Sailors himself cannot save from drowning in to the water as same to the villagers of Madurai. Bu bağlamda su, tarihin Last section ‘what the thunder said’“Here is no water, but only rock”, the reference is to the journey of sir Percival or Parsifal, the quester, to the kingdom of the fisher king in search of the holy grail. Rain which comes from cloud and it is supplied to the soil so that it regernate. He and she will become nothing. The knight and his followers reach the mountain on the top of which is the chapel perilous in which is kept the lost grail. Their separation cannot separate them it is undeniable separation. Both the poets at some extent have similar thought in order to show the destructive power of water. A young boy slips his oars in the lake. There stands the church of St. Magus Martyr, the interior decoration of which is highly praised by Eliot. The poet tries to fish in the canal behind the gas house, where a rat creep near him. He has written a poem A River in which he has discussed about the flood which destroys everything. Since he is the spokesman of humanity, one who has suffered all, one whose memories go to the remote past, the scene also reminds him of the brother of the fisher king, fishing for the regeneration of his brother and of Ferdinand, mourning the death of his father, the king. However, this haunt of the poor is also not pure from sexual perversion and sin as is brought out by the songs of the three Thames daughters, i.e., these poor girls living on the banks of the river. She is an example of a rootless modern person. The modern humanity, like German princess, lives entirely on the physical plane, and is entirely forgetful of religious and moral values. was able to meet my academic writing needs. The poet watches the yellow brown soft bellied snake at his water trough. Festival of Sacrifice: The Past and Present of the Islamic Holiday of Eid al-Adha. Waiting for some excitement, for something to happen, this will enliven for a moment the dull routine of their life. The water seems peaceful and serene, begging to be rowed upon. She sees her image in to the lake through which she discovers herself as well as also aware that she is relative to Adam. Instead of finding a fish, he comes across an ugly rat. Those stones of the bridges, which become wet, begin glisten, while the dry stones retain their original dull colour. Our tears are salt water and an excellent conveyer of spiritual intention. Oceans are often symbolically mysterious places that can symbolize overcoming a great obstacle or being dragged down into deep depths by it. Not to mention, about 70% of a human’s body weight is water. In the poem A valediction: of weeping by John Donne image of water is shown with the use of tear. As the searchers climb the hill and near the chapel, they have hallucinations. He tries to do everything perfectly and always meet customers' requirement. There he hears, coming out of a tavern, the sweet music of a mandolin, and the chanter of fishermen and sailors who are resting in the tavern. When you’re stressed out, just rinse those energies off your hands. Water was one of the western classical elements the other being earth air and fire symbols. The reply of the lover is that he remembers one line which is a quotation from Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The remedy lies in their being guided by moral and spiritual principles. Wordsworth recalls his time when he was a curious boy. It suggests that nothing new will grow out of the symbolic wasteland. It is constantly referred throughout the poem. He recalls that of the Greek dramatist Sophocles also interpreted the sound of sea waves as sad. The poets living in this city write poems about cities and temples. The Thames is deserted. In the book 4 Paradise Lost by Milton Eve tells Adam about her first awakening and how she wondered when she come to know about her who she is and from where she came to life. It is fruit of his pain because which he is enduring in his present time while it is an emblem of his future grief because he will be away. It has been seen that almost all authors use symbol within their works of literature in order to pull the attention of their readers. It has the ability to free characters as well as claim them. He tries to escape the water. He tries to do everything perfectly and always meet customers' requirement. Cloud become a gardener through rain it brings water to thirsty flowers as well as to the birds through the dew on the buds. We find such is the degeneracy in the modern wasteland. One symbol that is commonly used is water. But while rowing poet is full of fear which he experiences in the expedition on the lake. It is very similar to the poetry of The River by A.K Ramanujan. Here rain is very significant while in the Eliot’s Wasteland people are unaware to the fertilizing power of rain. The spring rain brings new life to the landscape but all it manages to do is stirring/ dull roots. As he goes across the bridge, Lipsha stops the car and observes the river below: “I’d heard that this river was the last of an ancient ocean, miles deep, that once had covered the Dakotas and solved all our problems” (Erdrich 333). Everyone in the past or in the present always talks about the preserving of water but in the modern wasteland it is used for making their skin fairer. The meaning of water symbol in literature can be taken in many ways. The repeated cry of “water, water” brings out vivdly the intensity of the suffering they have to undergo. Symbols need a careful analysis while in some circumstance it is quite clear. April is the cruellest month for the denizens of the modern wasteland, for it signifies rebirth and they prefer winter or spiritual death, for rebirth implies some efforts on their part and any spiritual effort is hateful to them. The poet turns his back on the dead land and sits fishing on the shore of the river, i.e. Thank you! Shelly’s poem Cloud has treated rain in totally different manner. The symbolism of water is as vast as all the water in the world. Oceans, on the other hand, because of their scope in relation to the earth, often represent obstacles or abysses from which things emerge or that characters must journey across to reach a destination.