Because of this work, her imagination has been fired up by the possibilities inherent in the transformative power of worldview awareness. In the same way, the philosophical worldview held by a researcher when conducting research should guide the decisions and actions taken during the research process. Our research, briefly summarized below, shows that several factors can be linked to whether a poten-tially transformative experience becomes traumatic — resulting in greater constriction and fear — or transformative — resulting in The way we view the world often guides our behaviors. An overview of the mixed methods design of the study is shown in Fig. Others have called them DONNA MERTENS: Hello, I'm Donna Mertens. in worldview arise from a different process than transformations that are life affirming and prosocial. . 00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING] [An Introduction to the Transformative Paradigm--Epistemology & Methodology] 00:12. The philosophical worldview proposed in the study A definition of basic considerations of that worldview How the worldview shaped their approach to research I have chosen to use the term worldview as meaning “a basic set of beliefs that guide action” (Guba, 1990, p. 17). [Donna Mertens, Professor, Retired, Gallaudet University] I developed an approach to research that focuses on human rights and social justice. Creswell (2014) discusses four philosophical worldviews: post-positivism, constructivism, transformative, and pragmatism. (Mertens, 2003, p. 159) Using the Transformative Framework Jerry Nagel. scholars recommend the adoption of an explicit goal for research to serve the ends of creating a more just and democratic society that per-meates the entire research process, from the problem formulation to the drawing of conclusions and the use of results. . Transformative . worldview embraced by the researcher: the epistemology governing the. A transformative worldview is one that advocates for change and reform, and this research is typically done through a qualitative research approach. Transformative mixed methodologies provide a mechanism for addressing the complexities of research in culturally complex settings that can provide a basis for social change. 1.Under the mixed methods taxonomy outlined by Creswell and Plano Clark (2007), the research framework was transformative and the design was a variant of sequential, exploratory mixed methods, which started with qualitative data collection and analysis (Stages 1 and 2), followed by quantitative data collection … I was a professor at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC for over 30 years.