In addition to their exam software and logistics, they also work hard to maintain the integrity of the testing system. Passing it grants you license privileges for all VHF/UHF Amateur bands, along with most shortwave privileges (also known as HF privileges). Free Extra course for active volunteer examiners. The Technician Class test is a written exam, consisting of 35 multiple-choice questions. This page contains all the formulas needed for the General class ham radio license exam. The best study method, study materials, customer support, and guarantee in the industry! The General exam consists of 35 multiple-choice questions on all aspects of amateur radio. A TestOnline™ website. There are three classes of HAM radio licenses available to civilians: Technician, General, and Extra. You might want to print out these formulas and review them just before entering the exam room, but leave this sheet in the car! Ham Radio Technician Class Study Guide The Technician license exam will have 35 questions, you can miss 9. Technician Class is the “beginner’s” license. $$ SW\!R = \frac{highest\text{-}impedance}{lowest\text{-}impedance} $$, $$ Length~ \text{(in feet)} = \frac{468}{Frequency~ \text{(in MHz)}} $$, $$ Length~ \text{(in feet)} = \frac{234}{Frequency~ \text{(in MHz)}} $$, $$ \frac{1}{R_t} = \frac{1}{R_1} + \frac{1}{R_2} + \frac{1}{R_3} $$, $$ \frac {1}{C_t} = \frac {1}{C_1} + \frac {1}{C_2} $$, $$ E_s = E_p \times \left(\frac {N_s}{N_p} \right) $$, $$ \frac {N_P}{N_S} = \sqrt{\frac {Z_P}{Z_S}} $$, $$ loss\text{-}\!factor = 10 ^ \left( \large \frac{-loss \text{-} in \text{-} db}{10} \right) $$, $$ percent \text{-}loss = ( 1 - loss\text{-}\!factor ) \times 100\% $$, $$ bandwidth = 2 \times \left(D_{MAX} + M_{MAX}\right) $$, $$ multiplier = \frac {transmitted \text{-}frequency}{lower \text{-}frequency} $$, $$ lower \text{-}frequency \text{-}maximum \text{-}deviation = \frac {transmitted \text{-}frequency \text{-}maximum \text{-}deviation}{multiplier} $$. This page contains all the formulas needed for the General class ham radio license exam. All rights reserved. It gives the holder the privilege of broadcasting on all VHF/UHF amateur bands, and a few privileges for broadcasting over HF bands (shortwave radio). You might want to print out these formulas and review them just before entering the exam room, but leave this sheet in the car! Copyright © 1998-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()), HamTestOnline™. Formulas on the General Exam. The Anchorage Alaska Amateur Radio Club is the VEC that has offered the ham radio test completely online for the longest amount of time. Ham radio license test question breakdown for all three levels The Technician class exam, known as Element 2, that is being used by examiners until 2022 draws from a pool of 428 total questions in a variety of topics. Technician is going to be where you want to start, with the other licenses being good ideas a little down the road after a little bit more practice.. As of this writing, it’s a written exam only, not available in computer format. Those taking the Technician test will find a total of 35 questions on their exam. Do not bring it into the exam room with you!
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