Digging Raspberries Raspberry plants are easy to care for, and don't need much attention, but with those simple cares you will improve the quality and quantity of their fruits. The timing of planting raspberries in the fall depends largely on climatic, weather conditions and characteristics of the variety. Early spring planting is preferred over fall planting. If you have just purchased raspberry plants for your home garden, here are very simple and basic instructions for how to plant your berry plants. Fall-bearing raspberries are sweeter than summer berries because cool weather retards plant respiration, causing sugars to accumulate in the berries. Or if you’re in a zone like us here in Utah, think late October to mid-April. The very best time to transplant raspberry plants is in early Spring or in late Fall /Autumn, when the plants are in a "dormant" state.. Due to the fact that the plants are not actively growing during this time of dormancy, they are more equipped to manage the stress associated with the division process. During the second year, they can produce a summer crop on the lower part of the same canes. They can also be transplanted this fall after they go dormant from frost. Transplanting Raspberries will save you time and money if you move transplants from your existing patch to start new patches or expand an existing one. Second Year and On: Prune Black Raspberries in Early Fall. First, you need to know when you should be transplanting raspberries. Early September is a good time to start a new red raspberry bed. How to Plant Raspberry Plants In the Fall or Spring. When is the Best Time to Transplant Raspberries? These varieties produce fruit at the tips of the primocanes. Their maturation is indicated by the appearance of a replacement kidney on the basal neck of shoots. That’s a full six-month window, people! Some popular fall-bearing varieties are Heritage, Autumn Bliss and Red Wing. Everbearing red raspberries, also called "fall-bearing" or "primocane-fruiting" raspberries, are able to grow flowers during the first year. One of things I miss most about our old garden is the strawberries and raspberries. In the second year after planting, you should get a small harvest in the late spring/early summer. Avoid planting raspberries within 300 feet of any wild blackberry or wild raspberry plant. Garden raspberries dug in fall for relocation or to start new beds can't be left out of the ground until spring, but should be transplanted or put in containers immediately. Second, you need to know how … Ordinarily, raspberry plants should sit in rows with each bush three feet (about one meter) apart and with as much as ten feet (about three meters) between rows. Although, if you account for snow, it’s really two shorter windows – one in fall and one in spring. There are three things you need to pay attention too when transplanting raspberries. After fruiting, set your black raspberry plants up for a smooth ride through winter and a successful future harvest with an early fall pruning. Growing Raspberries. Raspberries are best transplanted in spring before new growth breaks. This is an instructable for organic care. Both were (surprisingly) incredibly happy in that hard clay soil. Raspberries should be planted in a site that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight. If your raspberry plants begin to grow outside of these limits, sending suckers out between the rows or forming dense hedges, you will soon find it difficult to properly maintain or harvest your raspberries. Transplanting Raspberries Expanding your raspberry patch. Is an instructable for winter care, when all the leaves are fallen down, but before the start of the sprouts in the spring. Heading. Very Simple Instructions for Planting Raspberry Plants the Home Gardener.