Leurs couleurs sont surprenantes : dessins métalliques, roses, pourpres et verts se succèdent. These plants will make Ideal terrarium specimens. Les températures nécessaires à un bon développement se situent dans une fourchette allant de 10 à 20°C. Source: kaiyanwong223. Rex begonias are often troubled by mildew and botrytis fungal disease. Les clématites offrent une belle diversité de magnifiques plantes grimpantes. Reiger Begonia. It is grown for its large colorful leaves rather than its small pink flowers. An absence of flowers, or small insignificant flowers, tell you it’s probably a rex or shrub-like begonia. Si l'atmosphère est sèche, placez-le sur une coupelle remplie de billes d'argiles, que vous maintiendrez humides. Read on to find out what you need to know about growing begonias. They are not the colorful type like the Rex Begonias & can appear to be boring however they make up in their size formation and unique foliage structure. Most begonias available in garden centers are hybrids between wild types. Begonia antsiranensis I have a big collection of Begonias and I look forward to exchanging them with other enthusiasts as well as selling them. Painted-leaf begonia, Begonia rex-cultorum Rex Begonias. Begonia ‘Big’ A star performer, Begonia ‘Big’ has brilliant pink flowers,which contrast well with large, … The leaves are shaped like elephant’s ears and may be smooth or textured. Rex Begonia Features: An Overview. Rex begonias do bloom but are not grown for their blooms which pale in comparison to their spectacular leaves. A la Sainte-Luce, les jours allongent d'un saut de puce. Here we have a brief description of each. Fleurs rose . Their leaves come in every color, pattern and shade, and every size and shape. Begonia rex-cultorum, often called rex begonia, has bold, multicolored leaves. See all of our most popular Begonia Rex varieties, including Escargot This beautiful plant was introduced to cultivation in 1952 and has puckered leaves with a dark cross in the middle. Répartir sur chaque feuilles... Dans un récipient écraser la feta avec les olives aux anchois coupées en morceaux. Mealy bugs can also be an issue. Boliviensis Begonia. J'adore la plupart des plantes et des bégonias, j'en possède une dizaine différents dont deux bambous d'une trentaine d’années; J'en ai distribué des dizaines de boutures !! Floraison toute l'année. Rex-cultorum Begonia Leaves Image by Quinn Dombrowsk These are also foliage begonias that are very nearly a hot house variety. Be especially careful of directly spraying the leaves, as standing water will encourage powdery mildew, which is a disaster on a plant that is cultivated for its beautiful foliage. Most Rex begonias bear leaves boldly variegated with shades of silver, pink, purple, red, or bronze. Le Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' : un remplaçant au buis ? These begonias owe their name to their stems which grow tall and woody; the … × hiemalis (syn. The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. All rex begonias include the wild species B. rex in their parentage. If you are interested feel free to send me an e-mail. Red aglaonema's colorful leaves are a fun complement to Rex begonia. The rex begonia is a native of Southeast Asia. Donaldia Klotzsch Doratom… Remember, some types grow almost 24 inches wide. Rex Begonias | Logee's features 25+ types of Rex Begonias for sale online. Nerve Plant. The ‘Fire Works’ cultivar of rex begonias has multicolored leaves. These plants are grown almost exclusively for their foliage—their blooms tend to be small and less showy, so many growers pinch off blooms to maintain breathtaking leaf displays. … En ce qui concerne le terreau, il doit être humifère et bien drainant. Cane-like Begonias; Rex cultorum Begonias; Rhizomatous Begonias; Semperflorens Begonias; Shrub-like Begonias; Thick-stemmed Begonias; Trailing-Scandent Begonias; Tuberous / Semi-Tuberous Begonias; Blooming Plants; Clothing; Coleus (Plectranthus) Currently Available; Currently Unavailable; Easy To Grow; Episcias; Flowering Plants; Foliage Plants; For the Beginner; Gesneriads Some of the popular names you'll find on the plant labels are "Wax Begonia", "Angel Wing Begonia" and "Rex Begonia". There are the foliage types… Trailing Scandents: Begonia mazae nigricans. 