��d�{�+�)��[h�A��hNV�E���L��G��Q��d�~b��S�&�ha���M�R���(� }�EB 6��M4�)�@����1~�0�r�r�ۚ��@?D9�`7e�! Reading logs are useful tools to keep organized notes of entire sources in one place. In addition, oftentimes the contests with website connections may have a profile or article on a previous recipient, sometimes with the winning essay. For example, replace, "She argues for the importance of the idea," with, "She defends the idea.". ��Z��8��bY���L߈?���lD�wR�9|㍑N�8=�G5�����ߵ@���ڠo��y��u�G��r��z���3�JkMF}c"�����[>yZ�
)H����D�����XJ����X%�Wd2^0%oG2��]4�Э��FfX'�g @~��1mI!���� x�]ے#�q}�W�߰�&� Aim for precision in word choice. Separate your argument into parts (in this case, two: pros and cons), First part: first element of comparison (one point of view on an issue, for example), Second part: second element of comparison (an opposing point of view). Look for sentences that start with "It is" or "There are" and see if you can revise them to be more active and engaging. The two most popular apps in this category are: Taking notes using a mind map can really help visual and spatial learners recall information. Real writing begins not with the first draft of a text, but rather with the successive revisions and rewrites of that draft, each of which clarifies and refines the argument and message. -��d�!�c*�/�(� Q՞|&k~6w�כ�i�Su1�=]Z�nn��ӴR[�̋�l��Q6r�m��@��E!s3 �P���_��ȶ�..����+��$�J�q�W����u
%�����)܂��ͥ�&˺)�"7Ђb����:�C1~�*PC�#L�[6�������VOZu��,�zl�BB?x�h���X Slides from "Revising a Draft," a Hacks for Seminary & Beyond workshop, are available here in PowerPoint format (requires PowerPoint or compatible software) and printable PDF format. Check your sentence variety. All contests are sponsored by groups with distinct core values that are hallmarked in the published materials as the mission statement, the strategic plan, and the profile. It's fun, too! To use quotes inaccurately or worse, unethically, can result in serious and permanent damage to one's public reputation. Journals, conference papers, databases, and books with extensive bibliographies are especially useful. For the puposes of most theologcial writing, outlines develop the topic with explanation and analysis which leads to a logical conclusion. These are more robust for storing and organizing large numbers of notes into notebooks. If more than two sentences in a row start the same way (with a subject followed by a verb, for example), then try using a different sentence pattern. Don't settle for the best word you can think of at the moment - use a thesaurus (along with a dictionary) to search for the word that says exactly what you want to say. �Iwg�^�3_cB��j���X,I���fսQW䖟��{N�wR�$��%�>�ܡQ���W5��v/dB��^��TɦJ�2���qz���7�?�!S! This page maintained by: