What a very helpful post! Everything you need to know is in this post . Take it from the moms in the WTE community; they got to talking about the things they learned about their babies, themselves and the ways your idea of motherhood and even yourself can change once baby arrives. 45. Being a first time mom is both one of the most exciting and stressful times of your life. Nappy rash? You probably already know that. But, in order to prevent some of the most frequent situations which happen to first-time mothers, you can read more down below to learn Do’s and Dont’s for First Time Moms. Co-sleeping is acceptable and might be the only way you get some sleep. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It can even stop and come back at a later stage. Your email address will not be published. “Which one should I choose?”. 15 things to talk about before getting pregnant! As a first time mom, in many instances, you have to learn by first-hand experience. 25. Thanks for sharing the list of must knows. 43. Let your body heal. We are thinking about baby 3, and this brings me back to baby 1. MomJunction helps you navigate through the wonders and experiences which lie ahead in pregnancy. Giving birth is the happiest and scariest day of your life. 12. It’s okay to tell them you’ve got everything under control, even if you entirely don’t. 29. 30. It’s okay to not fall head over heels immediately with your newborn. I adore this. Your feet will swell a little or a lot! 24. Don’t beat yourself up over every little thing. Feeding on demand is 100% acceptable. I'm an entrepreneur and a sucker for good adventures. It was the loveliest time of a pregnant mom’s life. 71. Beautiful instinct. That’s okay. 35. 56. Make time for sex. 1. There may be a few hurdles too. Moms … Just as is seeing your baby open her eyes or laugh for the first time. But your idea of parenthood and the reality being a parent will likely be two very different things. 57. 87. At the end of the day each mom will do what’s best for her and her own baby because everyone is different. And until now I still have more things to know about my baby, especially now that she is starting to identify and learn things … This is highly recommended for pregnant women… Wow.. its so good to be here. I love this! Don’t buy too many newborn sizes because babies grow extremely fast. When things get backed up, head straight for the LaVie Lactation Massager, the first-ever milk expression aid. But with my boy, it’s so different. Schedule it if you have too. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Get out of the house with your newborn. 26. Poop won't make you sick. . It's taken three weeks, but today, for the first time, I caught myself staring at her in wonder and with love." Input your search keywords and press Enter. Mom will likely be overwhelmed with dozens of emotions, ranging from good to bad. Hi, I'm Shan. 85. This is all great things that moms need to know before baby comes. Let’s hope that today I can answer that… Thanks to the moms who shared their opinions in several groups that inspired this post. These certainly are some great things to know. 63. Pack your hospital bag early and make sure that all of Dad’s and baby’s things are packed as well. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. — MollyJackx, "I couldn’t believe how much noise a newborn makes when he or she is sleeping. I never think about how unpleasant the actual sound is. Stock up on wet wipes. The sun helps “bake” the rash. 5. 46. Try to avoid being heavily pregnant in summer because it’s a lot like being a volcano waiting to erupt. “Which one should I choose?” I kept thinking. I wanted to know everything about parenting but the truth is that the only way that you will ever know about parenting is when you actually become a parent yourself. Don’t listen to other people’s “horror stories.” It will only scare you. I have a friend who is expecting their first baby. These cookies do not store any personal information. 11. 95. They say: “Sleep when the baby sleeps” but honestly can you? Magnesium deficiency is a common cause of morning sickness so make sure that you take your vitamins every day. 8. You don’t have to enjoy every moment. But aren’t there hurdles everywhere? There are going to be tons of ups and sometimes just as many downs. Don’t rush back to gym. 21. — emmariee, "I was SO AFRAID of what my life would be like once my son was here, and I was actually a tad depressed thinking about the changes. As a mom, I tell new mom’s to trust their gut instinct and go with it. 14. My sister will be a mother soon. Use cotton wool and water to wipe your baby’s bottom during the first couple months to prevent nappy rash or help heal one. One of the most common questions in mom groups is: “What advice would you give a first-time mom?”. Leave your baby’s bottom in the sun for at least 5 minutes every day. My baby girl snored worse than my grandpa." The truth is in the first weeks you'll learn a lot about yourself and being a parent. Pregnancy can make you tired and emotional. You can buy a breast pump and baby monitor on most medical Aids from your savings. Cravings and baby kicks are the best part of being pregnant! Poop won't make you sick. You won’t stay friends with the same people once you’ve had a child. — Cristina74, "I didn’t know how protective I would be. Questions to Ask Your Medical Aid When You fall Pregnant, What you need to know about flying while you are pregnant, Protein During Pregnancy (What you need to know). This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Babies have their own schedule; they will guide you. What a really great list! 18. Accept any help you can get for cooking, cleaning and babysitting. Spend a lot of skin-to-skin time with your baby so you can bond. 68. Every baby reaches milestones at different ages. Don’t lie to make it seem like you have it together. 16. Nope. Sleep deprivation is one of the things you should know as a first time mom. Becoming a parent for the first time is life-altering. This is a wonderful list. You don’t need a wipe warmer – hot water in a flask is fine. 32. 82. When you are a first-time mother, things can go wrong very easily. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 22. 36. Take it from the moms in the Stay at home moms feel guilty just as working moms do but it just may be for different reasons. Glad to read this post.I am a first time mom with 8months old baby girl. I remember standing at the bookstore; 38 weeks pregnant with my big round belly staring at a gazillion books with big bold headings trying to grab my attention about parenting.

things to know as a first time mom

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