It is at least 3,000 years old. Writers and readers of Aramaic, a group trained for political, commercial […] It has several names such as Old Hebrew, Paleo-Hebrew, and it represents the oldest form of the language. Standard Biblical Hebrew: This period represents the bulk of the Old Testament as it contains sections from the books of … Along with Tamil, Chinese is one of the oldest surviving languages in the world. ... Arabic is the sacred-language of Islam and the national language of … Aramaic is the oldest continuously spoken and written language in the Middle East, even older than written Hebrew and Arabic. It is among the oldest written languages in the world. The Hebrew and and the Arabic scripts are related. The origin of the Hebrew language to a large extent is a mixture between Arabic and Canaanite Languages. Hebrew is the only living-Canaanite language that is still being used by more than 9million people worldwide. PROVE THAT THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL LIVED BEFORE ISAAC, THEN THE HEBREW LANGUAGE WOULD BE REGARDED OLDER THAN ARABIC. The written origins of the language have been traced back to 1250 BC in the late Shang dynasty. II. “ interesting fact search for what the word Aramaic means (you’ll not find a meaning for it but only in Arabic, and it means people of highlands or high coming from the word عارم which is an Arabic word). So the original language that is now Arabic (possibly Aramaic) may be older. Oldest Languages Still In Use Today Hebrew. Hebrew is a Northwest-Semitic language that is native to Israel. They both evolved from the Aramaic alphabet, an alphabet which existed some 2800 years ago. Arabic is an evolved form of another language. Hebrew: While many believe that Hebrew has been used for the last 5000 years, its earliest written examples date only to 1000BC. So the Hebrew Language has been influenced heavily by Arabic Language in the expressions and arithmetic. It lasted until the 6th century BC. The Hebrew language has evolved very little since its original state. While Hebrew is considered a Poor and third grade language because it was derived from Canaanite, Aramaic ( second Grade languages). The Hebrew And Arabic Alphabets (Abjads) And How They’re Pronounced. It's like old English v.s modern English. Approximately three thousand years ago, Aramaic speakers were mainly located in the Near East. Modern Hebrew is almost identical to Biblical Hebrew. Today, Hebrew and Arabic writing look quite different, though.

which language is older, hebrew or arabic

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