28.01.2015 - Автор пина:sophie c. Находите и прикалывайте свои пины в Pinterest! Types of Begonias. It can be challenging to find just the right conditions for rex begonia to display its best leaf color. En revanche, il s'avère beaucoup plus compliqué de diffé Among the various types of begonias, Begonia rex is one of the most beautiful and stunning plants. Rex Begonias: These, although rhizomatous in habit are classified separately. How to Identify a Begonia. Rex begonias (Begonia rex hybrids) are a type of rhizomatous begonia with elaborate, brightly colored leaves. As a result, you might find that the same crosses have different names in different garden centers. Perhaps you’d like a foliage plant? As with all begonias, don't soak the soil of newly potted plants, but do keep it lightly moist and warm. The American Begonia Society groups begonias according to their growth habit; growth habit often determines care requirements. Rex: Rex begonias are entirely their own class of begonia… There are the foliage types, which are grown primarily for their aesthetically pleasing and unusual leaf shapes, colorings and markings. Other types of begonias include the shrub begonias, cane begonias and the rhizomatous begonias from which the Rex cultorum deviates. Le bégonia de Bolivie, Begonia boliviensis est une excellente plante de jardinière. Keep the plant moist, but avoid overwatering. They originated in the main from Central and Southern America, China, India, Indonesia and South East Asia – none have been found in Europe or Australasia. Rex begonias will deliver. Origine Asie. En effet, il n'apprécie guère être trop arrosé. Rex Begonia … L'hiver, réduisez ces apports ; le rhizome stocke de l'eau et, en arrosant trop souvent, vous pourriez le faire pourrir. Rex begonias are rhizomatous plants that grow from a shallow and knobby rhizome. The two remaining classes—Rex Cultorum and Tuberous—are probably the most popular and available of all, sold year-round by florists and garden centers. Rex Begonia’s are also called looking glass plants. Le plus important, dans la culture du bégonia rex, est de savoir bien gérer les arrosages. The small pale pink flowers are an added bonus. Distribution : Chine, Inde, cultivé ailleurs [2]. Répartition géographique. Begonia - U309. Rex Begonia Seeds. They frequently have large leaves (up to 6 inches long) that are brightly colored in various shades of green, red, silver, and even purple. La plupart des bégonias rex poussent à partir d’une tige épaissie appelée rhizome. Le bégonia rex est une plante gélive, qui se plait en intérieur. Illumination Apricot begonia. Il arbore de magnifiques... Bégonia vivace de Madame Evans, Bégonia rustique, Begonia grandis ssp. Conseil : laissez sécher le terreau, en surface, entre deux arrosages (1 fois par semaine). Utilisation en intérieur, recommandé en situation ombragée. An obliquely shaped leaf that looks like a wing indicates an angel wing or dragon wing begonia. Some types of rex begonias go into dormancy during the winter. Therefore, don’t overcrowd plants, as it opens the begonia … Begonia - U309. Rotate the plant frequently to expose it to equal light on all sides. Dip the cut end in a rooting hormone. Le bégonia rex est une plante rhizomateuse de 45 cm de haut et de 50 cm d'envergure. They are not the colorful type like the Rex Begonias & can appear to be boring however they make up in their size formation and unique foliage structure. persistant, tombe si la température descend sous les 15°C, semis, bouturage de feuille, division du rhizome, la fonte des semis, l'oïdium, le botrytis, les limaces. A wide range of leaf colors and patterns are available, with silvery to purple, reddish or green hues. It is the most striking of all foliage begonias. Begonia rex est un bégonia rhizomateux.Il présente des grandes feuilles ovales ornées de bandes vertes et argentées. There are hundreds of begonia species and varieties. Almost all begonia species will readily sprout from leaf-tip cuttings. The snail curl pattern is accentuated by the spiralling green, silver and chocolate colors, creating a most arresting display. Trailing-Scandent . Here are some of the most popular begonia types: Cane-type begonia, Begonia ‘Lucerna’ Cane-Type Begonias. This variety produces bright orange-red fl owers with contrasting green foliage having pink... 2. Rex begonias: A subgroup of rhizomatous, Rex begonias (Begonia rex), are widely available, sold by florists and garden centers year-round, and generally reach 12 to 18 inches tall and … (Begonia tuberhybrida pendula) These stunning blooms do best in cool …

types of begonia rex

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